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Photo of Brad Smith

Brad Smith

Associate Professor
Faculty of Sciences

Science Building 310
55-220 Kulanui Street, Bldg. 5
Laie, Hawaii 96762


Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
 Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, 2012
 B.S. in Zoology, 2003


  • Associate Professor, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2019 - Present
  • Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2013 - 2019
  • Postdoctoral Associate, Texas A&M University Galveston, 2012 - 2013
  • Graduate Research Fellow, Texas A&M University Galveston, 2009 - 2012
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Texas A&M University Galveston, 2008 - 2009
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Texas A&M University 2006 - 2007
  • Laboratory Technician II, Gastrointestinal Laboratory, College Station 2004 - 2005


July 2013 – Present, Department of Natural Sciences, Brigham Young University–Hawaii

Teaching Biology Courses and Labs

  • BIOL 100 – Introduction to Biology
  • BIOL 112 – Biology I – Cell and Molecular Biology
  • BIOL 112L – Biology I – Cell and Molecular Biology Lab
  • BIOL 113 – Biology II – Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
  • GE 120 – Scientific Inquiry
  • BIOL 312 – Marine Biology
  • BIOL 312L – Marine Biology Lab
  • BIOL 261 – Human Physiology
  • BIOL 261L – Human Physiology Lab
  • BIOL 340 - Biostatistics
  • BIOL 376 – Genetics
  • BIOL 376L – Genetics Lab
  • BIOL 465 – Principles of Physiology
  • BIOL 465L – Principles of Physiology Lab
  • BIOL 484L – Biomolecular Techniques II – Nucleic Acid
  • BIOL 490 – Special Topics in Biology
  • BIOL 491 – Introduction to Scientific Research
  • BIOL 494 – Seminar IV
  • BIOL 486 – Mentored Research

2007-2012 – Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston

  • Teaching Assistant: Fisheries Techniques Lab, 2009-2011
  • Teaching Assistant: Conservation Biology Lab
  • Teaching Assistant: Mariculture Lab

2006-2007 – Department of Biology, Texas A&M University

  • Teaching Assistant: Vertebrate Anatomy and Physiology, Texas A&M University 2006-2007


      My research interests include genetic population structure, molecular and behavioral ecology, and conservation of aquatic organisms, with emphasis on marine fishes.  I am interested in complex questions of phylogeny, population connectivity, biogeography, and population admixture in highly migratory species, and the conservation and resource management of aquatic species. Multiple nuclear markers, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and Bayesian individual assignment have been focuses of my research.  Recent work also involves evaluating alternative genomic technologies for nuclear marker identification, genotyping, detection in natural population studies (i.e. NGS,  HRMA, and eDNA surveying) as well as investigations into feeding behavior, habitat utilization, and life history traits in reef fish.



2013-present Department of Natural Sciences, Brigham Young University–Hawaii Research Projects:

  • eDNA persistence in high energy marine environments
  • Fine scale habitat utilization inferred by acoustic telemetry of Hawaiian roundjaw bonefish, o’io, (Albula glossodonta) – Molokai 2019-2021. Collaborators from LSU University and Texas A&M University Galveston.
  • COVID 19 BYUH wastewater monitoring – we monitored BYUH wastewater on campus during the Spring and Fall of 2020.
  • Forensic ID of larval tunas using HRMA analysis – I have been developing an assay for a colleague for high-throughput genetic ID of larval tuna.
  • Fish abundance and environmental in pact survey as the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii, Kilo, Hawaii – in 2013-2014 participated in an environmental impact survey of the Natural energy laboratory in Hawaii both on coral and fish abundance and diversity
  • Understanding the abundance, dispersal, of larval fish on the north shore of Oahu. Students are participating in survey of near-shore and offshore waters of the North Shore of Oahu to identify spawning grounds and early life history of larval pelagic fishes
  • Saipan biodiversity research – working with a colleague on marine invertebrate biodiversity studies in Saipan and hope to expand the survey to habitat utilization of parrotfishes in the Saipan lagoon.
  • Feeding ecology and behavior of stocky hawkfish (Cirrhitus pinnulatus) on the North Shore of Hawaii – stomach-gut analysis and tagging study that is investigating the feeding ecology of an endemic Hawaiian species
  • Population genetic structure of Gulf of Mexico brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) – a collaboration with NOAA Southeast Fisheries – Galveston. Double digest RAD sequencing will be utilized for a NGS population structure analysis. NOAA $70,000 grant was awarded as co-PI for this research.

2012-2013 Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University Galveston. Principle Investigator: Jay Rooker

  • Forensic ID assay development for Gulf of Mexico flying fish.  Flying fish belong to the Exocoetidae family, which is comprised of more than 7 different genera and over 60 species.  I developed genetic assays to quickly ID both adult and larvae specimens obtained from the Gulf of Mexico as well as construct a general phylogeny.  Genomic sequencing will also be utilized for both phylogeny reconstruction and forensic ID development.

2006-2012 Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University Galveston. Doctoral Advisor: Jaime Alvarado Bremer

  • Utilization and evaluation of molecular techniques for nuclear marker development and high throughput SNP screening and genotyping (i.e. high-resolution melting analysis) in non-model organisms.
  • Assessment of population connectivity and admixture in highly migratory Mediterranean and Atlantic swordfish using multiple nuclear loci and Bayesian clustering, and the implications for fishery management.
  • Development of genetic species identification assays via high-resolution melting analysis.
  • Molecular ecology and population structure of billfish

2001-2003 Department of Veterinary Sciences, Texas A&M University, Undergraduate research advisor: Dr. David Phalen

  • Phylogeny of avian papilloma viruses


  • Smith, BL, Lu CP, Cornic M, Alvarado Bremer JR. 2023. High‐throughput identification of tuna (Thunnus spp.) larvae in the Gulf of Mexico using unlabelled‐probe high‐resolution melting analysis. Journal of Fish Biology. 102. 10.1111/jfb.15391.
  • Luis P, Viñas J, Sanz N, Smith BL, Alvarado Bremer JR, Pla C, Vidal O. 2019. SNP identification and validation in two invasive species: zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea). Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 42.1
  • Cornic M, Smith BL, Kitchens LL, et al. 2017. Abundance and habitat associations of tuna larvae in the surface water of the Gulf of Mexico. Hydrobiologia 806:29.
  • Lu CP, Smith BL, Hinton MG, Bremer JRA. 2016. Bayesian analyses of Pacific swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) genetic differentiation using multilocus single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 482:1-17.
  • Randall LL, Smith BL, Cowan JH, Rooker JR. 2015. Habitat characteristics of bluntnose flyingfish Prognichthys occidentalis (Actinopterygii, Exocoetidae), across mesoscale features in the Gulf of Mexico. Hydrobiologia 749:97-111.
  • Smith BL, Lu CP, Garcia-Cortes B, Vinas J, Yeh SY, Bremer JRA. 2015. Multilocus Bayesian Estimates of Intra-Oceanic Genetic Differentiation, Connectivity, and Admixture in Atlantic Swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.). PLOS One 10.
  • Alvarado Bremer JR, Smith BL, Moulton DL, Lu CP, Cornic M. 2014. Shake and stew: a non-destructive PCR-ready DNA isolation method from a single preserved fish larva. Journal of Fish Biology 84:267-272.
  • Bybee JC, Bybee DR, Bybee JH, Bybee JD, Bybee SM, Hyde SK, Smith BL. January 2015. Marine Environmental Monitoring Program Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority Survey Report July 2014.
  • Bybee DR, Hyde SK, Smith BL, Munton, C. December 2013. Marine Environmental Monitoring Program Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority Survey Report April 2013. 
  • Smith BL, Lu CP, Bremer JRA. 2013. Methodological streamlining of SNP discovery and genotyping via high-resolution melting analysis (HRMA) in non-model species.” Marine Genomics 9:39-49.
  • Smith BL, Lu CP, Alvarado Bremer JR. 2010. High-resolution melting analysis (HRMA): a highly sensitive inexpensive genotyping alternative for population studies.  Mol. Ecol. Res. 10(1): 193-196
  • Smith BL, Alvarado Bremer JR. 2010. Inferring population admixture with multiple nuclear genetic markers and Bayesian genetic clustering in Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius).  Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 65(1):185-190


  • Lu CP., Smith BL, Alvarado Bremer JR. (in prep). Genetic identification of Atlantic istiophorid billfish using high-resolution melting analysis (HRMA).


  • Smith, B.L., Tinhan, T, Dance, M. Rooker, J.R. (2023) Nearshore habitat utilization and movement of Hawaiian bonefish (Albula glossodonta) on the reef flats of Moloka’i. 11th Indo-Pacific Fisheries Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Smith, B.L. (2021) eDNA persistence in high energy environments, American Fisheries Society 151st Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (invited workshop)
  • Smith, B.L. (2019) Feeding ecology and behavior of Hawaiian Stocky Hawkfish (Cirrhitus pinnulatus). American Fisheries Society 149th Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada 2019 (poster)
  • Smith, B.L. (2018) Marine Fisheries: from the pelagic to the reef. Brigham Young University Hawaii FAC forum. April 2018. (invited speaker)
  • Weeks, Colby and Smith, B. L. (2018) Evaluating the Effectiveness of 360° Digital Video Cameras for Fish Monitoring and Fish Identification Training. American Fisheries Society 148th Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey 2018. (poster)
  • Smith, B.L., Lu, CP, Alvarado Bremer, J.R. (2017). Population structure and connectivity in swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. 10th Indo-Pacific Fisheries Conference, Papeete, Tahiti 2017. (oral presentation)
  • Niedererr, Katie, Brooks, D., Smith, B.L. (2017) Stomach Content Anaylsis of Stocky Hawkfish (Cirrhitus pinnulatus) in Laie Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. 10th Indo-Pacific Fisheries Conference, Tahiti, 2017. (oral presentation)
  • Thissen Carly, Goodwell, R, Smith, B.L. (2016). Classifying Juvenile Sea Urchins Based on Possible Parent Species. Asia Pacific Academy of Science, Education, and Environmental Management Conference 2016. (oral presentation)
  • Smith, B.L., Alvarado Bremer, J.R., Moulton, D.L., Lu, C-P, Cornic, M. (2015) High-Throughput Genetic Identification of Larval Fishes: A Fast, Inexpensive, Non-Tissue Destructive Methodology. Smith, B.L., Alvarado Bremer, J., Lu, C-P. American Fisheries Society 145th Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon 2015 (poster)
  • Smith, B.L. (2014). High-resolution melting analysis (HRMA): a highly sensitive inexpensive genotyping alternative for population studies. American Society of Human Genetics, San Diego, California 2014. (invited oral presentation)
  • Smith, B.L., Lu, C-P. Alvarado Bremer, J.R. (2013). Genetic Multi-Locus Bayesian Assessment of Stock Admixture and Management Boundaries of Atlantic Swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.).  5th International Billfish Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan 2013. (oral presentation)
  • Lu CP, Smith B.L., Hinton MG, Bremer JRA. (2013). Bayesian analyses of Pacific swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) genetic differentiation using multilocus single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. 5th International Billfish Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan 2013. (oral presentation)
  • Smith B.L., Lu CP, Alvarado Bremer JR. (2010).  Use of nuclear genetic markers and Bayesian clustering to infer population admixture in neighboring stock bycatch in Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius).  61st Tuna Conference, Lake Arrowhead, CA (oral presentation)
  • Smith B.L., Lu CP, Alvarado Bremer JR. (2009).  Resolving population admixture in Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius).  60th Tuna Conference, Lake Arrowhead, CA (oral presentation)
  • Smith B.L. Alvarado Bremer J.R. (2008).  Resolving population boundaries in a mixed stock with Exon-primed Intron-crossing nuclear genetic markers (EPICs) using High-Resolution Melting Analysis (HRMA).  American Fisheries Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada (oral presentation)


  • Brigham Young University Hawaii Professorship Award - 2023
  • Brigham Young University Hawaii Faculty Award for Scholarship 2019
  • College of Science, Brigham Young University Hawaii- Distinguished Instructor 2017
  • College of Science, Brigham Young University–Hawaii- Distinguished Instructor 2014
  • Erma Lee and Luke Mooney Graduate Student Research Excellence Award, 2011-2012
  • Participation in Best Student Presentation Symposium, American Fisheries Society conference, Seattle, WA 2011
  • 1st Place Overall Graduate Student Poster, 1st in Marine Biology – Texas A&M University at Galveston Graduate Student Poster Symposium, 2011
  • NSF Mentor – Research Experiences for Undergraduate program. Advised undergraduate REU students in developing and conducting original research projects, 2009, 2010, 2011
  • Manuel Caboz Graduate Student Scholarship, 2010 awarded for student presentation at the 61st Annual Tuna Conference, Lake Arrowhead, CA
  • Coastal Conservation Association Scholarship, 2009-2012
  • Elected President of Galveston Graduate Student Association, 2009-2011


  • Member – American Fisheries Society (AFS) – since 2008
  • Attended the University of Buffalo’s National Center for Case Study in Science Workshop for professional development
  • Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguard, CPR, First Aid, AED certified
  • PADI Advanced Diver certification
  • AAUS Scientific Diver certification
  • Naui Master Diver certification


  • Undergraduate Research Conference Committee Faculty of Sciences Representative 2023-present
  • Faculty Advisor for Ocean Stewards Club 2022-2024
  • Faculty of Sciences Biology Program Lead – 2016-2023
  • Faculty advisor for the BYUH Outdoor Adventuring Club 2015-2019
  • Faculty advisor for the BYUH Marine Research Organization 2018
  • Member of the GE committee 2016-2017
  • GE 120 Course Coordinator 2016-2017
  • GE 120 Faculty Advising Committee 2015-2016
  • Natural Sciences Scholarship Coordinator – 2015-2017
  • Faculty of Sciences Watercraft Operations and Safety Manager – 2014-present

Dr. Jaime Alvarado, Ph.D. – Texas A&M University at Galveston -  Professor
Phone: (409) 740-4958 

Dr. Jay Rooker, Ph.D. – Texas A&M University at Galveston - Professor
Phone: (409) 740-4744

Dr. Ben Jordan, Ph.D. – Brigham Young University–Hawaii – Dean, Faculty of Sciences
Phone: (808) 675-3815

Dr. David Bybee, Ph.D. – Brigham Young University–Hawaii – Professor
Phone: (808) 675-4300

CV LAST REVISED 09/01/2023

Biology Program