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Photo of Anna Marie Christiansen

AnnaMarie Christiansen

Associate Professor
Faculty of Arts & Letters

McKay Classroom Building Room 104D


Doctor of Arts in English
Idaho State University                                                                                                       

Masters of Arts in English
University of Hawaii

Bachelor of Arts in English


Forthcoming Short Fiction: “The Wigwam Bar, 1963.” Headland: Literary Frontiers and Voices, Issue 21. Jul 2024.

Cultural Politics in the Literature Classroom & Toni Morrison’s Novels. Germany: VDM             Verla, 2008.

”Passing as the 'Tragic Mulatto': Constructions of Hybridity in Toni Morrison's Novels." Complicating Constructions: Race. Ethnicity, and Hybridity in American Texts. Eds. David S. Goldstein and Audrey Thatcher. U of Washington P. 2007.

"Creatively imagining the Maohi woman's experience." A review of Celestine Hitiura Vaite. Frangipani. In Antipodes Dec 2006.

"Cultural Hybridity, Gender, and Identity: A Pacific Islander Woman in the Academy.” Frontiers: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Studies Fall 2000 (21.3): 187-96.


Associate Professor

Adjunct Professor
Idaho State University

Special Instructor


English 101, Writing, Speaking and Reading
English 110, Introduction to Literature
English 111, Composition and Reading
English 112, Library Skills and Research
English 115H Honors Introduction to Literature
English 201, Critical Reading and Writing
English 315, Exposition and Report Writing
English 316, Technical Writing
English 331, Methods in the Teaching of English
English 341, World Literatures
English 342, Pacific Culture and Literature
English 490, Senior Seminar ICS 390R Pacific Culture
IDS 310 Multicultural Women's Studies
IDS 390R Pacific Culture: Literature and Film


NEH Institute: Globalizing American History. Library of Congress. Washington, D.C. Summer 2008.
BYU–Hawaii College of Arts and Sciences Course Release Time Award and Additional Funding for Research, 2003-2008.
NEH Institute: Re-Imagining the Indigenous Pacific. East-West Center. Honolulu. Summer 2003.
WICHE Doctoral Fellowship, Office of Graduate Studies, Idaho State University, 1996-2000.


Diasporatanga: Writing From Afar.” Oct. 2023. FAC Forum, BYU Hawaii.
“Manaakitanga Here and There: The Case of Eparaima Makati.” Sept 20 2021.
"Natives in Strange Places: Pacific Indigeneity and 'Empire-Building' on the Web." March, 2008. PCA/ACA National Meeting, San Francisco.
"Kamate! Kamate!: Creating a Pan-Pacific Identity through Maori Haka." February, 2008. Pacific Worlds and the American West Conference, Salt Lake City.
"Tuakana-Teina: LDS Women of the Pacific." May, 2007. BYU–Hawaii Devotional Series. Laie. By invitation.
"Dot the La'e: Hindi Films in the Indigenous Pacific." May, 2007. Oceanic Popular Culture Assocation Conference, Honolulu.
"Bollywood in the Pacific." October, 2006. USA Commonwealth Literature and Languages Conference, Santa Clara.
"Moanageeks." December, 2005. World Indigenous Peoples' Conference on Education, New Zealand.
"Pacific Bodies, Food and Diaspora: Consuming American Identity at the Chuck-a Rama." April, 2005. PCA/ACA National Meeting, San Diego.
"Australia and the Pacific: The Multicultural Oceanscape in Brendan Murray's Tev." November, 2004. South Pacific Commonwealth Literature and Languages Conference, Samoa.
"Pacific Bodies, Food and Diaspora: Consuming American Identity at the Chuck-a-Rama." April, 200S:-PCA/ACA National Meeting, San Diego.
"Don't Turn Your Back on Oceania: Technological Currents(y) in the Indigenous Pacific." June, 2004. Computers and Writing Conference, Honolulu.
"Practice, Theory, and Praxis: Connecting Native Pacific Cultural Studies and Pedagogy." April, 2004. American Comparative Literature Association, Ann Arbor.
"Brown Readings of the White Body: the bone people, Domestic Violence, and Colonial Discourse." March, 2004. MELUS, San Antonio.
"The Rhetoric of Location: Geography, Hypertext, and Pacific Islanders in Context." February, 2001. Far West Popular Culture Association Conference, Las Vegas.
"Cultural Hybridity, Gender, and Identity: A Pacific Islander Woman in the Academy." May, 2000. National Pacific Islander Association Conference, BYUH, Hawai'i.
"Essentialism and Degrees of Diversity in the Classroom: Examining the Authority of Race." April, 2000. University of Utah Women's Resource Center Power Lunch Lecture Series., Salt Lake City. By Invitation. By invitation.

Professional Activities

Review Team Member. Hawaiian Studies Program. Feb 2024.
Panelist. David 0. McKay Lecture Series Discussion Panel. BYU–Hawaii. February 2023. By invitation.
President, Women in Academia. Sept 2021-April 2022.
Reviewer, The Contemporary Pacific. Albert Wendt’s Critical and Creative Legacy in Oceania.
Associate Editor, Pacific Studies. Jan. 2007-Dec 2009.
Fellow, The Pacific Institute. BYU–Hawaii. August 2007-present.
Area Chair (Oceania), Oceanic Popular Culture Association. 2007-2008.
Reviewer, Columbia University Press, Tattoo: Signification and Belonging by Juniper Ellis. Jan. 2007.
Reviewer, NEH Collaborative Grants, Hawaiian Tattoo. 2004.
Vice Chair. Academic Women's Network. BYU–Hawaii. October 2006-September 2007.
Chair. Pacific Cultures as Depicted in New Zealand Film by Ian Conrich. BYU–Hawaii. May 2007.
Chair. David 0. McKay Lecture Series Discussion Panel. BYU–Hawaii. February, 2007. Member. Faculty Advisory Council. BYU–Hawaii. 2005-2007.
Chair. David 0. McKay Lecture Series Discussion Panel. BYU–Hawai'i. February, 2006. Advisor. The English Circle. BYU–Hawaii. 2003-2005.
Review Team Member. ICS Program Review. 2004.
Member. Biology Position Search Committee. BYU–Hawaii. 2004.
"Deconstruction." English Department in-service meeting. BYU–Hawaii. Sept 2004.
Chair. "Tauahi Va and the Tongan Diaspora" by Tevita Ka'ili. BYU–Hawaii. Sept 2004.
Chair. "Poscolonial Literatures in Hawai'i." by Seri Luangphinith. BYU–Hawaii. Oct 2004.
Chair. "Maori Diaspora." by Alice Te Punga Somerville. BYU–Hawaii. Nov 2004.

References Available Upon Request

CV Last Revised 6/2024