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Ann Springer

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business & Government

Heber J. Grant Building 241


Master of Business Administration
Marylhurst University, Marylhurst, OR
Emphasis in Health Care Management & Leadership

Bachelor of Science, Community Health Education
Utah State University, Logan, UT
Women’s Studies Minor

Associates of Arts, Communication
Ricks College, Rexburg, ID



Assistant Professor of Business Management, 2019 to Present; Laie, Hawaii

Courses taught:

BUSM 180 Introduction to Business
BUSM 304 Principles of Marketing
BUSM 320 Business Communication
BUSM 334 Sales & Customer Relationship Management
BUSM 411 Digital Marketing Agency (developed new course)
BUSM 460 Marketing Projects (developed new course)
BUSM 421 Integrated Marketing Communications
BUSM 422 Marketing Research
BUSM 429 Strategic Marketing Management

Faculty Collaborator, USC’s Marshall School of Business (2018-2022)
One of 20 professors collaborating in a Virtual Business Professional project with students at universities from 7 countries that represent more than 50 ethnic backgrounds. Working in groups with students from different universities, students evaluate digital marketing, online reputation management, and brand management for large corporate entities.

Special Instructor (2016-2019)
BUSM 180 Introduction to Business - 2 sections (Fall 2017 & Winter 2018)
BUSM 334 Sales & Customer Relationship Management - 2 sections (Winter 2018/Spr 2019)
BUSM 320 Business Communication - 10 sections (Fall 2017 - Spring 2019)

Guest Lecturer (2016-2019)
ENTR 285 Introduction to Digital Marketing
ENTR 380 Social Entrepreneurship
ENGL 332 Writing for Social Media
HTM 285 Hospitality Management & Leadership
BUSM 327 Human Resource Management
HLTH 369 Community Health

Guest Presentations (2016-2018)
Career Preparation for BYU-Hawaii English Majors (“Life After Shakespeare”)
Employee Training Session, Reading/Writer Center, BYU-Hawaii

Center for Learning & Teaching

AI Workshop Facilitator (Winter 2024)
Led faculty workshops to help faculty members develop AI policies and assignments

Colloquium Participant (Winter 2020)
CLT Workshop Facilitator (2020)
“Strategies for Overcoming Discussion Board Hurdles” to 10 other professors, viewed by others through shared Zoom link, to help support faculty who sought ways to create engaging discussion board activities during remote teaching

Colloquium Participant (Spring 2018)
Selected from 100+ special instructors at BYU-Hawaii to participate in a group of 10 to receive specialized university teaching training.

Colloquium Fellow (Fall 2018)
After completing the Colloquium in the Spring of 2018, I was chosen to join an elite group of 5 special instructors to serve as fellows to teach workshops to university faculty and to mentor and provide feedback to other special instructors.


Guest Lecturer (2014-2016)
MKT 310 Principles of Marketing
COMM 441 Health Communication
SOC 201 Social Problems

Collaborating Partner in Experiential Learning Program (2014-2016)
Center for Community Engagement, and College & Career Center
Hosted experiential learning collaborations from the classroom in the community


Springer, A. (2024). Elon Musk: An Activity for Gen Z. In “Selections from the ABC 2023 Annual Conference, Denver, Co: Mining Nuggets of Business Communication Pedagogy Gold.” Business & Professional Communication Quarterly, 0(0). pDs:O//dIo: i1.o0r.g1/107.711/2737/293429409602642142123399873

Springer, S., & Springer, A. (2024). Crafting a bad news email: An exercise in managerial communication. Management Teaching Review, 9(1), 55-66.

Cardon, P., Aritz, J., Fleishmann, C., Heibing, M., Springer, A., & Springer, S. (2022, Jan. 3). “The influence of psychological safety and personality on technology acceptance of team-based technology in global virtual teams.” Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (pp. 634-643).

Springer, S., Springer, A., & Scanlan, S. (2021). Comparing improvements in cover letter compositions of business communication students. The Western ABC Bulletin, 3(1). Available from

Springer, A. (2021). Personal Website Creation Makes for a Perfect Final Exam. In “Selections from the ABC 2020 Annual Conference Online: Gathering Around the Cool Fire to Share Business Communication Teaching Innovations.” Business & Professional Communication Quarterly, 84(2).

Springer, A., & Hironaka, C. (2020). Alternative Summative Assignment: One-Page Marketing Plan for COVID-19-Afflicted Business Partners.” Proceedings of Innovate Learning Summit 2020. [My coauthor, Chloe Hironaka, was a BYU-Hawaii student].

Springer, S. & Springer, A. (2018). How English learners say blended learning improves their language skills. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 749-752). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).


Springer, A., Springer, S., Richards, J. L., & Cummings, J. (2024, March 8). “Teaching Hacks: Bring the Real World into the Classroom with Public-Facing Projects.” Panel Discussion. Association for Business Communication 2024 Western Region Conference, Tucson, Ariz.

Springer, A. (2024, March 8). “Flying Solo: Creating a Guide for Success.” Association for Business Communication 2024 Western Region Conference, Tucson, Ariz.

Springer, A. & Springer, S. (2024, March 7). “A Three-Part Activity to Teach Business Networking Skills to Generation Z Students.” Association for Business Communication 2024 Western Region Conference, Tucson, Ariz.

Springer, A. (2024, Nov. 10). “My Teaching Moments: Instagram Takeovers.” Society for Marketing Advances 2023 Conference, Dallas, Texas.

Springer, A. (2024, Nov. 11). “Teaching Hacks: Creating Sustainable Change in the Classroom and the Real World with Public-Facing Projects” Society for Marketing Advances 2023 Conference, Dallas, Texas.

Springer, A., Scanlan, T., & Kimble, J. (2023, Feb. 17). Peer mentoring: Implementing business communication course content to improve communication skills and performance outcomes of underperforming business students. Association for Business Communication Western Region Conference, Laie, Hawaii

Springer, A. (2023, Feb. 2). “Influencing change: Women in leadership.” Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society—Oceania Conference, Sydney, Australia

Springer, A., Springer, S. (2023, Feb. 2). “Best practices for starting a student-led management organization on campus.” Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society—Oceania Conference, Sydney, Australia

Springer, A. (2022, Nov. 4). “How to start a student-led digital marketing agency.” Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, Charlotte, N.C.

Springer, A. (2022, Nov. 4). “How to turn your classroom into an advertising museum.” My Teaching Moment. Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, Charlotte, N.C.

Cardon, P., Aritz, J., Fleishmann, C., Heibing, M., Springer, A., & Springer, S. (2022, March 4). “The influence of psychological safety and personality on technology acceptance of team-based technology in global virtual teams.” National Business & Economics Society, Maui.

Cardon, P., Aritz, J., Fleishmann, C., Heibing, M., Springer, A., & Springer, S. (2022, Jan. 3). “The influence of psychological safety and personality on technology acceptance of team-based technology in global virtual teams.” Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences 2022 (attended virtually).

Springer, A. (2021, Nov. 5). “Free digital tools.” Society for Marketing Advances 2021 Annual Conference, Orlando, Fla.

Springer, A. (2021, Oct. 22). “Recognizing personal bias in communication.” My Favorite Assignment Session, Association for Business Communication 2021 Annual Meeting, Tampa, Fla. (attended virtually)

Springer, S. & Springer, A. (2021, June 17). “How should a leadership practicum course be designed?” Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society 2021 Annual Meeting (attended virtually)

Springer, A., & Hironaka, C. (2020, Nov. 3). “Alternative summative assignment: One-page marketing plan for COVID-19-afflicted business partners.” Innovate Learning Summit 2020 (attended virtually) [My co-presenter, Chloe Hironaka, was a BYU-Hawaii student]

Springer, A. (2020, Nov. 5). “Capstone project: Learning the art of the one-page marketing plan.” Society for Marketing Advances 2020 Annual Meeting (attended virtually)

Springer, A . (2020, Oct. 30). “Personal website creation makes for a perfect final exam.” My Favorite Assignment Session, Association for Business Communication 2020 Annual Meeting (attended virtually)

Springer, A., & Springer, S. (2020, July 2). “No news is good news: An activity of using social media in crisis communication,” Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society 2020 Annual Meeting (attended virtually)

Springer, S., Springer, A., & Scanlan, S. (2020, March 3). “Who improves more in cover letter writing after a business communication course: Native English speakers or non-native English speakers?” Association for Business Communication Western U.S. Regional 2020 Conference, Long Beach, Calif.

Aritz, J., Logemann, M., Springer, A., & Springer, S. (2020, March 3). “Teaching teamwork, cross-cultural competence, and digital communication with the Virtual Business Professional Project.” Association for Business Communication Western U.S. Regional 2020 Conference, Long Beach, Calif.

Springer, S., & Springer, A. (2019, June 7). “What is the best way to structure a blended learning course in management?” Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Mahwah, N.J.

Springer, S., & Springer, A. (2019, June 6). “Coaching students to coach.” Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Mahwah, N.J.

Springer, A., & Springer, S. (2019, June 6). “Delivering bad news: An intercultural management communication activity.” Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Mahwah, N.J.

Springer, S., & Springer, A. (2018, Oct. 26). “Teaching with the Virtual Business Project.” Teaching Roundtable, Association for Business Communication 2018 Annual Meeting, Miami, Fla.

Springer, S., & Springer, A. (2018, Oct. 25). “Bias, tone, & prejudicial wording.” Diversity & Inclusion Roundtable, Association for Business Communication 2018 Annual Meeting, Miami, Fla.

Springer, S., & Springer, A. (2018, Oct. 16). “How English learners say blended learning improves their language skills.” E-Learn 2018—World Conference on E-Learning; Las Vegas, Nev.

Springer, A., & Springer. S. (2018, Feb. 17). “Business ethics: Core values as a guide.” Practitioner Professional Development Session, Academy of Human Resource Development 2018 Annual Meeting, Richmond, Va.


Annual Conference Manuscript Reviewer, Society for Marketing Advances, 2023
Annual Conference Session Chair, Society for Marketing Advances, 2022
Annual Conference Manuscript Reviewer, Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, 2019
Publication Reviewer, Marketing Education Review, 2023-present


Association for Business Communication Western Region Co-Vice President, 2023-2026
Artificial Intelligence Policy Committee, 2023-24, developed university AI policy
Association for Business Communication 2023 Western Region Conference, Laie, Hawaii, Co-Event Organizer, to be held in February 2023
BYU Management Society – BYU-Hawaii Student Chapter
Co-Faculty Advisor, 2016 to current
o Chapter received global recognition as a Dean’s Chapter of Excellence Award winner every consecutive year since 2018
o Mentor 400+ students annually to prepare for professional service as ethical global leaders of the worldwide organization, within church service, and in professional lives.
o Oversee student-led leadership in the following committees: Executive Board, Women in Leadership, Global Leadership Connect, My Leadership Story, Marketing, Recruitment & Retention
o The most diverse student organization on campus by majors and countries represented
BYUMS Global Board Member & Co-Director of Pacific Region, 2020-current
o Developing leaders in the Pacific to build sustainable chapters in the Pacific, led by former BYUMS – BYU-Hawaii Chapter Members
“Empower You” 3-Day Women in Leadership Conference, co-host, March 2020
o Oversaw student leaders who hosted guest speakers on campus for an event centered around empowerment attended by over 200 students

Women in Academia,

served as founding member and vice president, & president 2020-2023
o Assisted in the creation of a campus organization for female faculty and special instructors with a three-fold mission of expanding our network, research, and professional development
o Helped develop a fully functioning executive board, sub-committees, communications plan, and budget for 100+ members

STEP Program

(Student Teacher Engagement Plan), 2020-2023
o Developed and implemented a student-led peer mentoring program to assist business management and accounting students who are struggling academically reach graduation goals
o Over 200 students have benefitted from the STEP Program

Polynesian Cultural Center Marketing Projects Program,

o Developed an internship program in partnership with the Polynesian Cultural Center to provide high-level marketing experiences for 20+ students a semester
o Later partnered with PCC leaders to create a leadership training aspect to the internship program to prepare students for management positions

Search Committee Involvement

o Business Communication, 2023-2024
o Hospitality Tourism Management, member, 2019-2020
o Exercise Science, member, 2019-2020
o Marketing, chair, 2019-2020
o Marketing/Econ, member, 2019-2020
o Supply Chain/Operations, member, 2019-2021
o Marketing visiting faculty, chair, 2019

BYUH Marketing Pros Instagram Community,

o Oversee the student-run Instagram Community for BYUH marketing student, alumni and friends of BYUH Marketing which serves as a job board, community of BYUH Marketers, and virtual information sharing location to hundreds of followers
o Co-hosted a weekly Zoom call to allow students to network with industry professionals during pandemic

Other University Service Assignments

o “Budgeting 101” Ke Alakai Podcast guest (Winter 2024)
o “Mentoring Monday” Podcast guest (October 2021)
o Worked in partnership with the State of Hawaii Energy Office to incorporate student learning opportunities in BUSM and CRDEV courses (2020-2021)
o “Personal Finance” workshop facilitator for Counseling Services to married students virtually (2020)
o Member of the Naming Committee for the new cafeteria. Made recommendations to staff and student employees organizing the contest and considering branding options. (2020)

Alliance of Marketing Professionals & Students (AMPS)

Co-Faculty Advisor, 2017-2018
o Assisted marketing students in carrying out the activities of the club under the direction of the other advisor

Wave of Change Environmental Club

Co-Faculty Advisor, 2017-2018
o Newly formed club provided opportunities for 30+ students to participate in sustainable initiatives on campus and in the community

CV Last Revised June 2024

Business Management Program