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Amanda Wallace

Associate Professor
Faculty of Education & Social Work

Amanda Wallace was raised in Alaska, resided in Northland, New Zealand for 11 years, and has lived in Hawaii for 20 years.

She has a B.A. in TESOL from Brigham Young University–Hawaii, an MA in TESL from Hawaii Pacific University, and additional university credits in theater, languages, education, and music from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She was a lecturer in theater at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and taught languages, performing arts and drama, English, and music in New Zealand public schools and community education programs.

Amanda served previously as the Book Review Editor for the TESL Reporter. She also worked for several years as an international editor for the Church’s Ensign magazine and has contributed articles to the Church News.

Currently, she is an associate professor in the ELT Department at BYUH and also coordinates and supervises the EIL tutors and teaching assistants and the tutors’ internationally-recognized certification program.


Ed.D. TESOL Candidate, ABD Fall 2021, completion date 2024
Dissertation: “The Effects of an EIL Peer Mentoring Program on EIL Undergraduates’ Willingness to Communicate in the EIL Classroom”
Anaheim University Graduate School of Education

 Master of Arts, Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
August 2004 (With Honors--Valedictorian)
Project: “Matching Learning Center Resources to EIL Course Objectives”
Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, Hawaii

 Bachelor of Arts, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
December 1988 (Magna cum laude) 
Brigham Young University--Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii
Additional Coursework in Theater, Languages, Education, Music
1971-73, 1981-83, 1986-88
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska


Associate Professor, EIL/TESOL Program
English as an International Language (EIL) and TESOL
Administrative positions: Coordinator/Co-coordinator for the EIL Tutor Teaching Assistant Program, 2004-2010; November 2014 –-2022; Coordinator for the EIL Peer Mentor Program, January 2022—currently; Coordinator for the Teaching Assistant Program, 2004-2010; 2014—currently
Brigham Young University-Hawaii

 Associate Professor, EIL/TESOL Program
English as an International Language (EIL) and TESOL
Administrative position: BYUH Campus Tutoring Coordinator, 2015
Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii

Assistant Professor, EIL/TESOL Program
English as an International Language (EIL) and TESOL
Administrative position: Coordinator for the English as an International Language (EIL) Program, 2012-2014
Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii

 Lecturer, Department of English Language Teaching and Learning
English as an International Language (EIL) Program
Administrative position:  Listening/Speaking Curriculum Specialist, 2004-2010
Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii

Special Instructor of English as an International Language (EIL),
Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii, 2001- 2004.

 Secondary Teacher of English, Music, Languages (French and Te Reo Māori), Drama Administrative positions: Arts Faculty Coordinator, Acting Head of Drama;
Drama Assessment Committee Developer and Writer for the New Zealand Curriculum Framework/Ministry of Education; and Whanau Coordinator (Student and Staff Activities Organization/House Coordinator), 1997-2000
Kamo High School, Northland, New Zealand

 Intermediate and Secondary Teacher
Administrative positions: Teacher in Charge of Languages (Japanese, French, Spanish), Teacher of Word Processing and Drama, Secondary Student Career Advisor, 1994-1996
Mangakahia Area School, Northland, New Zealand

 Community Education Tutor of French Language
Community Education Whangarei (CEW), 1999, 2000
Adult Evening Classes, Kamo High School, Northland, New Zealand
English as a Second Language (ESL) Tutor
Whangarei, New Zealand, 1995.

 English as a Second Language (ESL) Tutor/Instructor
Adult Learning Center, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1988.

 English as a Second Language (ESL) Tutor
Laie, Hawaii, 1980-81.

 Certificated Health Educator/Trainer, Women’s Health, Community Health Services
Northland Health Limited, Northland, New Zealand, 1992-1997.

 Teacher Aide for Reading Support, Special Needs and Enrichment, School/Community Librarian
Te Horo Primary School, 1990-1992
Pipiwai, Northland, New Zealand

 Drama Lecturer
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Summer Fine Arts Camp
Professional Positions:  Teacher, Assistant Stage Manager, Dialect Coach, Stage Makeup Artist, 1988
Fairbanks, Alaska


Professional Consulting
Co-consultant with Maryann Mapu for English language tutoring, Brigham Young University – Idaho, by invitation, 2022
Co-consultant with Leola Solis for CES training in Tonga, November 2018

 Professional Service at Brigham Young University-Hawaii
BYUH Faculty Ombudsperson, 2022-currently
Faculty Hiring/Faculty Search Committee, Religious Education Program, November, 2023- January 2024
 Oral Competency Reviewer, 2023, for BYUH accreditation process
BYUH Business Competition Committee Member, May-June, 2023
Internship Provider for TESOL students, EIL/TESOL Program, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023
Faculty Hiring/Faculty Search Committee, EIL/TESOL Program, 2006, 2013, 2018-2019, 2020-2021
Continuing Faculty Status Review Committee, EIL/TESOL Program, 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022.
Faculty Promotion Review Committee, ESW Faculty, 2020, 2021
Faculty Promotion Review Committee, Religious Studies Department, 2017.
ICS Department Program Review Committee, 2016.
Campus Tutoring Coordinator, 2015
GE Assessment Sub-Committee, 2015
BYU-H Oral Communication Competency Group, 2015-present if, as needed
LCOM102 Committee (new GE course), 2014-2015
EIL Placement Exceptions Committee, 2013—2014
Structured Improvement Process Review Committee, 2013
EIL Program Coordinator, Fall 2012-2014
GE Committee, 2012—2015
Faculty Promotion Review Committee, Fall 2012
Music Department Program Review Committee, 2011
Annual Hawaii TESOL Conference Poster Proposal Co-Reviewer with
Sally La Luzerne-Oi, 2005
EIL Tutoring and Teaching Assistant Program Coordinator, 2004-2007, 2010-Fall 2012, Fall 2014-2019
EIL Curriculum Coordinator, Listening/Speaking, Advanced 1, Academic English 1, 2004-2012, Fall 2014
Language Center Committee Member, 2004, present as/if needed
Associate Teacher for students in TESOL 480 Practicum Preparation and TESOL 481 Practicum as needed, 2004-present

Professional Service, Other Organizations
College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) Peer Assistance Programs Special Interest Group (SIG) Steering Committee Member, 2019-currently

College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) Conference Presentation Proposal Reviewer, 2021

Laie Elementary School Community Council, Secretary, 2014-2022; current member of the Council

 Professional Presentations
Presenter, “Breaking barriers in communication through language peer assistance,” Digital Poster Session (accepted), College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Conference, November 13-16, 2024, Minneapolis, MN.

Presenter, 10-minute update on the professorship award project, FAC Forum, February 29, 2024, BYU-Hawaii campus

Co-facilitator with other Peer Assistance Programs Steering Committee Special Interest Group (SIG) members, SIG membership meeting, Tuesday, March 26, 2024, online

Co-presenter with students Mika Konno and Qing Li: “Roots and Horizons—Bridging Tradition with Connections to Tomorrow’s Learning through Language Peer Assistance,” Hawaii TESOL Conference, February 17, 2024, BYU-Hawaii

 Co-presenter with Maryann Mapu, Leola Solis, and students Ling (Elaine) Wong, Hiu Ching (Kelly) Wan, Mika Konno: “Combining Language Learning and Leadership: Implementing Sustainable Peer Assistance Programs,” TESOL 2023 Convention, Mar. 22, 2023, Portland, OR.

 Co-presenter/panelist with Leola Solis and Maryann Mapu: “Peer Assistance Programs, An EIL Model Panel Presentation and Collaborative Discussion,” FAC Forum panel presentation, Feb. 9, 2023, BYUH Aloha Center Ballroom and livestream

 Facilitator, “Partnerships & Personnel (Campus, Stakeholders),” online meeting, College Reading and Learning Association, Peer Assistance Programs Steering Committee, SIG membership meeting group breakout session, Feb. 7, 2023

 Presenter, “The effects of a newly implemented English as an International Language (EIL) Peer Mentoring Program on EIL students’ language development and retention,” FAC Forum presentation, 10-minute update on Professorship Award project, Jan. 12, 2023, BYUH Auditorium

Co-presenter with Leola Solis and Maryann Mapu and student presenters Anne McCarrey Tobon and Enoch Shek: “Talk-in-Interaction: Pedagogical Implications and Interventions Within Second Language Peer Tutoring,” 54th Annual College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2021

 Co-presenter with Naoya Shibata, Catherine Moore, Azusa Yamamoto, Britt Marlowe, accepted for presentation: “Multilingualism and personality: Investigating the effects of monolingualism and multilingualism on five personality traits,” 17th National CLESOL Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, Oct. 2021 (Accepted to present, withdrew because of COVID restrictions on travel)

 Co-facilitator and co-presenter for College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) Peer Assistance Special Interest Group (SIG) “Snack & Chat” webinar events, 2020-2022

Co-presenter with Leola Solis and student presenter Clarissa JohnsonTekeiaki, Roundtable Session: “Talk-in-Interaction: Efficacy of Tutoring Strategies in Peer Tutoring,” 52nd Annual CRLA Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2019.

 Presenter, “A Tip from Alice Pack: The First Five Minutes of Class Time,” Fourth Biennial TESOL Mini-Conference, BYU-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii, 2017.

 Presenter, “Turning on City Lights (a memoir) by Norma Swain Bowkett,” Association for Mormon Letters Conference, Laie, Hawaii, 2016.

 Presenter, Devotional Address: “Safe in the Fold of the Good Shepherd,” BYU-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii, 2015.

 Presenter, “Supporting Deep Learning for International Students II: Providing Opportunities for Output,” BYU-H Second Annual Symposium on Learning and Teaching, Laie, Hawaii, 2015.

 Presenter, paper presentation for tertiary education session on Speaking/Blended Learning, “Creating a Dynamic English Language Listening/Speaking Peer Tutor Program,” CLESOL Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2014.

 Co-presenter with Aubrey Bronson, Ellen Bunker, and Mark Wolfersberger for the Pre-Conference Institute session, “Using Technology to Achieve Excellence in Vocabulary Learning,” TESOL Convention, Dallas, TX, USA, 2013.

 Lead presenter with co-presenters Brent Laing and students Roberto S. Leon, Molly Harris, and Kate Pearson for the practice-oriented session, “Creating a Harmonious and Dynamic Listening and Speaking Tutor Program,” TESOL Convention, Dallas, TX, USA, 2013.

 Co-presenter with Aubrey Bronson and Ellen Bunker for CALL-IS Electronic Village Fair Presentation, “Using Technology to Achieve Excellence in Vocabulary Learning,” TESOL Convention, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2012.

Co-presenter with Aubrey Olsen Bronson and Ellen Bunker for EV Fair Presentation, “Energizing Vocabulary Learning Through Technology,” TESOL Convention, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2011.

 Presenter for session, “A Recipe for Creating a Listening/Speaking Lesson,” Brigham Young University Hawaii TESOL Mini-Conference, Laie, HI, USA, 2011.

 Presenter for session, “Some Fun and Fast Listening/Speaking Activities for Building Fluency,” Brigham Young University Hawaii TESOL Mini-Conference, Laie, HI, USA, 2009.

 Co-presenter with Patti Hartford for Strand Presentation, “Developing communication skills through student-produced videos,” TESOL Convention, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2003.


Wallace, A. (2021, March). Program spotlight: The EIL Tutor Program, Brigham Young University-Hawaii. The Peer-iodical, Official Newsletter of the CRLA Peer Assistance Programs SIG.
 Wallace, A. (2009). Pass the clothespin: Cleaning up in the ESL classroom.
In M. Andrade (Ed.), Language Games: Innovative Activities for Teaching English (pp. 171-174) Alexandria, VA: TESOL.

 Book Review Editor (under the names of Amanda Peeni and Amanda Wallace), TESL Reporter, Laie, Hawaii, USA, 2005-2012.

 New Zealand Editor, Ensign International Magazine
Publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
New Zealand, 1994-1997.


Co-developer of EIL Peer Mentoring Program with Maryann Mapu, 2020-2022

Assistant Developer for revamp of online EIL 226 Course, 2015-2016

 Class Development with other faculty for LCOM 102, Local Communities, new GE course; assisted with development of course syllabus introduction materials, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii, 2014.

 Wallace, A. Concept designer and overseer for EIL Tutor Training Videos: “Good Tutor,” “Bad Tutor,” “Good Feedback,” “Bad Feedback,” “Segmentals,” Vocabulary,” “Word Stress,” and “Intonation.” The videos were written and acted by EIL Program Tutors and supervised by EIL Tutor Manager, student Brent Laing. Filmed by the Brigham Young University-Hawaii Media Production Center, Laie, Hawaii, 2012.

 Online Class Development with other faculty: EIL 217 (2011) and EIL 225 (2008), English as an International Language (EIL) Program, and TESOL, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.


Professional Affiliations
Member, College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA), 2015-present

Member, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL), USA, 2002-present.

Member, Hawaii Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (HITESOL), Hawaii, USA, 2001-present.

 School-affiliated member of New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT), New Zealand, 1998-2000.

Member of and regional officer for New Zealand Association for Drama in Education (NZADIE), New Zealand, 1997-2000.

 Branch representative for Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA), New Zealand, 1997-2000.

Member, The Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT), New Zealand, 1994-1996, United States, 2011-2012.


Professorship Award, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2022-2024
Exemplary Service Award, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2014
Continuing Faculty Status (CFS), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2011
 Faculty Recognition Stipend, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2011, 2014
 Hawaii TESOL Travel Grant Award to TESOL Convention, 2003.
 ASB Bank One-Act Play Competitions, Second Place Award, Whangarei, New Zealand, 1992.
 Honors:  University of Alaska Fairbanks: Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship, 1986-87, Harriet T. Hess Scholarship, 1987, Nick Begich Scholarship, 1987, Dean’s and Chancellor’s Lists for Academic Achievement.
 Honors: Brigham Young University–Hawaii: Talent Award for Journalism, 1980.
 Honors: Alpha Chi, 1980.
 Alaska State Council of the Arts Literary Awards for Poetry, 1980.
 New Era Writing Contest, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
Full Scholarship, Church College of Hawaii (Brigham Young University–Hawaii), 1973.

 CV Last Revised, June 12 2024