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Brian Stone

Faculty of Math & Computing

HGB 208


Dr. Brian Stone is one of two new professors hired to teach in the construction and facilities management minor. Dr. Stone was born and raised in Laie, Hawaii but moved to Utah, where he graduated from Timpview High School. He served a full-time mission in Antofagasta, Chile. After his service abroad, he had a chance to attend BYU–Hawaii for a year while working as a tour guide at PCC (his favorite job of all time). He returned to BYU Provo to complete his undergraduate degree in business management with an emphasis in organizational behavior and a minor in Spanish. It was in Provo that he met and married his wife, 'Alisi Mo'unga. Dr. Stone then continued his journey in education by earning a master's degree in business management from the University of Utah, with an emphasis in small business development and management.

Following his graduate work, Dr. Stone started a small construction company for 14 years. The business focused on religious and federal contracting in Utah and Washington. He then decided to go back to school and completed his Ph.D. from Arizona State University in construction and facilities management with a research focus on procurement and project management. Dr. Stone has taught in the School of Engineering and Technology at Western Illinois University for eleven years where he reached the level of Full Professor. Additionally, he's participated in research on drone technology used in project management, facilities management curriculum development, procurement/delivery systems, and failed project salvage. Brian and 'Alisi have seven children.


  • 2012    Ph.D.  Construction & Facilities Management, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University – Tempe, Arizona.
  • 1998    M.B.A. Business Administration, Small Business Management Emphasis University of Utah – Salt Lake City.
  • 1997    B.S.     Business Management, Human Resource Management Emphasis, Minor in Spanish Brigham Young University – Provo, Utah.


  • 2023 - Present Professor of Construction and Facilities Management, Math and Sciences Program, Brigham Young University–Hawaii Campus. Program Lead - Construction and Facilities Management Major.
  •  2012-2023 Assistant, Associate and Full Professor. School of Engineering and Technology, College of Business and Technology, Western Illinois University, Illinois.



2018 - 2024 President and Owner of Manaco Sky LLC.


Procurement Consulting, Facilities Management Projects, Project Management, Facilities Inspection, and OSHA Outreach Training.

2009 – 2012  Project Manager, Research Assistant and Teacher Assistant

Department of the Performance Based Studies Research Group. Trained and educated procurement clients in Best Value practices in purchasing within the built environment. Created training documents and videos teaching case studies and theories for website modules.

1998 – 2011    President, Owner of GC Company:  Stone Mountain Construction Inc.

Conducted day-to-day project management and marketing on all work at several U.S. Federal clients around the state of Utah, Religious chapels and Temples in Utah and Washington (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). Formed the original company and wrote a business plan for government and LDS Facilities contracting (Brochures available upon request of work history).

2006--2008  CDL License Truck Driver Class A

Hauling base material for construction yard and concrete delivery.

2005 – 2006  Assistant Director of Operations at Tyler's Incorporated

Ready Mix Concrete Company. Produced cost analysis and break even models for concrete ready-mix. Designed and built retrofit system with FastWay Batch Plant equipment. Formulated engineered concrete mix designs and oversaw break tests. Designed and implemented literature and marketing ads for the company.

1997-2001 Licensed Real Estate Agent

State of Utah. Trained for license through BYU Marriott School of Business Program Real Estate course and received further Training through a Graduate-Level Real Estate Appraisal course at the University of Utah.

1996-1997  Electrician's Assistant

Brigham Young University electrical shop. Assisted in overseeing maintenance of all campus exterior lighting and timer clock maintenance, campus and surrounding recreational fields and other miscellaneous construction projects. Repairs and new construction of all parking, traffic and exterior lighting of the campus.

1994-1995  Missionary Instructor - Spanish Language

Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah. Instructed groups of 10-12 full time missionaries in spiritual and interpersonal conduct. Directed lessons on how to properly teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Teaching instruction on the Spanish language, grammar, and customs.

1992 – 1993  Bilingual Tour Guide

Polynesian Cultural Center in Laie, Hawaii. Accompanied groups of 2 – 50 people on tours of the Cultural Center grounds lasting between 1 – 6 hours per day. Introduced and explained each of the six major villages in Spanish and English.

1992  Electronic Technician

Industry West Electronics in Orem, Utah. Circuit board assembly of components for podium risers, sliding drawer microphones and portable microphone amplifier speaker sets. Manufacturing Quality Control & Technical manual writing.

1982 - 1994  Construction Laborer

Summer employment included full home remodel, commercial/industrial renovations, ranch hand, residential and commercial painter, various commercial location projects.


  • FAA 107 Drone Professional License (2018 - Present).
  • OSHA Safety outreach instructor in Construction. Qualified to teach and grant both 30 hour and 10 hour Safety training Cards. Includes the successful completion of the OSHA 510 and 500 qualification courses - 2021.
  • Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Onboard & Training Drone License 2017 Certification.
  • General License - Amateur Radio, United States.
  • General Contractors License in Utah (B100) 1998-2011 and in Washington (approx.) 2005 - 2008.
  • Licensed Real Estate Agent in the state of Utah from 1997 – 2001.
  • Fluent in Spanish Language (University-level minor degree).
  • Commercial Drivers License Class “A” - Concrete Ready Mix and Dump Truck Driving Experience.


University Teaching Courses:

  • CFM 370: Safety Practices in Industry - New Developed Course 2024
  • CFM 250: Leadership and Team Building in the Built Environment - New Developed Course 2024
  • CFM 110: Construction and Facilities Documents - New Developed Course 2023
  • CFM 105: Introduction to Construction and Facilities Management - New Developed course 2023
  • ET 105: Introduction to Graphics Communication (With Online component)
  • CSTM 132: Construction Management Introduction/Lab (With Online component)
  • CSTM 132: Construction & Facilities Management. - New Developed Course (2015)
  • CSTM 236: Surveying in Construction
  • ET 320 Professional Development - Resume writing, job interviews, teamworking, project management, leadership
  • CSTM 348 Industrial Safety Course Development and 30-hr OSHA card administrator
  • CON 383: Estimating in Construction
  • ET 448 Industrial Safety Course Development and 30-hr/10-hr OSHA card administrator
  • ETL 535: Leadership in Engineering Technology - New Developed Course 2013
  • CSTM/ET 356: Introduction to Power Systems
  • ETL 545: Information Measurement Theory - New Developed Course Spring (2015)
  • CSTM 440: Green and Sustainable Construction (Summer 2015 Online course)
  • GCOM 430: Internship Course
  • CSTM 430: Construction Estimating
  • CSTM 433: Construction Law
  • CSTM 470: Facilities Management Capstone Course, New Course - Spring 2016
  • ETO 580: Independent Study Graduate Student Advisor
  • ETL 580 - Independent Study Undergraduate Advisor

    Other Teaching:

  • 1995 – 1996  Seminary Instructor (Church Education System – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), Payson High School. Instructed High School aged students in Old Testament studies for the academic year. Graded students on attendance and progress in study.
  • 1994 -1995  Language and Teaching instructor at Missionary Training Center (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) in Provo, Utah for 12 months. Teaching Spanish language fluency, personal presentation skills and gospel principles to full time missionaries.
  • 1992  Math lab tutor for beginning college math courses at Utah Valley State College (Now Utah Valley University). Orem, Utah.


    Teaching Summary:

  • Taught over 1,800 university-level students in construction/engineering courses with an average student rating higher than 4.5/5.0.
  • Created 3 new graduate-level courses and added curriculum.
  • Modified a 100-level construction management course to include a Facilities Management modules and an additional credit hour of workload.
  • Created and taught a new undergraduate capstone course in Facilities Management CSTM 470.
  • Created online hybrid sections for 2 courses (CSTM 132 and 105) with online lectures and labs.

    Program and Curriculum Development Activities:

  • Developed Introduction to Construction and Facilities Management Course (CFM 105) that introduces basic principles of construction and facilities management, including materials, project cost estimation, contract administration, job site management, and safe use of construction materials and tools. (2024)
  • Developed Documents and Plans reading Course (CFM 110) which provides foundational skills for reading and interpreting construction documents, focusing on construction drawings and related management practices. (2023)
  • Developed Team Management and Sustainable Leadership Practices Course (CFM 340) that focuses on leadership and team-building skills essential for construction and facilities management, emphasizing sustainable practices and effective collaboration strategies for long-term project success. (2024)
  • Developed Company Management in the Built Environment Course (CFM 370)  that provides an overview of management specific to the Construction and Facilities Management field, covering the organizational life-cycle from inception to succession. Course included topics in strategic planning, operations, managing growth, and ensuring sustainable development. (2023)
  • Developed Safety Course (CSTM 348 & ET 448) that encompasses the requirements for the School of Engineering and Technology curriculum while simultaneously allowing for students to earn their 30-hour OSHA card within the Construction Industry requirements.
  • Organized and helped to approve departmental program curriculum and title change from “Construction Management” to “Construction and Facilities Management”.  Collaborated with CM faculty to promote, establish and formalize the Facilities Management integration into the existing Construction Management system. Pending university senate approval would make changes active in Fall 2019.
  • Developed a New Option of Study curriculum track in Facility Management - Developed, proposed and received university approval for a new undergraduate Option of Study in Facility Management, in conjunction with industry members and the Facility Management program at Arizona State University. This option included the planning of a 4-course curriculum covering FM categories – Fall 2012-Current.
  • Developed graduate-level course in Leadership and Technology (ETL 535) - Developed, proposed and received university approval for the implementation of a course in leadership that is specific to the areas of project management within the Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management fields. -- Fall 2013.
  • Developed graduate-level course in Information Measurement Theory (ETL 545) - Developed, proposed and received university approval for a new course which teaches practices in gathering, prioritizing assessing industry data in order to make educated Project Management decisions in Construction, Facilities Management and Operations environments -- Spring 2015.
  • Developed an Introduction to Construction & Facilities Management Course (CSTM 132) - Creation of a course which introduces students to an array of processes, systems and vocabulary within the areas of Construction and Facilities Management -- Fall 2015.
  • Developed undergraduate online course in Graphics Communication (ET 105) - Includes the filming, editing and presenting of course instruction for introductory students in drafting, sketching and engineered drawing using Autodesk and Camtasia software -- Fall 2017.
  • Developed capstone course in Construction Facilities Management (CSTM 470) - Includes the development of a culminating curriculum for undergraduate construction management students in the Facilities Management option-of-study students in the Construction Management major -- Winter 2017.
  • Ongoing developmental work with Arizona State University in their online Facilities Management (FM) program as it relates to the undergraduate needs of Western Illinois University’s expansion of an Option of Study program in FM.
  • Instituted and integrated the use of Drone Technology into the Construction Surveying course as well as Facilities Management research.


Refereed Archival Journal Papers:

  • Stone, B., Gajjar, D., & Davis, D. (2021). Developing A Standard Workflow for Drone Roof Inspections. Journal for Facility Management, 1(21).
  • Hurtado, K., Saseendran, A., Sullivan, K., Smithwick, J., Lines, B., & Stone, B. (2018). “Team Assignment Mechanics: Qualifications, Availability, and the Human Element.” In Proceedings, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Construction Research Congress (pp. 158-164). New Orleans, LA.
  • Cluff, C., Stone, B., Sullivan, K. and Smithwick, J., (2017). “Nauvoo Illinois Historic Site: A Facilities Management Perspective,” Journal of Facility Management Education and Research.  DOI:
  • Paper submitted and presented at Associated Schools of Facilities Management conference. Reference: Stone, B., Perrnoud, A., Diez, Clayton., (2016). Developing A More Sustainable Identity Demographic of Potential Facilities Management Students: Linking the Supply of Workforce With Market Demand. ASFM International Educators Conference 2016, April 13, Provo, Utah, USA.
  • Stone, B. H., & Hunter, G. (2015). Charting a Path towards IFMA Accreditation in Universities. Journal of Facilities Management, 6(1). Retrieved March 1, 2016, from
  • Stone, B. H., & Cluff, C. (2015). Developing a Planned Maintenance Program That Aims Towards a Preventative Mindset: A Case Study in Facilities Management Leadership. Journal of Facility Management, 6(1). Retrieved March 1, 2016, from
  • Stone, B., Perrenoud, A., Sullivan, K. (2014) Rescue Management of a Failed Project: An Empirical Case Study of the Subordinate Expertise Empowerment (SEE) Model. Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information & Value, 6(1), 1-21.
  • Lines, B., Sullivan, K., and Stone, B. (2013). “Organizational Implementation of Best Value Project Delivery: Impact of Value-Based Procurement, Pre Planning, and Risk Management.” Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information & Value (CIB Encouraged Journal), Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-19.


Refereed Conference Proceedings Papers/Presentations:

  • Associated Schools of Facilities Management Conference Presentation. Reference: Stone, B. (2022).Thermal Scanning of Campus Roof Signatures: Case Study of Leak Prediction and Detection with Drones, Presented at the 2022 Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM), Online Zoom Presentation, USA December 9, 2022.
  • Associated Schools of Facilities Management Conference Presentation. Reference: Stone, B. (2022). Drone-Documenting a Community of Roof Systems: Over 200 Structures Documented, Presented at the 2022 Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM), Online Zoom Conference, USA, December 9, 2022.
  • Associated Schools of Facilities Management Conference Presentation. Reference: Stone, B., (2020). Utilizing a Drone-Roof Inspection Protocol to Document a Facilities Community, Presented at the 2020 Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM), Charlotte, NC, USA December 18, 2020.
  • International Facilities Management Association World Workplace Conference. Reference: Stone, B., Bown, M., Smithwick, J., (2019). Roof Inspection Protocol with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Paper presented at the 2019 World Workplace Conference (IFMA), Phoenix, AZ, USA October 17, 2019.
  • Associated Schools of Facilities Management Conference Presentation. Reference: Stone, B., Bown, M., Smithwick, J., (2019). Systematizing a Protocol for Roofing Inspections with Drones, Presented at the 2019 Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM), Phoenix, AZ, USA October 15, 2019.
  • Presented at Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM/IFMA) Colloquium. Stone, B., Smithwick, J., Bown, M., (2018). UAV Training in Academia & the Workforce. October 2, 2018. Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • 2017 November -- Presentation submitted and accepted, International Facilities Management Association World Workplace Conference. Reference: Stone, B., Bodily, J. (2017). Integrating the Volunteer & Employed Workforce in Ecumenical Facilities Management, Paper presented at the 2017 World Workplace Conference (IFMA), Houston TX, USA October 18-20, 2017.
  • 2013 November -- Stone, B., Sullivan, K. (2013). Finding Standards in Organizational Change: A Workforce Development Empirical Study, Paper presented at the 2013 Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference, New Orleans LA, USA November 20-23, 2013.
  • Sullivan, K.T., Lines, B.C., Stone, B., Stewart, B., & Warren, H. (2012). “Impact of Preplanning on Construction Project Success: Pre-Contract Planning Case Study.” In Proceedings of RICS COBRA Building, Property, and Real Estate Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 11-14, 2012 (pp. 1429-1437).
  • 2012 September -- Paper submitted and read at COBRA conference. Reference: Sullivan, K., Lines, B., Stone, B., Stewart, B., Warren, H. (2012). Change Management Principles: Best Value Implementation Case Study. RICS International Research Conference 2012, September 10-13, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, p. 1103-1111.
  • 2012 September -- Perrenoud, A., Stone, B.H., Sullivan, K. and Savicky, J. (2012). Case Study: The Implementation of a Performance Metric System in a Capital Improvement Organization, Paper presented at 2012 RICS International Research Conference, Las Vegas NV, USA September 10-13,2012, pp. 1103-1111.
  • 2012 Smithwick, J., Sullivan, K. and Stone, B. (2012) “Risk Management Structure for Value-Based Commodity Contracts.” RICS International Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 11-13, 2012.

Other Publications (Non-Refereed):

  • Facilities Management Feasibility Study developed for the University Senate, College of Business Technology and Department of Engineering Technology. Hunter, D., Diez, R., Carter, R., Erekson, T., Stone, B. (2014) Western Illinois University. College of Business and Technology & the School of Distance Learning.
  • Feasibility Study. Retrieved from:
  • State of Utah Trust Land Real Estate Assessment. Study involved the assessment of residential property demand relating to current development in the St George, Utah area. Graduate student team authored and presented the assessment to the representing State Trust Lands Attorney. (1998).
  • Peer-reviewed Presentation at ATMAE conference. Reference: Stone, B., (2014). Teaching from the Cloud: Using Zero-Cost Technology for Research, Writing & Teaching. Presented at the 2014 Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA November 21, 2014.
  • Peer-reviewed Presentation at Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) conference November (2013). Title: Finding Standards in Organizational Change: A Workforce Development Empirical Study. New Orleans LA, USA November 20-23, 2013.
  • Peer-reviewed Presentation at ATMAE conference. Reference: Stone, B., Diez, C., (2013). Leadership Curriculum Development: The New "Management" in Applied Engineering Classrooms, Presented at the 2013 Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference, New Orleans LA, USA November 20-23, 2013.


  • Presented at BYU Idaho campus, November 14th, 2022. Concrete in Residential Estimating. Faculty and Student audience.
  • Presentation (Via Webinar due to Covid Restrictions), Associated Schools of Facilities Management and International Facilities Management Association & Benchmarking Institute.. Bodily, J. Stone, B., (2020). Drones, Roofing Safety and Maintenance Strategy: The Trifecta of Excellence. April 8, 2020.
  • Presented at the 2019 Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM), Research Colloquium. Stone, B., Bown, M., Smithwick, J., (2019). Roof Inspection Protocol with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Arizona State University - Downtown Phoenix Campus, AZ, USA October 15, 2019.
  • Webinar Presentation, & Associated Schools of Facilities Management and International Facilities Management Association. Stone, B., Smithwick, J., Bown, M., (2019). The Use of Drone Technology in Roofing Inspections. July 26, 2019. Broadcasted from Provo, Utah.
  • Presented at Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM/IFMA) Colloquium. Stone, B., Smithwick, J., Bown, M., (2018). UAV Training in Academia & the Workforce. October 2, 2018. Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Presented at the Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM/IFMA) Conference. Stone, B., Bodily, J., (2017). Managing and Outsourcing Specialized Craftsmanship in Historical Facilities Maintenance. October 19, 2017. Houston, Texas.
  • Presentation at the Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM/IFMA) Conference. Stone, B. (2016). Western Illinois University CSTM/FM Program Overview. April 13, 2016. Provo, Utah.
  • University Senate Meeting Presentation on Cloud-based applications usage on campus for curriculum development and teaching. Western Illinois University, November 11, 2014.
  • Guest Lecturer - Brigham Young University Construction Management Student Lectures in Fall 2011 & Spring 2015. Presentations on Construction Labor and Contract Specifications.
  • Presentation at the Best Value Conference. Reference: Stone, B. (2011). Project Salvage: Application of a Project Management model to a Digital Documenting Service failed contract. Canon USA, Inc. February 9, 2011. Tempe, Arizona.



  • Member and acting president, Simplar Institute. Multi-university research group dedicated to the advancement of procurement and contractor research. (Voted in as president in March of 2020). Member from 2017-2020.
  • Member of the Associated Schools of Facilities Management (ASFM) 2015-2020.
  • Member of the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE), 2013-2015.
  • Member of the International Technology and Engineers Education Association (ITEEA), 2014-2015.
  • Member of the International Facilities Management Association Academic Studies Group 2015.


2011 January -- Assisted in authoring chapter 12 in a construction management and leadership textbook titled “The DNA of Leadership” under the direction of Dr. William Badger. Reference: Badger, B. (2011). The DNA of leadership. Tempe: Sun Devil Digital.


  • Thesis review committee - Jordan Bodily, Arizona State University MS Degree - Exploratory Study of the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Building Inspection: A Roofing Inspection Case Study, (Scheduled for January 2020) - Research partner in thesis topic in the Nauvoo, Illinois area.
  • Thesis review committee - Andrew Rennert, Arizona State University MS Degree - Computerized Maintenance Management Systems: Misconceptions Between Management and Employees, (December 2019).
  • Thesis review committee - Mike Rice, Arizona State University MS Degree - Application of Transaction Cost Economics within the Facilities and Construction Industry to Improve Project Outcomes: A Case Study Approach, (November 2019).
  • Undergraduate thesis review committee - Kathryn Ferguson, Western Illinois University Undergraduate Honors Degree - (Scheduled for December 2018).
  • Graduate Independent Research Project Committee Reviewer - Kar Eee Ho - Graduate Degree Requirements, Western Illinois University - Investigation of Water pH in Pumped Permanent Emergency Eyewash Station, (July 2017).
  • Thesis review committee - Billy Thalin, Arizona State University MS Degree - Transitioning Workspace Environments from a FM Perspective, November 2017.
  • Thesis review committee - Casey Cluff, Arizona State University MS Degree- Nauvoo Illinois Historic Sites: A Facilities Management Perspective, April 2017.
  • Thesis review committee - Sanjeeta Naupane Ghimire - Western Illinois University, December 2016 - Measuring effects of window size on indoor temperature: An analysis using scale model houses (independent research).
  • Reviewer, Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) Seattle conference, Spring 2017.
  • Reviewer of the Associated Schools of Facilities Management Journal (ASFM) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 - .
  • Spring 2017 & 2018 - Reviewer of the Journal of Facilities Management (JFMER).
  • 2013 & 2016 - Reviewer of the CIB International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, an affiliate of the CIB W117.
  • 2015 - Reviewer of the Construction Research Congress (CRC) call for research papers.
  • 2015 - International Facilities Management Association A&R Reviewer (IFMA).
  • Fall 2015 - Reviewer of papers for the Journal of Advancement of Performance Information and Value (JAPIV).


  • May 2013 and 2014, Attended the annual Chick-Fil-A Leadercast training via satellite location in preparation for teaching graduate-level leadership course.
  • June 2013 Attended a training “boot camp” by the Mechanical Electrical Academic Consortium in preparation for teaching courses in Plumbing, HVAC and Power Systems at Kansas State University.


International Level

  • Vice president of Research, Simplar Institute - (2016-2020). Elected President in 2020 until 2022.
  • International collaboration of researchers that focus on helping procurement teams with organizational change, optimized practices and efficiency and overall research between the client/contractor relationship.

University Level

Committee Chair - Council on Intercollegiate Athletics, 2021-2022.

  • Assess college athlete relations with Faculty and Coaching on campus.
  • Review travel (game) schedules as they impact scholastic responsibilities.
  • Reporting to faculty senate yearly minutes.
  • Review and discussion on student-athlete well being in academic environment.

Search Committee for Facilities Manager Vice President, Fall 2021.

University Technology Advisory Group Committee (UTAG):

  • Department representative to the committee in 2019. Provide University Technology with advice and direction in the implementation of departmental priorities and those from the Institutional Strategic Plan for Technology.

Faculty advisor Western Illinois Construction Management Association, Student Club - WICMA (2016-2023). Academic Advisor for the Construction Management student club. Assisted in planning and organizing meeting events, speakers, service, fundraising and other activities with the student-run organization.

University Council on Campus Planning & Usage (CCPU):

  • Elected to Council as a representative of the faculty at-large. Term fall 2013-summer end 2016. Council assists University Facilities Management and Planning in upcoming improvement projects.
  • Served as Chair of committee 2015 - 2016

Faculty advisor Latter Day Saint Student Association (2012-2015):

  • Academic Advisor for the 2013-14 Latter Day Saint Student Association (LDSSA) club, Participated and assisted Latter Day Saint member students in the creation of constitution and bylaws as well as week-to-week planning, association proceedings and publicizing of the group. As a part of this capacity, assisted in substitute teaching in University Institute Class.

College Level - College of Business and Technology

Construction & Facilities Management (CFM) Program Lead, Brigham Young UniversityHawaii - 2023-2025 Assigned:

  • Currently the Program Lead for CFM development feasibility study and recommendations for school expansion into related course offerings. Presenting group consists of the college Department Head, VP of Academic Council & University Council.

Curriculum Committee 2020-2021-present.

  • Blending of separate departments documentation of promotion requirements between Engineering and Engineering Technology groups

Strategic Planning Committee 2018 - 2020

College of Business and Technology Faculty Council

  • member in 2015-16 academic year

College of Business and Technology Board of Directors

  • Currently serving as committee chair 2nd years (2016-2018)

College of Business and Technology Strategic Planning Committee (2014)

  • Committee conducted self-study assessment of goals in preparation for 5 and 20 year plans for the college

Member in “College Curriculum Meeting” proceedings March and April 2013 for Engineering Technology School. Assisted in analysis and planning for upcoming course plans in both undergraduate and graduate programs within school. Curriculum committee member 2015-2016.

Engineering Technology and Leadership (ETL) Curriculum Committee for Graduate Students (2012-Current).

Global Education Committee representative for Engineering Technology School at Western Illinois University 2013.

Department Level - Department of Engineering Technology.

ATMAE Outcomes Assessment Committee:

  • Participated in “Outcomes Assessment” committee representing Engineering Technology and Construction Management department's 2012 -2019. Assessment was a part of the accreditation renewals with the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE).

Epsilon Pi Tau Induction Administrator:

  • Participated two semesters for the national academics honor group. These include Fall and Spring of the 2012-2013 and Fall/Spring of 2013-2014 years.
  • Administrator at the Louisiana Proceeding induction meeting conference

ETL Graduate Student Program Committee Member:

  • Formulating course development and planning for Masters-level curriculum. Regular meetings and decision-making on curriculum.
  • Reviewing and voting on graduate applicants who were considered for admittance to the Engineering Technology program.

Department Chair Review Committee (2013):

  • Participated in committee to assess department Chair Retention Review. This 4-year review consisted of multi-faceted data collection and analysis of Chair performance and publication of recommendations. Personally oversaw the survey creation, distribution, compilation and validation of data.

Recruiting Open House Committee (2013-2015):

  • Co-chair of committee for recruiting potential new and transfer students to ET department enrollment. Included solicitation, planning and carrying out of bi-annual open house presentations and tour days.

Ralph Dirksen” Technology Exhibit Committee (2014-2019):

  • Chair of the committee for administering a high-school 2-day exhibit on campus where students demonstrate works in technology projects. Includes marketing to high school technology programs and overseeing event logistics.
  • High school and college transfer department group tours (2017-19).
  • Transitioned exhibit from a competition into an open house event where we were able to attract high school students to experience college life and laboratory practices in our department. Increased attendance numbers from 6 to 20 to 50 to 100 visitors over each year.

Facilities Management Curriculum Development Committee (2013-2014):

  • Assisted in creating Facilities management program development feasibility study and recommendations for school expansion into related course offerings. Presenting group consists of college Dean, Chair, Full Professor and myself.

Miscellaneous Service

  • 4H Carpentry Judge July 2021 Macomb Competition.
  • Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser Playhouse:  Coordinated and assisted in student-built playhouse (for children) to be auctioned as a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity in Spring 2016. Currently constructing another playhouse to be ready in Spring 2022.
  • Green wall living project on campus, feasibility study and proposal to various departments areas of campus to fund, install and maintain Green Living Walls where indoor vegetation can be more visible and accessible on campus grounds.
  • Electrical Power Systems Lab design and building. Oversaw engineered design, purchase and construction of electrical lab “trainers” used in electrical wiring and testing courses for construction/engineering ET 356 Lab set up at Quad City campus. Oversaw student assembly of trainers as a part of curriculum credit, 2017.

Various laboratory building projects including:

  • Park/Picnic Table Construction for Local Park (Horne Field - 4 table/benches) 2021.
  • Laboratory mobile table design and building - Student labor to design/build 2019.
  • Standing workstation desk design/building 2017.
  • Bags Frames: Engineered and built and decorated 8 frames for bags games with student course.
  • Design/Build of approximately 12 workstation trainers for electrical wiring labs 2014.
  • Other Miscellaneous Carpentry projects for lab.

Facilities Tours - Heating Plant, Electrical Power Station addition construction site and various other construction sites.

Workshop Tours - Multiple trip to fabrication lab demonstration of production machinery.

Student campus employment placement services: Worked with campus Facilities Management & Capital Projects departments in the assignment and placement of CSTM students to on-campus employment training while studying in the Engineering Technology program.


  • 1997 Academic scholarship, Steiner Foundation for graduate work at University of Utah.
  • 1995 – 1997 Academic Scholarship, Multicultural Association at BYU
  • 1991 Dean's List, UCCU (Currently UVU).
  • 1988 Athletic Scholarship playing Football at Snow College, Ephraim Utah - Academic Honor Roll in Athletics.
  • 1988 Eagle Scout Award.


  • 14 Years of head coaching youth organized teams (over 18 Seasons).
  • Local Scoutmaster on 2 different occasions between 2012 - 2019. Troop 303, Macomb, Illinois.
  • 1 year performing in University student traveling group Lamanite Generation, Traveled and performed through several Eastern Europe Countries in 1994.
  • Two year Religious volunteer Mission in Northern Chile 1989 – 1991.
  • Served in dozens of volunteer capacities in Religious service projects. Continuously active in service work helping the community and those in need.


Proficient in AutoCad 2021, MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, Wordperfect, Google Docs Word processor, Google Docs spreadsheet and Google Docs Presentation, WP Presentations, Prezi, QuickBooks Professional Contractor and Bluebeam. Wrote my own Excel company spreadsheets for Construction Estimating, Federal Government Certified Payroll (Davis Bacon Wages) reporting and concrete mix design Volume measurements based on Sand & Aggregate Specific Gravity. Proficient in Dronedeploy flight planning software for UAV use in the Construction Industry.


Spending time with Family, Religious Volunteer Work, Reading, Most Sports, Cycling, Coaching, Serving in Youth organizations.

CV Last Revision 06-06-2024