Behavior, cognition, consolidation, critical thinking, memory, neurosciences, plasticity, psychology.
Ph.D. in Neuroscience - Biology, 2016-2019, University of Bordeaux, France. “Anatomo-functional connectivity of cortical frontal regions in the formation and consolidation of an associative olfactive memory in rodents,” under the supervision of Olivier Nicole, PhD, research team Dynamics of neuronal and vascular networks underlying memory processing
M.A. (second year) in Biology - Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015-2016, University of Bordeaux. – Awarded Cum laude
M.A. (first year) in Biology - Animal and Human Behavior, 2014-2015 – University of Rennes, France.
B.A. in Psychology - Biopsychology, 2011-2014, University of Rennes, France. – Awarded Cum laude
Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University–Hawaii (2022-Present)
General Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Senior Seminar – Psychology
Intro. To Biology
Intro. To Human Biology
Current Topics in Biology – Biological basis of memory processes
Critical Thinking
Scientific Inquiry
Visiting Faculty, Brigham Young University - Idaho (2021-2022)
Cognitive Psychology
General Psychology
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Bordeaux (2018-2019)
Physiology, laboratory classes
Duffau C, Bontempi B, and Nicole O, Mapping cortical brain activity associated with the processing of recent and remote associative olfactory memories, submitted.
Duffau C, Hadzibegovic S, Andelkovic V, Bontempi B, and Nicole O, Normal and slow learners: A new discriminative method based on the speed of learning in aged mice, submitted.
Duffau C and Charles C (2024), Religious Experience and Memory Retrieval: A Memory Studies Reading of Joseph Smith’s “First Vision” Accounts, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, in press.
Rolland B, Naassila M, Duffau C, Houchi H, Gierski F, and André J, (2017), Binge Eating, But Not Other Disordered Eating Symptoms, Is a Significant Contributor of Binge Drinking Severity: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Study among French Students
Wellman E, Duffau C, Poster, August 2024, “What Affects our Semantic Networks?” International Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference, Bali, Indonesia. – Best Poster Award
Duffau C, Bontempi B, and Nicole O, Poster and Presentation, October 2019, “Mapping Cortical Brain Activity Associated with The Processing of Recent and Remote Associative Olfactory Memories” Week of Science, Tsukuba University, Japan.
Duffau C, Hadzibegovic S, Andelkovic V, Lagroye I, Bontempi B, and Nicole O, Poster, April 2018 “A New Method for Discriminating Normal Versus Slow Learners in A Large Population of Aged Mice.” Annual Doctoral Conference, Bordeaux, France.
Duffau C, Grenier F, Presentation, August 2016, “Effects of Local Neuronal Activation on Delta Oscillations During Sleep.” International Summer Research Program, Tsukuba University, Japan.
Wellman E, Duffau C , Presentation, April 2024, “What Affects our Semantic Networks?” Undergrad Research Conference, Brigham Young University – Hawaii, USA.
Wellman E, Duffau C , Presentation, November 2023, “Effect of Age, Gender, and Culture on Semantic Cognitive Network,” Undergrad Psychology Conference, University of Hawaii, USA.