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Eric Rackley

Eric Rackley

Faculty of Education & Social Work, Center for Learning & Teaching

Joseph F. Smith Library, Room 100A


Religious Literacies

Disciplinary Literacies

Motivation for Literacy

Literacy Teacher Education


University of Michigan, School of Education
Ph.D. Educational Studies (Literacy, Language, & Culture)

University of Utah, School of Education
M.Ed. Teaching and Learning (Literacy emphasis)

Portland State University, English Department
M.A. English Literature (Nineteenth-Century American Literature)

Brigham Young University, College of Humanities
B.A. Humanities
Minors: English Literature, Business Administration


Brigham Young UniversityHawaii, Teacher Education
Professor of Education, 2024-present

Associate Director of the Center for Learning & Teaching, 2023-present

Associate Professor of Education, 2018-2024

Coordinator of Secondary Education Program, 2015-2020

Assistant Professor of Education, 2012-2018

Courses Taught

  • Education 212: Foundations of Education
  • Education 312: Effective Pedagogy: Teaching in Practice
  • Elementary Education 320: Literacy Instruction for the Emergent Reader
  • Elementary Education 421: Methods of English Language Arts Instruction
  • Secondary Education 350: General Methods for Secondary Teachers
  • Secondary Education 401: Disciplinary Literacy
  • Secondary Education 430: Classroom Management in Secondary Contexts
  • Secondary Education 491: Observation and Practicum
  • Secondary Education 492: Student Teaching

University of Michigan, School of Education
Lecturer, 2011-2012

  • Education 307: Practicum in Teaching Methods
  • Education 440: Teaching of English (MAC Program)

Graduate Student Research Assistant, 2006-2010

  • Advancing Adolescent Literacy Learning (Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Moje)
  • Evaluating the Validity of Teacher Licensure Decisions (Supervisor: Dr. Pamela Moss)

Graduate Student Instructor, 2006-2008
Education 402: Using Literacy to Teach and Learn Content in Secondary Schools

Baker College of Michigan, English Department
Adjunct Faculty, 2011-2012
English 101: First Year Composition

High School English Teacher
Ypsilanti High School - Ypsilanti, MI, 2011

John W. North High School - Riverside, CA, 2004-2005

Hunter High School - West Valley, UT, 2001-2004


Rackley, E. D. (2024). “Not reading just seems crazy to me”: Religious youths’ textual ideologies of sacred texts. Language and Literacy, 26(1), 104-122.

Rackley, E. D. (2023). People, programs, and practices: Religious literacies in the lives of Latter-day Saint young adults. Religious Education, 118(1), 54-68.

Rackley, E. D. (2022). Latter-day Saint young adults’ motivations for religious literacy. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 31(3), 319-338.

Rackley, E. D. (2022). An ethos of struggle: Literary novices’ challenges with literature. Ubiquity: Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts, 9(1), 33-64.

Rackley, E. D. (2022). “It makes a difference in my life”: Young adults’ motivations for reading sacred texts. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 35(3), 298- 320.

Juzwik, M. M., LeBlanc, R. J., Dávila, D., Rackley, E. D., & Sarroub, L. K. (2022).

Spiritual and religious meaning making in language and literacy studies: Global perspectives on teaching, learning, curriculum, and policy. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 21(3), 225-237.

Rackley, E. D. & Strain, R. K. (2022). Religious literacy practices for young readers. Religious Educator, 23(1), 51-72.

Rackley, E. D. (2022). A comparative scripture-reading analysis of Latter-day Saint experts and novices. International Journal of Christianity and Education, 26(1), 32-49.

Rackley, E. D. (2021). Literary scholars’ disciplinary literacy orientations. Language  and Literacy, 23(3), 85-105.

Rackley, E. D. (2021). “Blessings and friends and knowledge”: Environmental motivations for religious literacy. Religious Education, 116(2), 101-115.

Rackley, E. D. (2020). Reading sacred texts: A qualitative study of religious educators’ literacy processes. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 29(3), 236-258.

Rackley, E. D. (2020). “It is for everything”: Religiosocial discourse experiences of Methodist youth. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 29(1), 1-17.

Rackley, E. D. (2018). Religious literacies as social practice: A Latter-day Saint perspective. Religious Educator, 19(3), 57-73.

Rackley, E. D., & Hilton, J. (2018). Principles and practices for motivating youth for scripture literacy. Religious Educator, 19(1), 119-137.

Rackley, E. D. (2018). Reading for understanding: Methodist youths’ shared scripture reading practices. International Journal of Christianity & Education, 22(1), 3954.

Rackley, E. D. (2017). Three keys to reading well in college. Ke Alakai, 118(1), 6-7.

Rackley, E. D. (2017). Scripture reading practices of Methodist youth. Religious  Education, 112(2), 136-148.

Rackley, E. D. (2016). Religious youths’ motivations for reading complex, religious texts. Teachers College Record, 118(11), 1-50.

Rackley, E. D. (2016). Developing scripture literacy: What good scripture readers know and do. Religious Educator, 17(3), 13-27.

Rackley, E. D., & Kwok, M. (2016). “Long, boring, and tedious”: Youths’ experiences with complex, religious texts. Literacy, 50(2), 55-61.

Rackley, E. D. (2016). Latter-day Saint youths’ construction of sacred texts. Interpreter:  A Journal of Mormon Scripture, 19, 39-65.

Rackley, E. D. (2015). How young Latter-day Saints read the scriptures: Five profiles. Religious Educator, 16(2), 129-147.

Rackley, E. D. (2014). Scripture-based discourses of Latter-day Saint and Methodist youths. Reading Research Quarterly, 49(4), 417-435.

Rackley, E. D. (2012). Principles and practices for motivating students for content area literacy. Journal of Reading, Writing and Literacy, 6(1).


Rackley, E. D. (under review). Textual ideologies of sacred texts in one faith community.

Rackley, E. D. (under review). “Reading the scriptures and stuff is a big thing”: Sponsors of youth religious literacy.

Wolstein, A., & Rackley, E. D. (revise & resubmit). Disciplinary literacy and makawalu: How literary experts read the world.


Rackley, E. D. (in preparation). Exploring the reader-text dimension of disciplinary literacy practice.  

Stone, C., & Rackley, E. D. (in preparation). “Immersing myself into that world”: Latter- day Saint young adult’s meaning-making experiences with sacred texts.

Rackley, E. D. (in preparation). Latter-day Saints’ religious literacy sponsorship.

Rackley, E. D. (in preparation). Scripture literacy: Principles and practices for teaching youth to understand sacred texts.


* indicates undergraduate student co-researcher/co-presenter
Rackley, E. D. & Wolstein, A. (2019, December). English scholars’ disciplinary literacy  orientations. Paper presentation at annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, Florida.

Rackley, E. D. (2017, January). A disciplinary literacy framework for constructing  meaning of English texts. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2015, April). Experts’ understanding of literacy in the English discipline. Roundtable symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Rackley, E. D., & *Erickson, C. E. (2015, February). The reading processes of Latter-day  Saint religious experts. Paper presentation at the annual Brigham Young University-Hawaii Learning and Teaching Symposium, Laie, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D., & *Erickson, C. E. (2015, January). “Students who do the bare  minimum”: Secondary teacher candidates’ views of literacy learners and texts. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D., & *Moyes, T. (2014, December). Literacy as a multidimensional  construct in the English discipline. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, Florida.

Rackley, E. D. (2014, May). The Interactive Model of Motivation for Literacy:  Motivating students for success. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Rackley, E. D., & Tano, C. (2014, May). Motivating students to read complex texts.  Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Rackley, E. D., & Tano, C. (2014, February). “I learn in many different ways”: An  analysis of BYU-Hawaii students as learners. Paper presentation at the annual Brigham Young University-Hawaii Teaching and Learning Symposium, Laie, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D., & *Moyes, T. (2014, February). Readers, texts, and literacies, oh my!:  Surfacing the literacies in the disciplines. Paper presentation at the annual Brigham Young University-Hawaii Teaching and Learning Symposium, Laie, Hawaii.

*Helms, B., *Hicks, R., *Stout de Ramos, H., Rackley, E. D., & Tano, C. (2014, February). Reaching beyond the Ivory Tower into the future classroom: Teacher candidates conducting educational research. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Hawaii Educational Research Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

*Moyes, T., & Rackley, E. D. (2014, February). Expert and novice conceptions and uses  of texts in the English discipline. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Hawaii Educational Research Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2014, January). “It is your life”: The role of religious texts in the lives of  youth. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.

*Helms, B., *Hicks, R., *Stout de Ramos, H., & Rackley, E. D. (2014, January). Conceptualizing students, conceptualizing texts: Elementary teacher candidates’ conceptions of students and texts early in their teacher preparation. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D., & Tano, C. (2013, June). “Help me understand the class”: What teacher  educators need to know about teaching diverse teacher candidates. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Pacific Circle Consortium, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2013, April). A social and cultural construction of texts: Sacred texts in  the lives of religious youth. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California.

Tano, C., Rackley, E. D., Buckner, D., Chowen, B., & Wilcken, A. (2013, February). Conducting action research in teacher education. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Hawaii Educational Research Association, Manoa, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2012, November). Motivation for reading complex religious texts: A  study of Latter-day Saint and Methodist youth. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, California.

Rackley, E. D., & Birdyshaw, D. (2012, November). Secondary preservice teachers’  conceptions of using content area texts in subject matter instruction. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, California.

Rackley, E. D. (2010, April). Religious youths’ motivation for literacy in religious  contexts. Roundtable presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, Colorado.

Rackley, E. D. (2009, December). Literate practices of Christian youth. Roundtable presentation at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Rackley, E. D. (2009, April). White, middle class, Christian literacies: Do they matter? Roundtable presentation at the University of Michigan School of Education Graduate Student Research Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Rackley, E. D., & Birdyshaw, D. (2008, November). Preservice teachers’ models of  disciplinary texts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Orlando, Florida.

Rackley, E. D., Moje, E. B., Birdyshaw, D., & Bain, R. (2007, November). Preservice  teachers’ conceptions of disciplines and disciplinary literacy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Austin, Texas.


* indicates undergraduate student co-researcher/co-presenter
Rackley, E. D. (2016, January). Transforming gospel discussions. Kaneohe Stake Teaching Seminar, Kaneohe, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2015, February). Improving discussions in Church classrooms. Laie Stake Priesthood Meeting, Laie, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2015, February). Using talk to promote religious learning among  youth. Laie North Stake Young Women’s Training, Laie, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2015, January). Demystifying scripture reading: How to teach youth  in the Church to read scripture. Laie Stake Sunday School Training, Laie, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2014, July). Literacy in secondary schools: What it is and why it matters.  Fiji LDS Church College, Suva, Fiji.

Rackley, E. D. (2014, July). Reading as thinking: Principles for developing strong  readers. Namuka-I-Cake Primary School, Raviravi, Fiji.

*Helms, B., *Hicks, R., *Stout de Ramos, H., & Rackley, E. D. (2014, January). Conceptualizing students, conceptualizing texts: Elementary teacher candidates’ conceptions of students and texts early in their teacher preparation. School of Education, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.

Rackley, E. D. (2013, July). Moving beyond decoding: Reading for comprehension.  Namuka-I-Cake Primary School, Raviravi, Fiji.

Rackley, E. D. (2013, March). Why religious youth read scripture: An exploration of  complex religious texts and motivation. Brigham Young University-Hawaii Honors Colloquim, Laie, Hawaii.


Disciplinary Literacy Initiative, Principal Investigator, 2013-present
In collaboration with Taylor Moyes (BYU–Hawaii student) this project continues to explore the unique ways in which disciplinary experts and novices navigate and produce texts. It also aims to develop tools for teaching disciplinary literacy skills and practices to secondary teacher candidates.

The Study of Literacy Teaching and Learning, Principal Investigator, 2013-2016
Exploring secondary teacher candidates’ conceptions of literacy from their introductory literacy course through program completion.

The Study of Elementary Literacy Teaching & Learning, Co-PI, 2013-2015
In collaboration with Colleen Tano (BYU–Hawaii professor) this project explores elementary teacher candidates’ views of literacy throughout their teacher preparation.


Manuscript Reviewer, Religious Education - 2022-present

Board Member, BYU Latter-day Saint Educators Society - 2022-2023

Guest Co-Editor, English Teaching: Practice & Critique - 2020-2022

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Research on Christian Education - 2018-present

Manuscript Reviewer, The Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts - 2017-present

Manuscript Reviewer, English Teaching: Practice & Critique - 2017-present

Manuscript Reviewer, Reading Research Quarterly - 2015-present

Membership Director, Organization of Teacher Educators of Literacy - 2013-2015

Editorial Review Board, Literacy Research Association Yearbook - 2013 -2015

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Literacy Research - 2012-present

Proposal Reviewer, International Literacy Association - Various

Proposal Reviewer, Literacy Research Association - Various

Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association - Various

Proposal Reviewer, Hawaii Educational Research Association - Various

Proposal Reviewer, Hawaii International Conference on Education - Various

Mentor, University Undergraduate Research Conference - 2024

Chair, Education & Social Work CFS Review Committee - 2024

Moderator, University Undergraduate Research Conference - 2023

Proposal Reviewer, University Undergraduate Research Conference - 2023, 2024

Member, University Oral Competency Team - 2023

Associate Director of the Center for Learning and Teaching - 2023-present

Member, Teacher Education Stakeholders Committee - 2023

Member, Teacher Education Course Objectives Alignment Project - 2022

Chair, Teacher Education Faculty Search Committee - 2021

Member, Teacher Education Data Team - 2021-2022

Member, University Promotion Review Committee - 2021-2026

Member, University Writing and Critical Thinking Group - 2020-2021

Member, Teacher Education AAQEP Accreditation Committee - 2016-2022

Member, Teacher Education Scholarship Review Committee - 2018-2022

Member, University General Education Committee - 2016-2020

Coordinator, Teacher Education Secondary Education Program - 2015-2022

Advisor, Senior Thesis for Taylor Moyes (English Education - 2015

Advisory Board Member, University Center for Learning & Teaching - 2013-2015

Faculty Lead, University Faculty Learning & Teaching Study Group - 2013-2015

Senior Consultant, WELL Africa Project - 2013

Senior Consultant, Assisting Education in the Fijian Islands - 2013

Member, Teacher Education Faculty Search Committee - Various

Member, Education & Social Work Rank Advancement Committee - Various

Graduate Student Ambassador, University of Michigan - 2006

Instructor, Brigham Young University–Hawaii Literacy Workshop - 2013-2014

Advisor, We the People, Kahuku High & Intermediate School - 2012-2013

Action Team Member, Ann Arbor Public Schools - 2011

Research Consultant (paid), ThinkStretch Summer Learning Program - 2010-2011

Volunteer Instructor, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2008-2012

Literacy & Creative Writing Volunteer, Ann Arbor Public Schools - 2007-2012

Literacy Consultant (paid), Oakland Schools, Waterford, Michigan - 2006-2012

Professional Development Workshops

Brigham Young University–Hawaii Literacy Workshop, Laie, Hawaii (2013-2014):

  • Metacognitive conversations: Demystifying reading for struggling readers
  • Developing robust reading instruction for struggling readers
  • Writing instruction that meets the demands of the Common Core State Standards
  • Writing instruction that meets the demands of the Common Core State Standards
  • Teaching closely for reading closely using the Common Core State Standards
  • Negotiating complex texts in a Common Core world
  • Nurturing the writing life: Creating thoughtful, motivated writers
  • Where is comprehension and how do I help make it happen?

Oakland Intermediate School District Literacy Workshops, Waterford, Michigan (2006-2012):

  • The wonderful world of writing: Assessing writing assignments and using writing in the English Language Arts classroom
  • Using schema theory, comprehension strategies, and classroom discourse to improve high school students’ literacy learning in the English Language Arts
  • Using metacognition and text structures to improve high school students’ literacy earning in the English Language Arts
  • Discourse in the middle grades: Leveraging classroom talk to improve student learning in the English Language Arts
  • Writing as a tool for learning in middle grade English Language Arts classrooms
  • Improving middle school students’ comprehension of texts in the English Language Arts
  • Using metacognition and text structures to improve middle school students’ literacy learning in the English Language Arts
  • Motivating secondary students for literacy learning

Oakland County Literacy Workshops, Various Locations, Michigan (2006-2012):

  • Using writing as a tool for learning in middle school social studies classrooms (Sashabaw Middle School)
  • Accessing and analyzing content area informational texts in middle school science classrooms (Sashabaw Middle School)
  • What is content area literacy in science and social studies and how can I use it to improve my students’ content area learning? (Sashabaw Middle School)
  • Using questioning strategies and skills to improve secondary students’ learning of content area material (West Middle School)
  • Facilitating deep disciplinary learning across the content areas through reading, writing, talking, and thinking (Meridian High School)
  • The common core English language arts standards: What do they say? What do they mean? What can I do with them? (Holly Area Schools)
  • High school content literacy assessments, standards, and strategies for English language arts (Brandon School District)


BYU–Hawaii, Teaching Innovation Grant, 2013, 2014

University of Michigan, School of Education, Finishing Grant 2010 University of Michigan, Spencer Mini-Grant Research Award 2009

University of Michigan, Dean’s Student Travel Grant 2007-2009

University of Michigan, Rackham Conference Travel Grant 2007-2009

University of Michigan, Education Scholar Award/Rackham Fellowship 2005-2010

Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 2003

Brigham Young University, Full Leadership Scholarship 1990-1997


American Educational Research Association, Divisions G and K
Hawaii Educational Research Association
International Literacy Association
Literacy Research Association, Areas 1, 6, & 7
National Council of Teachers of English
Phi Delta Kappan International

CV Last Revised 6/24

Teacher Education Program Secondary Education Program