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A portrait of Jeffrey Maloney smiling at the camera with blurred green plants in the background.

Jeffrey Maloney

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Education & Social Work

Jeff Maloney received a bachelor’s degree in communications from BYU-Idaho in 2011, an MA in applied linguistics from Ohio University in 2014, and a PhD in second language studies from Michigan State University in 2018. He has also spent time as a teacher in Russia, a language student in Japan, and as a missionary in Brazil. 

He has worked with students and scholars from around the world in program administration, teaching, and mentorship. His current research focuses in the areas of technology and language teaching, world Englishes, and linguistically responsive instruction.  

Jeff was born and raised in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. During free time he enjoys traveling and playing board games. Together with his wife, Mallory, they are the parents of three daughters.


Doctor of Philosophy – Second Language Studies
Michigan State University
Graduation: May 2018
Dissertation Title: Fulbright FLTA CALL Beliefs and Knowledge: The Role of Context
Committee Co-Chairs: Senta Goertler & Shawn Loewen

Master of Arts – Applied Linguistics
Ohio University
Graduation: May 2014
Advisor: Scott Jarvis

Bachelor of Science – Communications
Brigham Young University Idaho
Graduation: July 2011


Assistant Professor of English Language Teaching
Faculty of Education & Social Work
Brigham Young University–Hawaii
September 2021 – Current

 Assistant Professor of English
Department of Languages and Literature
Northeastern State University
August 2018 – July 2021

Director, ESL Academy
Languages and Literature
Northeastern State University
January 2019 – July 2021

Instructor – Second Language Acquisition
Visiting International Professional Program
Michigan State University
June 2018 – September 2018

Adjunct Assistant Professor
ESL/Bilingual Program
Aquinas College
May 2018 – July 2018

Teaching Assistant
Department of Linguistics, Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages
Michigan State University
August 2016 – May 2017

Online Instructor – Second Language Acquisition
Department of Linguistics, Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages
Michigan State University
July 2015 – August 2015

Teaching Assistant
Department of Linguistics
Ohio University
August 2012 – May 2014


TESL Reporter, Brigham Young University–Hawaii
June 2022 – April 2023

Graduate Assistant
Michigan State University, Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA)
January 2015-May 2016; August 2017 – December 2017

Research Assistant – World Englishes Methodology
Michigan State University
May 2015 – October 2015

Fulbright FLTA Orientation Assistant
Michigan State University, Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA)
August 2017

Travel Coordinator
Michigan State University, English Language Center
May 2016 – August 2016

Fulbright Scholars Cultural Liaison
Ohio University
Summer 2014

Cultural Advisor – Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE)
Ohio University, Department of Linguistics
Spring 2013

Online ESL Lab Consultant
Michigan State University, English Language Center
May 2015 – August 2015; May 2016 – August 2016

Graduate Assistant – ESL Lab Consultant
Michigan State University, English Language Center
August 2014 – December 2014

Writing Tutor – Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE)
Ohio University, Department of Linguistics
August 2012 – April 2014

Graduate Writing Tutor – English Language Improvement Program (ELIP)
Ohio University, Department of Linguistics
August 2013 – April 2014

Exchange Tutor – Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE)
Ohio University, Department of Linguistics
Spring 2013


LING 423 – Language Acquisition: F21, F22, F23
EIL 320 – Academic English II: F21, W22, SP22, F22, W23, SP23, F23, W24, SP24
TESOL 405 – Technology Assisted Language Instruction: SP22
LING 423 – Sociolinguistics: W22, W23, SP23, W24
TESOL 425 – Teaching Vocabulary: F22
TESOL 199R – Service Leadership (EIL Tutoring): W24, SP24
TESOL 497R – Mentored Research: W23, F23, W24

Traditional Grammar & Usage: F18, SP19, F19, SP20, F20, SP21
Introduction to Linguistics: F18, SP19, F19, SP20, F20, SP21
*Elementary Japanese (Co-taught as FLTA supervisor): SP21
Principles of TESOL (online): F20
ESL Grammar: Northeastern State University ESL Academy: F20
Methods and Second Language Acquisition Theory (online): SU20
American Culture & Conversation: Northeastern State University ESL Academy: SP20
ESL Grammar: Northeastern State University ESL Academy: F19
TOEFL ITP Preparation: Northeastern State University ESL Academy: F19
English Conversation: Northeastern State University ESL Academy: SP19
History of English: F18

  Second Language Acquisition (graduate level; ESL/Bilingual program): SU18

 Second Language Acquisition (for Visiting International Professional Program): SU18
Language Teaching Methods: SP17
Pedagogical Grammar for Teachers of English (2 sections): F16
Second Language Acquisition (online): SU15

  Introduction to Linguistics: SP14, F13, SP13, F12


Maloney, J. (Manuscript under review) Five arguments for the TPACK framework in CALL teacher education research.

Pack, A., & Maloney, J. (2024). Using Artificial Intelligence in TESOL: Some Ethical and Pedagogical Considerations. TESOL Quarterly. 58(2). 1007-1018.

 Pack, A., & Maloney, J. (2023) Using Generative Artificial Intelligence for Language Education
Research: Insights from Using OpenAI's ChatGPT. TESOL Quarterly. 57(4). 1571-1582.

 Pack, A., & Maloney, J. (2023) Potential affordances of generative AI in language education:
Demonstrations and an evaluative framework. Teaching English with Technology, 23(2),

 Loewen, S., Gonulal, T., Isbell, D., Ballard, L., Crowther, D., Lim, J., Maloney, J., &
Tigchelaar, M. (2019). How knowledgeable are SLA researchers about basic statistics? Data from North America and Europe. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.

 Loewen, S., Crowther, D., Isbell, D. R., Kim, K. M., Maloney, J., Miller, Z. F., & Rawal, H.
(2019). Mobile-assisted language learning: A Duolingo case study. ReCALL, 31 (3), 1-19.

 Maloney, J. & De Costa, P. I. (2017). Imagining the Japanese heritage learner: A scalar
perspective. Language, Discourse & Society, 5(1), 35-52.

 De Costa, P. I., Crowther, D., & Maloney, J. (Eds.). (2019). Investigating World Englishes:
Research methodology and practical applications. New York: Routledge.

 Wendorf, A., Maloney, J. (2020). Risky World: Knowledge Is Power. In Nurmukhamedov, U.,& Sadler, R. (Eds.), New Ways in Teaching with Games. TESOL Press. USA.

 Wendorf, A., Maloney, J. (2020). Guess Who?: Movie Characters. In Nurmukhamedov, U.,
& Sadler, R. (Eds.), New Ways in Teaching with Games. TESOL Press. USA.

 Wendorf, A., Maloney, J. (2020). Where Is It?. In Nurmukhamedov, U.,
& Sadler, R. (Eds.), New Ways in Teaching with Games. TESOL Press. USA.

 Crowther, D., & Maloney, J. (In Production) Facilitating research-pedagogy dialogue in English as an international language. In Galloway, N., & Selvi, A. F. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English as an International Language. Routledge. New York.
Role: Second author

 Maloney, J. & Kessler, M. (2019) Ethnography: Connecting the local and the global. In De
Costa, P., Crowther, D., & Maloney, J. (Eds.), Investigating World Englishes: Research methodology and practical applications. Routledge. New York.

 Kessler, M. & Maloney, J. (2019) The use of ethnography in World Englishes. In P. De Costa,
D. Crowther, & Maloney, J. (Eds.), Investigating World Englishes: Research
methodology and practical applications. Routledge. New York.

 Crowther, D. & Maloney, J. (2019) World Englishes, ELF, and EIL. In P. De Costa, D.

Crowther, & Maloney, J. (Eds.), Investigating World Englishes: Research methodology
and practical applications. Routledge. New York.

 Maloney, J. (2019). U.S. foreign language student digital literacy practices: Factors affecting
engagement. Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education. Springer.

 De Costa, P. I., Maloney, J., & Crowther, D. (2019). Global Englishes. In A.
Phakiti, P. De Costa, L. Plonsky, & S. Starfield (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of
applied linguistics research methodology. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

 Maloney, J. (2019 February) [Review of the book Language Teacher Education and
Technology: Approaches and Practices]. Language Learning & Technology, 23(1), 44-48. Available at

 Maloney, J., Liu, J. (2016 October). [Review of the book Teaching Languages Online (2nd Ed.)].
Language Learning & Technology, 20(3), 37-39. Available at

 Miller, Z., Maloney, J. (2016 February). [Review of the book Language Learning with Digital
Video]. Language Learning & Technology, 20(1), 46-49. Available at


 Maloney, J., Pack, A. (May 2024) Evaluating AI for integration in language teaching across contexts: A conceptual framework. Paper to be presented at CALICO Conference.
Pittsburgh, PA.

 Maloney, J. (2023 June) The TPACK Framework for CALL Research and CALL Teacher
Education. Paper presented at CALICO Conference. Minneapolis, MN.

 Maloney, J. (2023 March) An exploration of researcher/pre-service teacher collaborative
research for Global English perspective-building through attitude surveys. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Portland, OR.

 Maloney, J. (2022 May) U.S. Foreign Language Student Digitally-mediated Language
Engagement Outside of Class: What Does it Look Like? Paper presented at Computer
Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) conference. Online.

 Ahmed, F., & Maloney, J. (2021 May) Evolving Perceptions and Developing Practices:
Fulbright FLTAs and Technology. Paper presented at Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) conference. Online.

 Maloney, J., Ahmed, F. (2021 March) Evolving perceptions and Practices: Fulbright Foreign
Language Teaching Assistants and Technology for Language Teaching. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Online.

 McBride, J., & Maloney, J. (2021 March) A linguistic landscape of Cherokee in Tahlequah,
Oklahoma. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Online.

 Maloney, J., Winke, P., & Gass, S. (2019 September) I want the grade…not the proficiency:
Student and teacher perceptions of proficiency – do they align? Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2019. East Lansing, Michigan.

 Maloney, J. (2019 May) Keep CALL and Carry On: CALL, TPACK, Fulbright FLTAs and
Returning Home. Paper presented at Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Conference. Montreal, Canada.

 Crowther, D., Maloney, J., & De Costa, P. (2019 March) Pedagogical Inquiry in English as an International Language: A Synthesis. Paper presented at TESOL 2019 International Convention & Language Expo. Atlanta, Georgia.

 Maloney, J. (2019 March) ‘...I have to behave like in a very small, silent and more calmer
way...’: CALL, Fulbright FLTAs, and going home. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Atlanta, Georgia.

 Maloney, J. (2018 March) International teaching exchange: The impact on TEFL teachers’
CALL Practice. Paper presented at TESOL 2018 International Convention & Language Expo. Chicago, Illinois

 Maloney, J. (2018 March) ‘I felt uncomfortable at the very beginning…but now I am fine’:
Fulbright FLTA CALL knowledge and beliefs development. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Chicago, Illinois.

 Maloney, J. (2017 October). ‘Here there is no need’: Fulbright FLTA CALL beliefs and
knowledge development. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF). Columbus, Ohio.

 Maloney, J. (2017 May). Digital technology and literacy practices outside of the classroom:What do students think? Paper presented at Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) conference. Flagstaff, Arizona.

 Li, W., Kim, K., Lim, J., Maloney, J., Godfroid, A. (2017 March). Validating measures of
implicit and explicit knowledge in L2 acquisition. Roundtable discussion held at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Portland, Oregon.

 Loewen, S., Crowther, D., Isbell, D., Lim, J., Maloney, J., Tigchelaar, M. (2017 March). The
statistical literacy of applied linguistics researchers. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Portland, Oregon.

 Maloney, J. (2016 October). Talking Tech: U.S. foreign language students’ digital literacy
practices and the connection with language proficiency. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF). New York, New York.

 Maloney, J. (2016 May). US foreign language student language proficiency and technology use: What’s the connection? Paper presented at Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Conference. East Lansing, Michigan

 Maloney, J. (2016 April) The Interpretability Hypothesis: Learner sensitivity to gendered
pronouns in English. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Orlando, Florida.

 Swinehart, N., & Maloney, J. (2014 May). Open, online, and local: A community-based MOOC for adult ELLs. Paper presented at Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Conference, Athens, Ohio.

 Swinehart, N., & Maloney, J. (2014 April). Expanding community English classes through an online course module. Paper presented at Ohio University CALL Conference, Athens,

 Jarvis, S., Casal, J. E., Taylor, J., Maloney, J., Konstantinova, I., & Wistner, B. (2014 March).
Sentence memory and sentence processing: A longitudinal study of the effects of crosslinguistic similarity and learners’ cognitive capacities. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) National Convention. Portland, Oregon.

 Jarvis, S., & Maloney, J. (2013 October). Toward an improved model of lexical diversity with a focus on lexical specialness. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF). Provo, Utah.

 Konstantinova, I., Taylor, J., Casal, J. E., & Maloney, J. (2013 October). An exploration of the challenges and benefits of long-term collaborative research:  A case study of the linguistic department’s working memory and crosslinguistic influence research group’s development and evolution. Invited talk for Department of Linguistics Colloquium at Ohio University, Department of Linguistics, Athens, Ohio.

 Amira, M., Casal, J. E., Dovbnya, T., Maloney, J., & Taylor, J. (2013 March). The effects of
crosslinguistic similarity and working memory capacity on Chinese- and Arabic-speaking learners’ L2 intake. Paper presented at Purdue University Graduate Student Symposium on SLS/ESL. Lafayette, Indiana.

 Maloney, J. (Organizer; 2021 May) “Global Realities of Teacher Training for CALL: Where are we, where have we been, and where are we going?” Panel organized and led at Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) conference. Online


 Maloney, J., Policarpio, A., Jessop, E., Bautista, H. T. (May 2024) Exploring the
Perceptions of the effectiveness of Duolingo among pre-service Professionals. Paper to be presented at CALICO Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.

 Eckstein, H., Koltovskaia, S., Maloney, J., Escalante, J. (2023) To pay or not to pay: Exploringthe performance of Grammarly’s free and premium versions. Poster presented at American Association of Applied Linguistics conference. Portland, OR.

 Maloney, J. (2024 May - June) Linguistically Responsive Instruction. 5-week instructional
development seminar presented to BYU-Hawaii Center for Learning and Teaching. Laie,

 Maloney, J. (2023 January – April) Linguistically Responsive Instruction. 10-week instructional development seminar presented to BYU-Hawaii Center for Learning and Teaching. Laie, Hawaii.

 Pack, A., & Maloney, J. (2023 March) Using ChatGPT to scaffold learning: Potentials and
pitfalls. Workshop presented to BYU-Hawaii Center for Learning and Teaching. Laie,

 Maloney, J. (2023 January) Promoting researcher-practitioner engagement with Global
Englishes through collaborative research: A multi-phase project. Lecture presented as a
part of the SLS Thursday Lecture Series at University of Hawaii-Manoa. Honolulu, HI.

Maloney, J. (2022 October) Mind the gap: Collaborative research on Global English
perspectives and attitudes to improve pedagogical practice. Colloquium presented as a
part of Ohio University’s Linguistics Colloquium Series. Online.

 Maloney, J. (2019 March) ESL Tutoring and You. Workshop series presented to Northeastern State University Writing Center. Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

 Maloney, J. (2018 February) Fulbright FLTA CALL knowledge development and enactment:
The role of context. Invited presentation for the SLS Spring 2018 Symposium. East Lansing, Michigan.

 Maloney, J., & Isbell, D. (2018 January) Qualtrics survey software overview: Applications for research. Workshop presented as a part of CeLTA Professional Development Series at Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan.

 Maloney, J. (2017 September). Some more information on technology in the classroom. Invited workshop for MSU Fulbright FLTAs. East Lansing, Michigan.

Handelman, M., & Maloney, J. (2016 April). iPads in the foreign language classroom.
Workshop presented as a part of CeLTA Professional Development Series at Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan.

 Maloney, J. (2015 September). Online tutoring tips & tricks. Workshop presented as a part of CeLTA Lunch & Learn Series at Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan.

 Maloney, J. (2015 March). Language learning apps for mobile devices. Workshop presented as a part of CeLTA Lunch & Learn Series at Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan.

 Maloney, J. (2013 November). OPIE writing workshop: Writing an effective conclusion.
Workshop training presented as a part of an Ohio Program of Intensive English writing lab workshop. Athens, Ohio


Editorial Team Member

CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Journal
November 2023 – Current
Link: CALICO Journal Editorial Team

  Conference Co-chair; Hawaii TESOL
October 2023 – February 2024

 Co-Editor; TESL Reporter
January 2022 – May 2023

 Chair; CALICO Special Interest Group: Teacher Education
Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO)
June 2022 – June 2023

 Chair; CALICO Special Interest Group: Gaming
Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO)
June 2020 – May 2021

 Faculty Council Representative
Northeastern State University
August 2019 – Current
Representative for college of Liberal Arts.

 Supervisor; Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant
Northeastern State University
August 2019 – Current

Submitted a successful application for NSU to receive two Fulbright FLTAs for the 2020 – 2021 Academic year in Spanish and Japanese.

Submitted a successful application for NSU to receive one Fulbright FLTA for the 2019 – 2020 academic year in Spanish

 Japanese Club – Faculty Sponsor
Northeastern State University
January 2019 – Current

 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) – Graduate Evaluator
Michigan State University 2018

 World Languages Day – Presenter & Volunteer
Michigan State University, Center for Language Education and Research (CLEAR)
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 – Around the World in 50 minutes: Presenter
2016 – Brazilian culture and language; Volunteer
2015 – Invited panelist on language learning

 Production Assistant – Tea with BVP Podcast
Michigan State University, College of Arts and Letters
2016 – 2017

 Co-editor for MSU SLS working papers

 Co-president – Linguistics Society of Ohio University (LSOU)
Ohio University, Department of Linguistics
August 2013 – May 2014

 Diversity Abroad Panelist – International Week
Ohio University
Spring 2014


 Faculty Research Award, AY 2020 – 2021, Northeastern State University
Graduate Student Award, 2018, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL

 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
TESOL International Association
Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO)
International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT)

ELT Leadership Management Certificate; TESOL 2019
TEFL certificate; Ohio University
CALL certificate; Ohio University
SPEAK test rater; Ohio University



Experience with Inquisit Stimulus Presentation Software and Superlab
Basic level of coding in Python
Experience utilizing the Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
Experience utilizing Microsoft Office
Basic experience with Sequel Pro and mySQL workbench
Proficient with the computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) NVivo
Experience with Qualtrics survey creation software


English: Native
Brazilian Portuguese: Advanced (unofficial)
Spanish: Intermediate (unofficial)
Japanese: Novice (unofficial)

CV Last Revised, June 2024