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Francisca Marshall Portrait

Francisca Butac Marshall

Assistant Professor Librarian
Joseph F. Smith Library, Faculty of Education & Social Work

JFS 181

Fran is an experienced educator with over 18 years in the field. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from BYU–Hawaii, a Master of Science in Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, and a Ph.D. in Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies from Florida State University. Her research specializes in instructional design for various learning environments and emerging technologies in education. Her dissertation focused on instructional video design.

Fran was born in the Philippines but grew up on the island of Kaua’i. It was during her time as a student at BYU–Hawaii that Fran met her husband, Justin Marshall, who now teaches in the Faculty of Math and Computing at BYU–Hawaii. Fran and Justin have six daughters.

Professional Preparation

2013-2019 PhD, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. College of Education
Major: Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies. Dissertation Chair: Dr. Vanessa P. Dennen
Marshall, F. B. (2019). The Effects of Embedding Questions at Different Temporal Locations within Instructional Videos on Perception and Performance (Doctoral dissertation, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.)

2011-2012 MS, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. College of Education
Major: Open and Distance Learning Educational Psychology and Learning Systems.
Focus: Instructional design for various learning environments

1987-1991 BS, BYU–Hawaii, Laie, HI.
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Psychology

1987-1991 AS, BYU–Hawaii, Laie, HI.
Major: Early Childhood Education

Teaching Experience

Jan. 2019-Current Instructor, Teacher Education Program, BYU–Hawaii.
EDU 305 Computer and Technology Assisted Instruction (2 Sections).
• Plan, evaluate, and revise course content and course materials
• Guide students in the use of technology in the classroom
• Review and research current trends in technology and their use in the classroom
• Initiate, facilitate, and moderate online and classroom discussions
• Grade assignments in a consistent and timely manner

Jan. 2023 Adjunct Instructor, Teacher Education Program, BYU-Hawaii.
EDU 200 Human Growth and Learning Applied to Teaching (2 Sections).

Sept. 2020-Dec. 2022 Adjunct Instructor, Joseph F. Smith Library, BYU–Hawaii.
STDEV 101R Introduction to University Life.
• Plan, prepare, and deliver weekly lectures, online and F2F activities.
• Provided a variety of learning activities/materials/resources to meet students' varying needs
• Use relevant technology to support teaching and learning
• Encourage and monitor students' progress with appropriate feedback on their assignments and discussions

Jan. 2021-Apr. 2021 Adjunct Instructor, Teacher Education Program, BYU–Hawaii.
ELED 451 Math Methods Elementary, Part II.
• Guide students in the various strategies and pedagogical methods for teaching math in the Grades 3-6 classroom (Both F2F and Online)
• Facilitate student use of a variety of teaching strategies on problem solving methods
• Help students create, demonstrate, and analyze a math lesson plan using standards alignment set by the state and NCTM
• Help students create a standard-based unit for the math curriculum
• Encourage class discussion and maintain positive learning environment

Sept. 2019-Dec. 2020 Adjunct Instructor, Faculty of Math & Computing, BYU–Hawaii.
IT 240 Web Design (2 Sections).
• Recreated F2F curriculum for online instruction
• Facilitated classroom discussions for 20-25 students per section
• Interacted with students daily via Office Hours, email, and online sessions
• Created grading rubrics and syllabi to help with consistent assignment grading

Sept. 2018-Dec.2018 Special Instructor (Co-Teacher), Teacher Education Program, BYU–Hawaii.
EDU 385 Assessment in the Classroom.

Jan. 2018-Apr. 2018 Special Instructor, Teacher Education, BYU–Hawaii. EDU 212
Foundations of Education (2 Sections).
• Planned and developed weekly plans for 2 sessions of EDU 212 in a multicultural classroom
• Provided many instructional strategies in the classroom to facilitate learning and maximize participation
• Established a warm and supportive social environment in the classroom
• Instilled confidence in students with concerns and self-esteem issues
• Conducted small group discussions
• Collaborate with local elementary school personnel for practicum experience
• Brought in special guest speaker that answered students' questions about issues affecting teachers today
• Answered students' questions and concerns in a timely manner

Aug. 2015-Dec. 2015 Graduate Teaching Assistant, College of Education, Florida State University.
EME 6691 Performance Systems Analysis.
• Provided remote support to students
• Graded papers and provided feedback

Aug. 2014-May 2015 Instructor, College of Education, Florida State University.
EME 2040 Introduction to Instructional Technology.
• Implemented various instructional methods to pre-service teachers including, online and classroom discussions, lectures, problem‐based learning, and both individual and group work

Aug. 2011-May 2015 Instructor/Recitation Instructor, Department of Interdisciplinary Computing, Florida State University. CGS2821 Introduction to Web Design (3 Sections).
• Taught the basic concepts of web design
• Provided assistance and support for online and distance learning students taking the course using various online methods of communication (Web 2.0 applications, email, chat, social media, etc.
• Assisted with classroom students during Office Hours regarding coding, design, web‐design topics, and other misc. questions.
• Graded assignments/projects and provided in‐depth feedback
• Performed research relating to learning management systems and how students interacted and collaborated in an online community
• Collaborated with other researchers for publication

1991-1995 6th Grade Teacher, Kahuku Elementary School. Laie, Hawaii. My focus teaching content areas include Reading, Art, English, Literature, Social Studies/World History/Current Events, and P.E. to grades 4-6. I was also a Grade Level Chairperson. planning and decision making for the three 6th grade classes.
• Presented district workshop in Language Arts
• Implemented accelerated reading program in the classroom and afterschool program
• Conducted technology workshop for the district focusing on technology use in the classroom
• Collaborated with both BYU-Hawaii and the special education program to initiate the first technology group at KES
• Organized training for Grade 6 students to offer school-wide technology assistance to students and teachers
• Partnered with BYU-Hawaii as a Cooperating Teacher (CT) for their teacher education program

Professional Experience

August 2023-Current Assistant Professor Librarian, Joseph F. Smith Library, BYU–Hawaii.
• Support, document, administer, implement, and provide training for a range of systems such as OCLC's WMS, EZproxy, Ebsco Discovery services, Ex Libris' SFX link resolver, ILLiad, Springshare products, BYUH’s library website, and BYUH Digital Collections repository website.
• Provide technical support and troubleshooting for licensed online resources in a variety of formats from multiple vendors.
• Primary liaison with vendors regarding license management, potential purchases, and troubleshooting.
• Coordinate trial subscriptions, purchases, and licensing for e-resources
• Day-to-day management, technical expertise, and support for established and emerging library technology solutions and standards.
• Manage software updates, improvements, and migration
• Supports and maintains the various imaging, scanning, and digitization solutions
• Evaluate usage statistics of digital assets.
• Supervise circulation, collection, and cataloging staff.
• Supervise 8 student workers.
• Make budget recommendations.
• Subject Librarian for Faculty of Education, Faculty of Math and Computing, and Faculty of Music.

Sept. 2022-April 2023 Instructional Designer, Faculty of Math and Computing, BYU-Hawaii.
• Work closely with BYU–H Curriculum Committee in assisting with the development and implementation of a new minor on campus (Construction and Facilities Management)
• Provide guidance and assistance to new faculty on course setup on Canvas LMS (setting up the new course, integrating curriculum activities, quizzes, etc.)

Aug. 2022-Current Online Instructional Designer, Prismatic Culture (non-profit organization), Kaneohe, HI.
• Design and implement the online curriculum for Kolohe Time, a children's program that teaches Hawaiian values in the elementary and homeschool environment
• Create online assessments and activities for K-2 and 3-5grade levels, as well as promote cultural representation and awareness
• Research and analyze grant opportunities and making recommendations to the stakeholders
• Working together with the website's development team (including Multimedia Design, Graphic Design, Video Production, Software Engineers, and Stakeholders)

April 2016-June 2020 Instructional Designer, Joseph F. Smith Library, BYU-Hawaii, HI.
• Worked closely and provided guidance with librarians and library faculty
• Designed and implemented online learning modules for the BYUH library
• Upgraded the library's online library tutorials
• Created online learning modules that are used by faculty to assist students with using the library's resources
• Assisted with the design and implementation of the library's website
• Collaborated on several projects with library faculty and staff
• Assisted students with research questions and interests.

Sept. 1996-Aug. 2011 Co-Owner, PageWest (Innovative Computer Solution Provider),
Jacksonville, Oregon. PageWest is a computer consulting/design firm.
• Developed and established vendor relationships (i.e, Dell, Microsoft, Adobe)
• Managed production inventory and purchasing
• Managed client software licensing and subscriptions
• Provided remote support for clients
• Oversaw web and graphics design/marketing for PageWest and clients
• Provided business consultation and customer service
• Performed accounting services and generated reports

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Marshall, F. B., Marshall, J. (2021, November). The Effects of Embedding Knowledge-Check Questions in Instructional Videos. In Proceedings of Innovate Learning 2021 Summit, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2021. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Marshall, F., Jiang, W., & Dennen, V. (2015, October). An Examination of the Usefulness of a Learning Community System and Blackboard in Both Online and Face‐to‐Face Courses. In Proceedings of eLearn: World Conference on E‐Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2015 (pp. 1136‐1141). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Marshall, J., Tyson, G., Llanos, J., Sanchez, R., & Marshall, F. (2015, November). Serious 3D Gaming Research for the Vision Impaired. In 2015 17th International Conference on E‐health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom) (IEEE Healthcom 2015) (pp. 463‐466).

Peer-Reviewed conference Proceedings and Presentations

Marshall, F. B., DeMartini, B., & Marshall, J. (2022, April). The Use of Learning Analytics to Corroborate Survey Responses. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 829-837). Association for the Advancement of Computing inEducation (AACE).

Marshall, J., Marshall, F., & Chauhan, A. (2020, November). Students' Video Watching Patterns Within Online Instructional Videos. In Innovate Learning Summit 2020 (pp. 202-210). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Marshall, F., Jiang, W., & Dennen, V. (2015, October). An Examination of the Usefulness of a Learning Community System and Blackboard in both Online and Face‐to‐Face Courses. Presented at E- Learn 2015 (AACE) -- World Conference on E-Learning, Kona, HI.

Marshall, F., Jiang, W., & Dennen, V. (2014, November). The Effectiveness of the PIC Learning Community System. Paper presented at Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Jacksonville, FL

Refereed Book Chapters

Baldauf, K., Jiang, W., Marshall, F., & Dennen, V. P. (2014). From learning management systems to learning community systems: enabling social constructivist learning. In A. Benson, & A. Whitworth (Eds.), Research on Course Management Systems in Higher Education (pp. 89‐118). Hershey, PA: Information Age Publishers.

Scholarly Presentations/Workshops/Talks/Seminars

Marshall, F. & Marshall, J. (2019). Techniques for Improving Engagement with Videos in Online Information Literacy Learning Modules. Presented at the 2019 Hawaii Information Literacy Summit, Honolulu, HI.

Marshall, F. & Baldauf, K. (2013, September). From Learning Management Systems (LMS) to Learning Community Systems (LCS). Presented at The Florida Distance Learning Association (FDLA) Conference, Orlando, FL.

Poster Presentations

Marshall, F.B. (2014, April). LMS for a New Generation. Poster presented at ISD@FSU 2014 Alumni Conference, Tallahassee, FL.

Jiang, W. & Marshall, F. (2013, October). The Effectiveness of a Learning Community System. Poster presented at the FSU College of Education: 2013 Dean's Symposium, Tallahassee, FL.

Group Research Publication

Brown, S., Chen, Y., Cloud, K., Daniel, E., Ford, J., Guerrero, M., Hernandez, A., Hong, Z.,Jerry, M., Mansouri, S, Marshall, F., Montez, D., Norton, L., Peruche, B., Quiang, W., Ramp, L., Rios, A., Bakare, N., Samples, M., Xiang, Y., Young, L., Yu, M., & Zaza, I. (2014). ELPS 2014 Survey Report: Graduate Student Information Access in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. [Unpublished Manuscript]. Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. Florida State University.

Awards and Honors

2012-2016 PhD Graduate Assistantship, Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, Florida State University

2013 Division Award-DIGITECH, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. "Ms. Lolita, Virtual Animated Teacher" Elements of a Short Story. Self-paced online module for Grades 4-6 with five short, interactive videos discussing content, interactive quiz.

2011-2012 MS Graduate Assistantship, Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, Florida State University

Professional Memberships

• The Association for Educational Computing and Technologies (AECT)
• Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Peer Reviewer

2024 Journal of Online Learning Research (JLOR) 1 Review
2024 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2024) 10 Proposal Reviews
2022 Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) Conference-2 Proposal Reviews 2020 Internet and Higher Education Journal -1 Review
2019 Internet and Higher Education Journal-2 Reviews
2017 Internet and Higher Education Journal- 1 Review
2016 Internet and Higher Education Journal-1 Review
2015 Internet and Higher Education Journal- 1 Review
2014 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Design & Development Division -1 Proposal Review


2020-Current Kapaka Farms Volunteer, Hau’ula, HI

CV Last Revised 6/14/2024

Teacher Education Program