Austin Pack is a language educator interested in understanding and creating engaging learning experiences. His research interests include the psychology of language learning, motivation in language teaching and learning, complex dynamic systems, network analysis, and technology-enhanced language learning. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has served as an English Language Fellow for the U.S. Department of State (Shanghai, 2016-2017).
Ph.D., English (Applied Linguistics), July 2021
University of Liverpool
Dissertation: Dynamics of Learners’ Emergent
Motivational Disposition: The Case of EAP Learners at a Transnational English-Medium University
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Supporting
Learning in Higher Education (with merit)
Xi'an Jiaotong -Liverpool University
M.A.,TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) June 2013
Brigham Young University
Thesis: Understanding Chinese language and culture:
A guidebook for teachers of English in China
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages April 2012
Brigham Young University
B.A., Chinese (with a minor in Sociology) April 2011
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University–Hawaii
September 2021-present
Assistant Professor
English Language Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Education and Social Work
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) School of Languages
June 2017-October 2020
Suzhou, China
Senior Lecturer
Virtual Reality Language Learning Lab Manager & Founder
IT Officer (Educational technology training for language teachers)
United States of America Department of State English Language Programs
August 2016-June 2017
Shanghai, China
English Language Fellow
Shantou University
August 2014-June 2016
Shantou, China
Oakland University
August 2013 - July 2014
Rochester Hills, Michigan
Special Lecturer
Brigham Young University
August 2008-May 2013
Provo, Utah
English Teacher, Modern Greek Teacher (MTC)
The psychology of language learning, L2 motivation, Complex Dynamic Systems Theory, Computer Assisted Language learning, artificial intelligence, virtual reality learning environments, language pedagogy.
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
Pack, A., Barrett, A., & Escalante, J. (2024). Large language models and automated essay scoring of English language learner writing: Insights into validity and reliability. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6.
Pack, A., & Maloney, J. (2024). Using artificial intelligence in TESOL: Some ethical and pedagogical considerations. TESOL Quarterly.
Wen, J., Zhang, L., Pack, A., Guan, Y., & Bin, Z. (2024). The effectiveness of digital game-based vocabulary learning on EFL learners’ receptive and productive vocabulary acquisition. Language Learning & Technology 28(1), 1-21.
Pack, A. (2023). L2 students’ behavioral intention to use motivation journals: Insights from PLS-SEM analysis. International Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 3(2), 159-170.
Escalante, J., Pack, A., & Barrett, A. (2023). AI-generated feedback on writing: Insights into efficacy and ENL student preference. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20.
Pack, A. (2023). A review of the AI feedback generating website “EAP Talk”. CALL-EJ, 24(3), 252-258.
Pack, A., & Maloney, J. (2023). Using generative artificial intelligence for language education research: Insights from using OpenAI’s ChatGPT. TESOL Quarterly.
Pack, A., & Maloney, J. (2023). Potential affordances of generative AI in language education: Demonstrations and an evaluative framework. Teaching English with Technology, 23(2), 4-24.
Pack, A., & Escalante, E. (2023). Traveling while black. TESOL Journal, 14(3), e719.
Wen, J., Pack, A., Guan, Y., Zhang, L., & Zou, B. (2023). The influence of game-based learning media on academic English vocabulary learning in the EFL context. Computer Assisted Language Learning.
Barret, A., & Pack, A. (2023). Not quite eye to A.I.: Student and teacher perspectives on the appropriate use of generative artificial intelligence in the writing process. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20.
Kiss, T., & Pack, A. (2023). A dynamic network analysis of an L2 motivation system: The role of central relational links. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 5(1), 1-20.
Carlson, M., Pack, A., & Escalante, J. (2023). Utilizing OpenAI’s GPT-4 for written feedback. TESOL Journal, e759.
Ingley, S. J., & Pack, A. (2023). Leveraging AI tools to develop the writer rather than the writing. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38(9), 785-787.
Barrett, A., Pack, A., Monteiro, D., Wang, L. & Liang, H.-N. (2023). Exploring the influence of audience familiarity on speaker anxiety and performance in virtual reality and real-life presentation contexts. Behavior & Information Technology.
Montiero, D., Wang, A., Wang, L., Li, H., Barrett, A., Pack, A., & Liang, H-N., (2023). Effect of audience familiarity on anxiety in a virtual reality presentation training tool. Universal Access in the Information Society.
Pack, A., & Kiss, T. (2022). A visual model of L2 motivation as a complex dynamic system. ELT Journal, ccac037, 1-12.
Kiss, T., & Pack, A. (2022). A network analysis of L2 motivational factors: Structure, connectivity, and central relational links. motivational factors in language learning. TESOL Quarterly, 57(2), 537-565.
Pack, A., Kiss, T., Barrett, A., & Chen, C. (2021). Towards a non-dichotomous view of motivators and demotivators in language learning. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 32(1), 94-107.
Pack, A. (2021). Making marking manageable and other tips using the split-screen function. English Teaching Forum.
Pack, A. (2021). An investigation of the motivational profile of EAP learners at a transnational education English Medium Instruction university. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 3(1), 107-114.
Barrett, A., Pack, A., & Quaid, E. (2021). Understanding learners' acceptance of high-immersion virtual reality systems: Insights from confirmatory and exploratory PLS-SEM analyses. Computers and Education, 169, 1-17.
Pack, A., & Barrett, A. (2021). A review of Virtual Reality and English for Academic Purposes: Understanding where to start. International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 11(1), 72-80.
Barrett, A., Pack, A, Guo, Y., & Wang, N. (2020). Learner acceptance of multi-user virtual reality learning environments for Chinese language education. Interactive Learning Environments.
Pack, A. & Newbould, S. (2020). Reddit: Leveraging the front page of the internet as an English learning tool. TESL Reporter, 53(1 & 2), 78-82.
Pack, A., Barrett, A., Hai-Ning, L., & Monteiro, D. (2020). University EAP students’ perceptions of using a prototype virtual reality learning environment to learn writing structure. International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 10(1), 27-46.
Newbould, S., & Pack, A. (2018). Report on the 38th Thailand TESOL International Conference. English Teaching in China, 10, 16-17.
Pack, A., & Newbould, S. (2018). Using game playability as a framework for professional development in language teaching. TESL Reporter, 51(1), 1-22.
Pack, A. (2018). Teacher introduction activity for improving rapport and critical thinking. English Teaching Forum, 56(4), 34-36.
Journal Articles (not peer-reviewed)
Pack, A. (2019). Teaching academic essay structure: Easy as 1-2-3. TESL Reporter, 52(1), 99-104.
Journal Papers Under Review and Working Papers
Pack, A., Carter, S., Barrett, A., Escalante, J., & Wolfersberger M. (under review). How well can GPT-4 use an analytical rubric to assess English language learner writing? Submitted to The Internet and Higher Education
Pack, A., Hartshorn, J., Escalante, J., & Hunt, A. (work in progress). How well can GPT-4 identify English language learners writing errors and assign appropriate error markings?
Book Chapters (2)
Barrett, A., & Pack, A. (2022). The state of extended reality technologies in language education and research. In B. Zou, M. Thomas, D. Barr, & W. Jia (Eds.), Emerging concepts in technology-enhanced language teaching and learning (pp. 16-41). IGI Global.
Pack, A. (2019). Phonetics and phonology. In C. Chen, & G. Morris (Eds.), How language works: A brief introduction to linguistics. London: Macmillan Red Globe Press.
Books (1)
Pack, A. (2013). Understanding Chinese language and culture: A guidebook for teachers of English in China.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers (1)
Quaid, E., Pack, A., Barrett, A., & Zhou, Li. (2020). Students’ intention to use high-immersion virtual reality systems for learning paragraph structure: A PLS-SEM exploratory study. In Frederiksen, K.-M., Larsen, S., Bradley, L. & Thouësny, S. (Eds), CALL for widening participation: short papers from EUROCALL 2020 (pp. 291-297). doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2020.48.1203
Doctoral Dissertation (1)
Pack, A. (2021). Dynamics of learners’ emergent motivational disposition: The case of EAP learners at a transnational English-medium university (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Liverpool.
Pack, A., & Escalante, J. (2024). Mastering the basics of prompt engineering (ChatGPT). NAFSA HIPAC District 2024 Spring Conference, Hawai’i Tokai International College, Kapolei, Hawaii.
Pack, A., Escalante, J., Carlson, M., & Barrett, A. (2024). Using generative AI (ChatGPT) to generate written feedback. Thailand TESOL 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Escalante, J., Pack, A., Carlson, M., & Barrett, A. (2024). Insights into the effectiveness of AI-generated writing feedback and English language leaner student preferences. Thailand TESOL 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Pack, A., Escalante J., Carlson, M., & Barrett, A. (2023). How reliably can large language models use a holistic rubric to place English language learners based on writing? Artificial Intelligence Research in Applied Linguistics (AIRiAL) 2023, New York City, New York.
Escalante, J., Pack, A., Carlson, M., & Barrett, A. (2023). Exploring English language learners’ preferences and of AI and human generated written corrective feedback. Artificial Intelligence Research in Applied Linguistics (AIRiAL) 2023, New York City, New York.
Pack, A., Escalante, J., Wan. H.C., & Browne, M. (2023). Student perceptions of using VR film for extracurricular learning opportunities. TESOL 2023 International Convention & English Language Expo. Portland, Oregon.
Maloney, J., & Pack, A. (2023). The use of AI and chatbots in the TESOL field. Hawaii TESOL 2023. Laie, Hawaii.
Pack, A., Wan H.C., Yi Hang Ho., & Browne, M. (2023). Understanding student opinions of using VR film for language learning. Hawaii TESOL 2023, Laie, Hawaii.
Pack, A. (2022). ‘Sorry, it’s not you, it’s me’: Motivational dynamics in an EMI university context. Psychology of Language Learning Conference 2022 (Virtual).
Barrett, A., Pack, A., Guo, Y., & Wang, N. (2022). Investigating the new wave of technology: Language learners’ acceptance of VR technology for learning Chinese characters. Psychology of Language Learning 4 (PLL4). Sydney, Canada & virtual.
Pack, A., & Cheng, S. S. (2022). Vocabulary learning via Reddit and Instagram: Autonomy, agency, and authenticity. Hawaii TESOL 2022 (Virtual).
Pack, A., Quaid, E., & Barrett, A. (2022). Is virtual reality a good fit for TESOL? Insights from ELLs. TESOL 2022 International Convention & English Language Expo (Virtual).
Pack, A., Quaid, E., & Barrett, A. (2021). Evaluating VR system use for continuing support in university academic writing centres: An experiential approach. EAP Education and Practice: Supporting Students’ Academic, Cultural and Emotional Needs conference. Institute of Education, University College, London, UK.
Pack, A., Barrett, A., Quaid, E. & Zhou, L. (2020). Technology acceptance model application for high-immersion virtual reality learning environments. JALT 2020 46th Annual International Conference.
Pack, A., Quaid, E., Barrett, A. & Zhou, L. (2020). Learner acceptance of a virtual reality learning environment for learning paragraph writing structure. EuroCALL 2020 Online Conference.
Pack, A., & Barrett, A. (2020). Using virtual reality to learn Chinese characters. Professional Development Symposium, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A. (2019). Motivational dynamics of Y1 EAP learners at XJTLU (paper presentation). Postgraduate Research Week, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A. (2019). Motivational dynamics of Y1 EAP learners at XJTLU (poster presentation). Postgraduate Research Week, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A. (2019). The case for complexity in researching motivational dynamics in language learning: Understanding demotivation and remotivation of first year EAP learners at a TNE EMI university. SCOLAR ’19 Suzhou Colloquium on Language Arts Research “Criticality, creativity, and complexity”, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A. (2019). Leveraging ICE workshops and group submission boxes for formative and summative assessments. Professional Development Symposium, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A, & Newbould, S. (2019). Utilizing Reddit for English language learners: Autonomy, agency, and authenticity. ICCTAR 2019 (International Conference on Creative Teaching, Assessment and Research in the English Language), Melaka, Malaysia.
Pack, A., & Barret, A. (2019). Exploring virtual reality learning environments for the teaching and learning of English writing structure. XJTLU Annual Learning and Teaching Colloquium, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A., & Barrett, A. (2019). Virtual reality learning environments as pedagogical tools for English for Academic Purposes. BALEAP Conference: Innovation, Exploration and Transformation, Leeds, U.K.
Pack, A., & Barrett, A. (2019). Painting in a virtual world: How virtual reality can supplement the teaching and learning of EAP. BALEAP Conference: Innovation, Exploration and Transformation, Leeds, U.K.
Pack, A., & Barrett, A. (2019). How to use the Virtual Reality Language Learning Lab to teach academic writing structure. JALT: Kyoto x MAVR, Kyoto, Japan.
Pack, A., Liang, H.-N., & Barrett, A. (2018). Investigating the use of virtual reality technologies to support the learning of academic English essay writing. GloCALL 2018 Conference & 15th China CALL Conference, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A., Newbould, S., Beneteau, A., & Harvey, C. (2018). Utilizing Reddit to promote student competency and use of English websites. Professional Development Symposium, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A., & Newbould, S. (2018). Becoming a better teacher: using game playability and self-reflection to know how you can improve as a language teacher. 14th CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Pack, A., & Newbould, S. (2018). Game playability and self-reflection: a new interdisciplinary approach to reflective improvement. 38th Thailand TESOL International Conference, Chiangmai, Thailand.
Pack, A., & Newbould, S. (2018). Using playability as a framework for self-reflection. Professional Development Symposium, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A. & Newbould, S. (2017). Using playability as a framework for self-reflection. Professional Development Symposium, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China.
Pack, A. (2017). Teaching vocabulary: A bore no more! 13th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Pack, A. (2015). Interest sections: What are they? (Representing TESOL’s Intercultural Communication interest section). TESOL 2015 International Convention & English Language Expo, Toronto, Canada.
Pack, A. (2014). Helping native English speaking teachers in China bridge cultural and linguistic canyons. TESOL 2014 International Convention & English Language Expo, Portland, Oregon.
Pack, A. (2013). Helping Western English teacher be familiar with Chinese student culture. Intermountain-TESOL, Provo, Utah.
Pack, A., Solis, L., Escalante, J., Springer, A., & Maloney, J. (2024). How to use AI in your classroom (a series of 5 workshops). Edward D. Smith Center for Learning & Teaching, Laie, Hawaii.
Pack, A., & Escalante J. (2023). A practical exploration of how generative AI can enhance English language education. HITESOL 2023 Practical Workshop, virtual Pack, A. (2023). Developing and maintaining a research agenda at BYU-Hawaii. Edward D. Smith Center for Learning & Teaching, Laie, Hawaii.
Pack, A. (2023). Using generative AI to help create rubrics. Edward D. Smith Center for Learning & Teaching, Laie, Hawaii.
Pack, A., & Escalante, J. (2023). Unlocking ChatGPT’s potential for providing automatic feedback on student writing. Edward D. Smith Center for Learning & Teaching, Laie, Hawaii.
Pack, A., & Maloney, J. (2023). Using ChatGPT to scaffold learning: Potentials and pitfalls. Edward D. Smith Center for Learning & Teaching, Laie, Hawaii.
Pack, A. (2017). Intercultural communication: Improving your ability to communicate with Westerners, part 3. Shanghai American Center, United States Shanghai Consulate, Shanghai, China.
Pack, A. (2017). Intercultural communication: Improving your ability to communicate with Westerners, part 2. Shanghai American Center, United States Shanghai Consulate, Shanghai, China.
Pack, A. (2017). Intercultural communication: Improving your ability to communicate with Westerners, part 1. Shanghai American Center, United States Shanghai Consulate, Shanghai, China.
Pack, A. (2016). Communicative activities to teach vocabulary learning skills. Beijing American Center, United States Beijing Embassy, Beijing, China.
Pack, A. (2016). Helping our students meet Western universities’ academic writing standards. Beijing American Center, United States Beijing Embassy, Beijing, China.
Pack, A. (2016). Introduction to academic writing. Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.
Most Innovative Teaching Practice Award (Best of University)
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China, received 2020
Honorary Educator Award
Suzhou City Government, Suzhou, China, received 2020
Honorary Educator Award
Suzhou City Department of Education, Suzhou, China, received 2020
Best PhD Presentation Award (Best of University)
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China, received 2019
Best PhD Presentation Award (Best of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China, received 2019
Excellent Poster Award (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China, received 2019
U.K. Higher Education Academy, received 2020
U.S. Department of State English Language Programs, received 2016
Dean’s List and Tuition Scholarship
Brigham Young University, received 2005
Eagle Scout Award
Boy Scouts of America
Society/ Organizational/ Journal 2021- present
Frontiers in Psychology Adhoc Reviewer 2021 present
Computers and Education Reviewer 2021 present
TESOL Quarterly Reviewer 2021 present
International Journal of Computer Assisted Adhoc Reviewer
Language Learning and Teaching Review Board member
Eurocall Reviewer
Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Student Staff Liaison Committee Integrated Learning Staff Representative 2018-2019
Student Staff Liaison Committee PHD Student Representative
Public Relations Committee Member (SCOLAR'19) 2019
The International Association of Foreign English Teachers in China
English Teachers in China President 2016-2019
English Teaching in China (journal) Chief Copy Editor 2017-2018
Xian Jiaotong _Liverpool University Virtual Learning Environment Representative 2017-2018
Shantou University Coordinator of Intercultural Communications Classes 2015-2016
TESOL International Association Intercultural Communication Interests Section Community manager
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Missionary and Humanitarian 2006-2008
Saints service provider (Greece Athens Missions)
Investigator(s) | Source | Grant | Study Title | Amount (period) | |
Barrett, A. (PI), Pack, A. (Co-I), Guo, Y. (Co-I), Wang, N. (Co-I) | Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | Summer Undergraduate Research Fund 201952 | Leveraging collaborative VR paint programs for the teaching and learning of Chinese characters | $960 (2019) | |
Barrett, A. (PI), Pack, A. (Co-I), Liang, H.-N. (Co-I) | Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | Teaching Development Fund 18/19-R17-115 | Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Technologies to Support Public Speaking and Giving Presentations in English for Academic Purposes Environments | $5,350 (2019-20) | |
Pack, A. | Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | Teaching Conference Fund | ‘Sorry, it’s not you, it’s me’: Motivational dynamics in an EMI university context. Psychology of Language Learning 4. | $2000 (2019) | |
Pack, A. (PI), Barrett, A. (Co-I), Liang, H.-N. (Co-I) | Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | Teaching Development Fund 17/18-R15-103 | Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Technologies to Support Learning Academic English Writing | $7,250 (2017-19) | |
Pack, A. (PI),Liang, H. -N. (Co-I) | Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | Summer Undergraduate Research Fund 201843 | Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Technologies to Support the Learning of Academic English Essay Writing. | $1685 (2018) | |
Pack, A. | Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | Teaching Conference Fund | Utilizing VR learning environments for learning academic writing structure: Students’ perspectives. BALEAP 2019 | $2000 (2018) |
Term | Course Taught | Institution | Institution Type | Skill Level | Enrollment | | |
21-22 | S1 | Introduction to Linguistics Academic English 1 Reading and Writing | BYUH | Tertiary | UG B1 | 25 36 | |
AY 20-21 | S1 | English for Academic Purposes | XJLTU | Tertiary | B1 | 100 | |
AY 19-20 | S2 | Introduction to Second Language Acquisition | XJTLU | Tertiary | B2/C1 | 5 | |
S1 | Transition to University and Beyond | XJTLU | Tertiary | B1 | 50 | ||
AY 18-19 | S2 | English for Academic Purposes | XJTLU | Tertiary | B2 | 85 | |
S1 | Writing Center Workshops | XJTLU | Tertiary | A2-B2 | 100 | ||
AY 17-18 | S2 | English for Academic Purposes | XJTLU | Tertiary | B2 | 92 | |
S1 | English for Academic Purposes | XJTLU | Tertiary | B1 | 95 | ||
AY 16-17 | S2 | Oral English and Intercultural Communication for Graduate Students | Shanghai Normal University | Tertiary | B2 | 50 | |
S2 | Survey of English-Speaking Countries | SNU | Tertiary | B1 | 40 | ||
S1 | Oral English and Intercultural Communication for Undergraduate Students | SNU | Tertiary | B1 | 50 | ||
| S1 | American Culture and Literature | SNU | Tertiary | B2 | 40 | |
| S1 | Public Speaking | SNU | Tertiary | B1 | 80 | |
AY 15-16 | S2 | Study Abroad Preparation | Shantou University | Tertiary | B2 | 30 | |
S2 | English for Academic Purposes/Intercultural Communication | SU |
Tertiary | B1 | 50 | ||
S1 | Study Abroad Preparation | SU | Tertiary | B2 | 30 | ||
S1 | English for Academic Purposes/Intercultural Communication | SU |
Tertiary | B1 | 50 | ||
AY 14-15 | S2 | English for Academic Purposes/Intercultural Communication | SU |
Tertiary | B1 | 75 | |
S1 | English for Academic Purposes/Intercultural Communication | SU |
Tertiary | B1 | 75 | ||
AY 13-14 | S2 | The Humanity of Language (Introduction to Linguistics) | Oakland University | Tertiary | UG | 30 | |
S2 | Language and Culture (Linguistic Anthropology) | OU | Tertiary | UG/PG | 40 | ||
| S1 | English for Academic Purposes (Writing) | OU | Tertiary | B2 | 15 | |
| S1 | English for Academic Purposes (Reading) | OU | Tertiary | B2 | 30 | |
| S1 | General English | OU | Tertiary | A1-A2 | 5 | |
AY 12-13 | S2 | English Listening and Speaking | BYU ELC | Tertiary | B1 | 30 | |
| S1 | Advanced English CORE | BYU ELC | Tertiary | B1 | 10 | |
AY 8-12 | S2 | Modern Greek | BYU MTC | Adult | A1 | 10 |
Technological Competencies
Microsoft Office Suite
Learning management systems (e.g. Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas)
VR systems and VR learning environments
E-learning, video, sound, and image editing (Camtasia, Captivate, Audacity, Adobe Photoshop,
Online teaching platforms (Padlet, Kahoot etc.)
Data processing and coding (SPSS, NVivo, SmartPLS)
Linguistic Competencies
Greek intermediate - (high B2)
Mandarin Chinese intermediate - (high B2)
Professional Affiliations
Member, TESOL International Association
Member, Hawaii TESOL
CV Last Revised 6/6/2024