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christian kunz

Christian Kunz

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Education & Social Work

McKay Building Room 140B


Juris Doctor (JD), University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa Honolulu, Hawaiʻi
Took part in the four-year Evening/Part-time Juris Doctor Program while teaching full-time.
Completed a Certificate in Native Hawaiian Law.
Graduated with a 3.75 Grade Point Average.
Finished ranked #12 out of 116 students.

Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW), University of Georgia Athens, Georgia
Took part in the Advanced Standing one year MSW Program at the University of Georgia.
Graduated with a Concentration in Family Centered Clinical Practice.
Graduated with a 3.78 Grade Point Average.

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work (BSW), Brigham Young University-Idaho Rexburg, Idaho
Graduated with the first graduating class of the BSW Program at BYU-Idaho.
Graduated with a 3.955 Grade Point Average during my time at BYU-Idaho.
Finalist for BYU-Idaho Man of the Year in 2005, being nominated by the Social Work Department.

Associate Degree in Religious & Family Living and Psychology, Ricks College Rexburg, Idaho
Graduated with a 3.439 GPA.


Brigham Young University–Hawaii (July 2012 – Present)
Assistant Professor
Currently teach as a full-time assistant professor in the Social Work Department at Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Teach Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Social Welfare Policy, and Child Welfare on a recurring basis.
Have taught Aging, Populations at Risk, Social Welfare and the Law, Macro Practice, and International Social Work in the past.
Received a BYU–Hawaii Exemplary Faculty Award in 2017.

Director of Field Education
Served as the Director of Field Education from 2015 to 2018.
Placing, teaching and monitoring 111 social work interns around the world.

Director of Accreditation
Served as the primary author for the Brigham Young University–Hawaii Social Work Program’s reaccreditation self-studies on two separate occasions (2016 & 2024). Responsible for data collection on an ongoing basis.


Independent Contractor (July 2024 – Current)
Guardian ad Litem
Currently serving as an attorney for children placed in the Hawaii foster care system.
Given guardian ad litem cases that represent a conflict of interest for the Hawaii Legal Aid Society.
Responsible for conducting home visits with foster children, foster parents, and legal parents and making assessments regarding what is in the children’s best interests.
Complete regular reports and appear in court hearings.

Access Point Family Services (February 2011 – June 2012)
Diagnostic Assessment Specialist
Completed Comprehensive Diagnostic Assessments for the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program by interviewing children and families, diagnosing children with mental illnesses according to the DSM-IV and making treatment recommendations.
Completed Social Medical Evaluations for the Intensive Behavioral Intervention Program by reviewing medical and educational records, contacting family members and making treatment recommendations.
These assessments and evaluations allow children to qualify for services according to Medicaid provisions.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Provider
Provide psychosocial rehabilitation services to children with behavioral and emotional problems in both private and school settings.
Conduct interventions to help the children eliminate problem behaviors and replace them with more socially acceptable alternatives.
Collect data from interventions and monitor progress.

Georgia Department of Family and Children Services (August 2005 – September 2010)
Child Protective Services Supervisor
Supervised all programs of Child Protective Services (Intake, Investigations, Family Preservation, Foster Care & Adoptions) in Burke County, Georgia.
Was responsible for all critical CPS decisions in the county, consulting with the County or Regional Director if necessary.
Trained, coached and motivated front line staff on a day to day basis.
Invited by the State Director to be a speaker at the statewide “G Meeting,” with over 300 people in attendance, in August of 2010.
Held a critical role in all court action initiated by the county department and was qualified by the State of Georgia as an expert witness.
Worked with families from numerous racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds, as well as with parents and children who suffered from a wide range of mental health issues.

Child Abuse Investigator
Completed over 200 Child Abuse Investigations in Newton County, Georgia.
Made official determinations of whether or not children had suffered abuse or neglect.
Trained as a forensic sexual abuse interviewer.
Investigated several high profile child abuse cases.
Served as a Field Program Advisor, training new investigators as they were hired by the department.

MSW Intern
Participated in a paid MSW internship in Greene County, Georgia.
Held a caseload in the Family Preservation program, working to allow abused and neglected children to remain in the home and not enter foster care.

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare  (August 2004 – April 2005)
BSW Intern
Participated in a BSW internship with the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team working with adults with severe and persistent mental illness, in an effort to allow them to live independently in the community.

Conference Attendance

2012 CSWE Annual Program Meeting, Washington, D.C.
2013 CSWE Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, Texas
2014 Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Melbourne, Australia
2015 BPD Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
2016 Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Seoul, Korea
2017 BPD Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
2018 CSWE Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, Florida
2022 CSWE Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim California
2023 BPD Annual Conference, Birmingham, Alabama
2024 Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Panama City, Panama

Conference Presentations

“Strategies to Improve Effectiveness in Teaching International Students”. 2016 Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Seoul, Korea, June 2016

“Kapu Aloha and the Struggle for Maunakea”. 2024 Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Panama City, Panama, April 2024

“My Turn: Maunakea Visit Changed Me Foreer”. West Hawaiʻi Today, August 15, 2019


Currently Serving on the BYU–Hawaii Benefits Committee (2023-Current)
Served on two Hiring Committees for BYU–Hawaii Professors (2016 & 2024)
Served as the BYU–Hawaii President’s Designee on an Examination Review Panel (2023)
Served on the NASW-Hawaii Board of Director on the Awards and Nominations Committee (2015-2019)
Served on the BYU–Hawaii Assessment Committee (2014-2017)


Finding Words (Forensic Sexual Abuse Interviewing)
Recognizing Physical Abuse and Neglect
Georgia Bureau of Investigations Photo Evidence
Domestic Violence Awareness
Child Welfare Management
Child Welfare Documentation
Child Welfare Basic and Advanced Legal Issues
Impact of Substance Abuse on Children


Currently Licensed as an Attorney in the State of Hawaii (License #11662)
Formerly Licensed Master Social Worker in the State of Idaho (License #31085)
Formerly Approved Medicaid Provider in the State of Idaho (Provider #A0000942)
Former Member of the Burke County Georgia Child Fatality Review Team
Former Member of the Burke County Georgia Child Abduction Response Team


Guest Lecturer at Brigham Young University-Idaho in six different classes in 2011
Presenter at the Idaho Falls Young Single Adults Regional Conference in January of 2011 (four 50 minute presentations)
Speaker at the Georgia statewide “G Meeting” in August of 2010 with over 300 in attendance
Served as a Field Instructor for two B.S.W. students at Augusta State University while a C.P.S. Supervisor
Served as a Field Program Adviser while working as a Child Abuse Investigator, training new employees
Trained five new missionaries while serving in the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Mission


Worked for Eclipse Marketing selling home security systems door to door in Atlanta, Georgia
Worked for Eclipse Marketing as the Head Recruiter at Ricks College
Worked for Eclipse Marketing as Area Manager over the Cincinnati, Ohio and Central California offices
Worked for Great American Video in Rexburg, Idaho as Store Manager while attending BYU-Idaho

CV Last Revised 6/6/24

Social Work Program