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Jim Tueller. Professor in the Department of Culture Language and Performing Arts.

Jim Tueller

Faculty of Culture, Language & Performing Arts


June 2009 to present: Professor of History at Brigham Young University–Hawai‘i.

January 2014 to May 2014: History and Religion Faculty of Semester at Sea, Institute of Shipboard Education, hosted by the University of Virginia; teaching three courses (Iberia in the World, Islam and the World, Religion and Conflict) aboard the M.V. Explorer, traveling from San Diego, California to Hilo, Hawaii; Yokohama and Kobe, Japan; Shanghai, China; Hong Kong; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Singapore; Yangon, Myanmar; Cochin, India; Port Louis, Mauritius; Cape Town, South Africa; Accra and Takoradi, Ghana; Casablanca, Morocco and London, England.

May 2001 to May 2009: Associate Professor of History at Brigham Young University–Hawaii.

April 2006 to May 2006 - Research in the Philippine National Archives in Manila, Philippines.

June 2004 to July 2004 - Visiting Research Scholar at the Archivo General de la Nación in Mexico City, Mexico examining materials for an ongoing project of Spain in the Pacific.

May 2001 to July 2001 - Research Scholar at the Archivo General de Indias in Seville, Spain examining materials for an ongoing project of Spain in the Pacific.

August 1997 to May 2001: Assistant Professor of History at Brigham Young University–Hawaii.

May 1999 to June 1999 - Visiting Scholar at the Spanish Documents Collection of the Micronesian Area Research Center (M.A.R.C.) on the University of Guam campus, investigating the early Christianization of the Chamorros.

September 1996 to April 1997: Part-time instructor in the history department at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

January 1994 to May 1994 and January 1995 to December 1995: Lecturer in history at Bronx Community College of the City University of New York: two courses -- World History and Human Geography.

September 1994 to December 1994: International Researcher at the General Archive of Simancas and various diocesan archives while living in Valladolid, Spain.

September 1991 to December 1993: Research Assistant for Prof. David Cannadine and Prof. Isser Woloch at Columbia University.

April 1991 to January 1994: Bibliographic Assistant in the Monographs Processing department for Columbia University Libraries.

August 1989 to July 1990: Member of History faculty at the Meridian School in Provo, Utah teaching Geography, Ancient Classical History, World Civilizations to 1500, and a Modern European History class.

May 1985 to December 1985 and January 1988 to April 1989: Assistant Librarian at the History/Religion Reference Desk at the BYU Lee Library, directing patrons and researching for collection development under Hispanic Studies Librarian Dr. Mark Grover.


February 1997: Ph.D. from Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Columbia University in New York City.

May 1993: M. Phil. in History from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Columbia University.

May 1991: M.A. in History from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Columbia University.

April 1989: B.A. in History from Brigham Young University, Cum Laude and Phi Kappa Phi.

June 1984: Graduated Cum Laude from the American School of Madrid.


March 2023: Navigating the Spanish Lake: The Pacific in the Iberian World, 1521-1898. Paperback edition from the University of Hawaiʻi Press, World History Series; in collaboration with Rainer Buschmann and Edward R. Slack, Jr.

June 2022: Review of Truth in Many Tongues: Religious Conversion and the Languages of the Early Spanish Empire by Daniel I. Wasserman-Soler in Journal of Religious History volume 46, issue 2 (June 2022) 371-373.

April 2022: Review of The Gray Zones of Medicine: Healers & History in Latin America, edited by Diego Armus and Pablo F. Gómez in Bulletin of the Pacific Circle 48 (April 2022) 2729.

October 2021: Review of The Indies of the Setting Sun: How Early Modern Spain Mapped the Far East as the Transpacific West by Ricardo Padrón in Bulletin of the Pacific Circle 47 (October 2021) 30-33.

June 2020: Review of Gathering Souls: Jesuit Missions and Missionaries in Oceania (1668–
1945) by Alexandre Coello de la Rosa in The Journal of Jesuit Studies 7 (2020) 673-675.

December 2019: Review of Polemical Encounters: Christians, Jews and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond, edited by Mercedes García-Arenal and Gerard Wiegers in The Journal of Early Modern History 23 (2019) 580-583.

August 2018: Review of This Happened in My Presence: Moriscos, Old Christians and the Spanish Inquisition in the Town of Deza, 1569-1611, edited by Patrick J. O’Banion in The Journal of Early Modern History 22 (2018) 308-310.

October 2017: “Layers of Time and Place: San Pedro Macati, MetroManila and the Philippines” in World History Connected volume 14, issue 3 -

June 2016: Review Essay of three books: William D. Phillips, Jr., Slavery in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia; Joanne Rappaport, The Disappearing Mestizo: Configuring Difference in the Colonial New Kingdom of New Granada; Janina M. Safran, Defining Boundaries in al-Andalus: Muslims, Christians and Jews in Islamic Iberia in The Journal of World History volume 26, number 4 (December 2015) 902-906.

October 2015: Review of Iberian Visions of the Pacific Ocean, 1507-1899, by Rainer F. Buschmann, in the Bulletin of the Pacific Circle 35 (October 2015) 12-14.

September 2015: Review of Tolerance and Coexistence in Early Modern Spain: Old Christians and Moriscos in the Campo de Calatrava, Trevor Dadson in the Journal of Early Modern History 19, 5 (2015) 473-476.

October 2014: “The Moriscos Who Stayed Behind or Returned” The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain: A Mediterranean Diaspora, edited by Mercedes García- Arenal and Gerard Wiegers, translated by Consuelo López-Morillas and Martin Beagles (Leiden: Brill, 2014) pages 197-215.

May 2014: Navigating the Spanish Lake: The Pacific in the Iberian World, 1521-1898. University of Hawaii Press, World History Series; in collaboration with Rainer Buschmann and Edward R. Slack, Jr.

April 2013: “Los Moriscos que se quedaron o que regresaron” pages 191-209 en Los Moriscos: Expulsión y Diáspora una perspectiva internacional, edited by Mercedes García Arenal and Gerard Wiegers, Publicacions de la Universitat de València.

December 2012: Review of Alhajas Para Soberanos: Los animales reales en el siglo XVIII: De las leoneras a las mascotas de cámara, Carlos Gómez-Centurión Jiménez in Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 37: Issue 1, Article 18.

April 2012: Review of Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Braudel’s Maritime Legacy. Edited by Maria Fusaro, Colin Heywood, and Mohammed Salah Omri (London: I.B. Taurus Publishers, 2010) in The Northern Mariner, volume 22, number 1, 80-82.

July 2011: Review of Misfortunes and Shipwrecks in the Seas of the Indies, Islands and
Mainland of the Ocean Sea, Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, translated by Glen F. Dille (Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 2011) in The Northern Mariner, volume 21, number 3, 311-313.

April 2011: Review of The Spanish Experience in Taiwan, 1626-1642: The Baroque Ending of a Renaissance Endeavor, José Eugenio Borao Mateo (Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2010) in The Northern Mariner, volume 21, number 2, 196-198.

December 2010: Review of Exploring the Explorers: Spaniards in Oceania, 1519-1794, Mercedes Maroto Camino (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008) in The Journal of Modern History, volume 82, number 4, 974-975.

October 2010: Review of Frontier Constitutions: Christianity and Colonial Empire in the
Nineteenth-Century Philippines, John D. Blanco (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2009) in volume 7, number 3 (October 2010) of World History Connected: The EJournal of  Learning and Teaching -

March 2010: Excerpt of translation of the 1812 Spanish Constitution published in The Western
Experience, McGraw-Hill, Tenth Edition (2010) p. 617; Ninth Edition (2007), p. 633; Eighth Edition (2003), p. 761; Seventh Edition (1999), p. 749 and Sixth Edition (1995) 692.

May 2009: “Mulling Over Magellan: A Future-spective about Spain in the Pacific” The Sixteenth Century Journal: The Journal of Early Modern Studies XL, 1 (Spring 2009) 225-228.

April 2009: “Networks of Conversion: Catholic Congregations in the Marianas Islands, 16681898” Conversion to Christianity from Late Antiquity to the Modern Age: Considering the Process in Europe, Asia, and the Americas (Minneapolis: Minnesota Studies in Early Modern History) 333-360.

April 2007: “Mendaña, Álvaro de” and “Quiros, Pedro Fernández de” essays in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History, volume 2, 554-555 and volume 3, 403-404.

March 2007: Review of Between Christians and Moriscos: Juan de Ribera and Religious Reform in Valencia, 1568-1614, by Benjamin Ehlers (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006) in volume 60, n. 1 (Spring 2007) of Renaissance Quarterly, 187-189.

March 2006: Review of Muslims in Spain: 1500-1614, by L. P. Harvey (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005) in volume 59, number 1 (Spring, 2006) of Renaissance Quarterly, 166-167.

January 2006: “A Spanish Naval Tourist in Hawai‘i: Manuel Quimper” MainS’l Haul: A Journal of Pacific Maritime History Volume 41, No. 4 & Volume 42, No. 1 (Fall 2005/Winter 2006) 43-47.

April 2005: Review of In the Shadow of the Virgin: Inquisitors, Friars, and Conversos in Guadalupe, Spain, by Gretchen D. Starr-LeBeau. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2003) in volume 29, n. 2/3 (Winter 2004/2005) of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Bulletin, 35-36.

July 2004: Review of Creating Christian Granada: Society and Religious Culture in an Old World Frontier City, 1492-1600, by David Coleman. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2003) in volume 90 of the Catholic Historical Review, 541-543.

January 2004: “Manila” and “Pacific Ocean” essays in Europe 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, volume 4, 18, 359-361.

September 2002: Good and Faithful Christians: Moriscos and Catholicism in Early Modern Spain published by the University Press of the South, New Orleans, Louisiana.

December 2001: “Los Chamorros de Guam y la colonización española: Una tercera etapa 1698 a 1747” Imperios y Naciones en el Pacífico: Colonialismo e Identidad Nacional en Filipinas y Micronesia, volume II, (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) 385-394.

October 2001: Review of Christians, Muslims and Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: Interaction and Cultural Change, edited by Mark D. Meyerson and Edward D. English (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999) in The Sixteenth-Century Journal vol. XXXII, no. 3 (Fall 2001) 902-905.

August 2001: Co-Editor for World Communities: A Multidisciplinary Reader published by Pearson Custom Publishing for the History 202 - World Communities General Education class in collaboration with J. Michael Allen, Cynthia Compton, and other university faculty.

October 1999: Review of Pillaging the Empire by Kris E. Lane (Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1998) in The Sixteenth-Century Journal vol. XXX, (1999) 879-881.

March 1998: “The Assimilating Morisco: Four Families in Valladolid prior to the Expulsion of 1610” Mediterranean Studies, volume 7 (1998) 167-177.

April 1991: Master’s Essay “The Expulsion of the Moriscos: The Arbitristas’ Outlook” accepted by the Columbia Department of History in partial fulfillment for the M.A.

January 1990: “The Castilian Comunero Revolt: An Historiographical Approach” Journal of  International and Area Studies: A Student Perspective 1 (1989) 35-43.


February 2024: BYUH Film Forum Presentation on the 1986 film The Mission with Austin Pack, Assistant Professor, TESOL. Introduction and post-film discussion.

August 2022: Presented research and methods about family history at the Christian Tueller Reunion in Geneva, Idaho.

February 2022: Fourteenth Biennial Conference of the Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction (FEEGI) hosted via Zoom by the University of California – Los Angeles.

September 2021: Morisco Diaspora and Morisco Networks Conference (September 16 and 17), co-organized by IS-LE COST Action (CA18129) Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750) and the ERC Synergy Project the European Qur’ān (EuQu) brought together scholars who work on the (forced) migrations of Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula to other parts of Europe and the MENA Region between the fall of Granada (1492) and the first half of seventeenth century.

April 2021: Annual meeting of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) virtual conference, April 23-25.

April 2021: Renaissance Society of America (RSA) Virtual Conference, April 13-15 and April 20-22.

October 2020 to May 2021: Moriscos without Borders Series of Online Seminars hosted by Houssem Eddine Chachia at the University of Sfax, Tunisia. Presentations by Gerard Wiegers (October 27), Luis F. Bernabé Pons (November 24), Brian Catlos (December 22), Mercedes García-Arenal (January 26), Jaffar Ben el Haj Soulami (February 23), Ridha Mami (March 30), Mohamed Abdellouahed El Asri (April 27), Alejandro Garcí Sanjuán (May 25), Books on the Moriscos (June 22).

February 2020: Chair of Panel 1 “Indigeneity & Indigenous Cultures” at the Thirteenth Biennial Conference of the Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction (FEEGI) at the University of St. Louis, Missouri.

February 2019: David O. McKay Lecture “Primary Sources from the Past: Family History, Are We Doing It?” University Award to commemorate yearly Founder’s Week.

October 2018: Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) Forum presentation “Emotions of the Past: What Did They Feel?”

April 2018: 49th Annual meeting of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) conference in Portland, Oregon, hosted by Portland State University.

February 2018: Local Organizing Committee and Panel Chair for the Twelfth Biennial Meeting of the Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction (FEEGI) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The panel is entitled “Hemispheric Integrations.”

February 2017: Presentation entitled “Layers of Time and Place: San Pedro de Macati, Metro Manila, Philippines” at the Pacific Journeys: A Conference in World History at the Cross-Roads of the Pacific in Association with the World History Association of Hawaiʻi in Honolulu.

June 2015: Presentation entitled “Learning History through Children’s Literature: Samples and a Work in Process” History Education Hawaii, Inc. 2015 Summer History Education Conference in Honolulu.

November 2014: Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) Forum presentation “A Semester at Sea: Traveling the World and Loving to Learn”

October 2014: Presentation for the BYU–Hawaii Pre-Health Care Professionals Club – “A Patient Patient: Surgery to Remove a Carotid Body Tumor.”

June 2014: Presentation entitled “A Semester at Sea: Circumnavigating the World and Teaching World History” at the History Education Hawaii, Inc. 2014 Summer History Education Conference in Honolulu.

April 2014: Field Program from Casablanca to Rabat, introduce students and shipboard community members to the sites of Rabat connected to Moroccan, Islamic, Spanish, and World history.

March 2014: Insight Lecture aboard the M.V. Explorer – “Iberian Global Empires.”

March 2014: Field Program in Kochi, Kerala, India introduces students and shipboard community to the historical sites of Fort Cochin, focusing on the Portuguese, Jewish, and English remnants in southern India.

January 2014: Hawaiian Language “boot camp” aboard the M.V. Explorer, introducing Semester at Sea students to the languages and cultures of the state of Hawaii.

October 2013: “Spanish Language Sources” presentation at the Genealogy Help in Hawaii Conference in Laie, Hawaii.

March 2012: Panel Chair for a session entitled “The Circulation of Scientific and Medical
Knowledge in Early Modern Spain” and Panel Chair for a session entitled “Colonial Visions and Perspectives in Portugal” at the Annual Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

January 2010: “Scales of Spain’s Empire in the Pacific: From Small Islands to Global Sea
Routes” in Panel #116 “Debating, Defending, and Negotiating the Spanish ‘Lake’” at the American Historical Association 124th Annual Meeting in San Diego, California.

September 2009: “Moriscos Who Stayed Behind or Returned” Congreso Internacional - Los Moriscos: la Expulsión y Después, Organized by the Sociedad Estatal de
Conmemoraciones Culturales and the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain.

April 2009: Panel Chair “Order and Rebellion in the Early Modern Spanish World” Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS) in Kansas City, Missouri.

April 2008: Panel Chair “Towards a Social History of the Church in the 20th Century” Annual Meeting of the SSPHS in Fort Worth, Texas.

April 2007: Paper “Islands of the Sea: A Spanish Dream of Islands” 38th Annual Meeting of the SSPHS in Miami Beach, Florida.

September 2006: “Ambiguity and University Education: A Classroom for Learning” Brigham Young University - Hawaii Academic Convocation.

April 2006: Paper “Names Are Written in Heaven: Chamorro Christianity and Jesuit Lists in Eighteenth-Century Guam” Global Christianities in Comparative Perspective: A Colloquium sponsored by the Berry Lectures in Christianity Foundation, the Department of Religion, and the University Research Council of the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

March 2006: Panel Chair “Humanism in Renaissance Spain” and “The Gift and Cultural Production in Early Modern Spain” at the Annual Conference of the Renaissance Society of America in San Francisco, California.

February 2006: Panel Chair “History III/Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom” Evolving Egypt Conference at Brigham Young University - Hawaii.

March 2005: Panel Chair “Overseas Conflict” Annual Meeting of the SSPHS in Charleston, South Carolina.

February 2005: Paper “Alexo de Castro, Inquisitional Sinner: Crossing the Pacific from Manila to Mexico in 1645 and Beyond” Pacific Connections Conference of the Maritime Archaeology and History of Hawaii (MAHHI) Symposium in Honolulu, Hawaii.

September 2004: Paper “Manuel Quimper in Hawaii: The Spanish Monarchy in the late Eighteenth-Century Pacific” at the San Diego Maritime Museum conference on Spain in the Pacific.

April 2004: Paper “Antonio de Ayigi: Peripheral Chamorro of Guam and Model Christian” at the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS) in Los Angeles.

March 2004: Presentation “Championing the General Education Mission: A Strategy for Collaboration and Assessment” at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) in Long Beach, California.

April 2003: Presentation “Bringing the Mission into the Classroom: A Strategy for Effective, Assessable Curricular Change” at the Annual Conference of the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) in Irvine, California.

March 2002: Attended Conference of College Composition and Communication (CCCC) in Chicago as a member of the BYUH General Education Committee’s Communicate Effectively Sub-Committee (CESub-C) in order to learn more about assessment strategies and best practices at other institutions.

February 2002: Paper “Networks of Conversion: Catholic Congregations in the Marianas Islands, 1668-1898” as Luncheon Speaker for Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.

May 2001: Paper “Networks of Conversion: Catholic Congregations in the Marianas Islands, 1668-1898” for the University of Minnesota Conversion to Christianity Conference.

April 2001: Panel chair of “Religious and Cultural Frontiers in Early Modern Spain” for the SSPHS in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

March 2001: Attended seminar of the NCTLA (National Center for Teaching Learning and Assessment) in Cincinnati, Ohio.

February 2001: Invited participant in the Honolulu planning meeting for a Pacific Regional Humanities Center, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and hosted by the University of California at Davis.

May 2000: Paper at the National Pacific Islander in America Conference in Laie, Hawaii entitled “Multiple Strands of Identity: Chamorros, Spaniards and Americans in the Mariana Islands.”

April 2000: Paper at the SSPHS Conference in New York City entitled “Local Religion in Early Modern Guam: Chamorros, Spaniards and Others in the Marianas.”

April 2000: Attended National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Regional Conference in Honolulu with the General Education and Honors Committee.

February 2000: Panel Discussion for annual David O. McKay lecture, Gale L. Ward “Heresy, Censorship, and Human Liberty: Sav(or)ing the Satanic Verses.

November 1999: Paper at the A.E.E.P (Asociación Española de Estudios del Pacífico) in Madrid, Spain entitled “Los Chamorros de Guam y la colonización española: una tercera etapa 1698 a 1747.”

October 1999: Participant in the Asia-Pacific conference theme “Tradition and Change in Higher Education: The Asia-Pacific Perspective of Building on Tradition and Creating Change within the Globalization Paradigm.”

April 1999: Panel Chair for “Public and Private Rituals in Habsburg Spain” at the SSPHS Annual Conference in San Diego, California.

January 1999: Paper at the A.H.A (American Historical Association) Conference – Washington D.C.; Paper title “The Morisco Diaspora during the First Half of the Seventeenth Century.”

October 1998: Panelist in the SCSC (Sixteenth Century Studies Conference) – Toronto, Canada; reading paper “Moriscos in Oropesa: The Royal Expulsion and Local Religion in Early Modern Spain.”

August 1998: Participant in the Kanaka Maoli Conference sponsored by the Center for Hawaiian Language and Cultural Studies of Brigham Young University - Hawaii.

April 1998: Panelist in the SSPHS Annual Conference; reading paper “Exempting Moriscos: Philip III and the Five Year Expulsion;” St. Louis, Missouri.

April 1998: Invited Speaker at University of Hawaii - Manoa History Department. Paper topic: The Moriscos of Early Modern Spain: Books, Books, and More Books.”

February 1998: Keynote Speaker for Brigham Young University–Hawaii Xi Delta Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the History Honor Society: Remarks entitled “Philip III of Spain: Why Should I Care about Him?”

October 1996: Invited to the Rocky Mountain World History Association Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah; reading paper “The Moriscos: From Islam to Christianity in Sixteenth Century Spain.”

April 1996: Panelist in the SSPHS Annual Conference; reading the paper “The Assimilating Morisco: Four Families in Valladolid prior to the Expulsion of 1610;” Tucson, Arizona.

April 1996: Seminar Participant at the Columbia University Institute of Western Europe; paper “Mapping Morisco Life: Diverse Communities in Sixteenth-Century Spain.”


April 2009: “A Paper Clip Sculpture” Kula Manu BYU–Hawaii Department of English, 2009; page 92.


August 2022: Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society “Love of Learning” award - $500.

April 2019: BYUH Faculty Recognition Award for leadership in the History Program.

April 2015: BYUH Faculty Appreciation Award for contribution as a teacher and colleague.

April 2011: BYUH Faculty Appreciation Award for contribution as a teacher and colleague.

April 2010: Honors Professor of the Year, BYUH University Honors Program.

October 2009: Executive of the Year, Mahalo No Ka Hana Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals.

June 1998: Best Teacher in Division of Social Sciences for 1997-1998, Brigham Young University–Hawaii Student Body.

April 1989: Chosen as Department of History valedictorian nominee for the spring college commencement.

February 1989: Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.

October 1988: Inducted into the Golden Key National Honor Society.


World Civilizations from 1500, Historical Methods and Analysis, Renaissance History, Reformation History, History of Spain, Expansion of Europe, Spanish Empire in the Pacific, Islamic World and North African History.


Forum for Early-Modern Expansion and Global Integration (FEEGI) Executive Committee At Large Member, 2024-2028.

Principal author and editor for the 2024 BYUH Institutional Report for application to Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).

Historian for the Hawaii State Society of Mayflower Descendants, elected March 2023; educational outreach and assisting prospective members with primary sources, establishing ancestry with 1620 pilgrims landing in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Dissertation Committee as external reviewer for Clyde Louchez, candidate for Doctorate of Security Studies at American Military University; projected dissertation defense June 2024.

Faculty Mentor and Panel for the BYUH Undergraduate Research Conference:
April 2024: Panel B7 Four Student Presentations and Faculty Judge Committee
March 2023: Panel B3 Four Student Presentations
April 2007: Panel “Paper Session 7 - Navigating Gender and Cultural Identity.”

External Program Reviewer for the Hawaii Pacific University History Program. Offered formal commendations and suggestions for program improvement - April 2022 and April 2016.

Panel Moderator for the BYUH September 2021 Convocation Anna Marie Christiansen’s lecture “Manaakitanga Here and There: The Case of Eparaima Makapi” – panel discussants included Mason Allred, Tevita Kaʿili, Kim Makekau and Alisi Langi.

AEFIS (Assessment Management Platform) lead for implementation of Assessment goals for Program Learning Outcomes with the Faculty of Culture, Language, and Performing Arts.

Panel Moderator for the BYUH 2021 David O. McKay Lecture Troy Smith’s lecture “Ruling Free and Equal Humans to Foster Peace, Unity and Diversity” – panel discussants included Spencer Ingley, Line Kruse, and Rebekah Strain.

Chair of the Forum for Early-Modern Empire and Global Interaction (FEEGI) 2023 Book Award; 2021 Book Award. Award given to Céline Carayon, Eloquence Embodied: Nonverbal Communication among French and Indigenous People in the Americas. Williamsburg, Virginia: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 2019.

Program Review and Assessment team leader for the BYUH Exercise and Sports Science Program, November 2019.

Visual Arts Job Search Committee Members for new hires in the Visual Arts Program in the 2020 Fall Semester.

Panel Moderator for the BYUH 2019 Convocation after Paul Hurst’s remarks “How Small and Simple Things Can Lead to Great Things” – panel discussants included Mike Weber, Kate McLellan, and Matthew Bowen; September 26, 2019.

History Job Search Committee Chair for new hires in the History Program at BYUH in the 2019 Fall Semester.

Program Review and Assessment team for the BYUH Department of Visual Arts in September 2018.

Program Committee for the Fourteenth and Twelfth Biennial meeting of the Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction (FEEGI) held February 14-15, 2020 conference in St. Louis, Missouri and February 23-24, 2018 at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

Guest editor for World History Connected volume 14, issue 3 (October 2017) Special Forum on the Philippines and World History -

Program Coordinator for the History program in the College of Culture, Languages and Performing Arts – August 2018 to present.

Program Coordinator for the History Program within the BYUH Department of Culture and History – August 2017 to August 2018.

History Bee and Bowl – Hosted State Competition at the BYU–Hawaii Campus for five teams of High School students in individual and team competition of historical facts: March 25, 2017.

Quantitative Reasoning Sub-Committee for University Assessment – working with the Academic Vice-President for Assessment and three other faculty members to develop a Quantitative Reasoning/Value Driven Rubric, calibrating the rubric with student samples and using the rubric to generate a base-line for decision-making about quantitative reasoning at BYU–Hawaii.

Search Committee for BYU–Hawaii Archivist (September to December 2016), consider applications for the open position of University Archivist.

Peer Review for the European Research Council to evaluate research proposals in the field of “The Study of the Human Past.” Project RIOI 885228 “Revealing Islam Outside Islam: Muslims in Post-Islamic Spain (11th-17th Centuries), Principal Investigator: Luis Bernabé Pons.

Peer Reviewer for Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, published by the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center.

Peer Reviewer for Vegueta: Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, published by the Universidad de Las Palmas, Gran Canaria (April 2019). Papers submitted for an issue on “Philippine Connections: The Affluence of Maritime Routes to the Archipelago, 16th to 18th Centuries.”

Peer Reviewer for NAIS: Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association
(December 2016), published by the University of Minnesota Press, seeks to bridge the distances across the Indigenous world, creating a dynamic intellectual space for communication and dissemination of excellent scholarship related to Indigenous Studies.

Peer Reviewer for a journal, World History Connected (December 2015, April 2020), published by the University of Illinois Press intended to deepen the engagement and understanding of world history: students, college instructors, High School teachers, leaders of teacher education programs, social studies coordinators, research historians, and librarians.

Peer Reviewer for Pacific Studies (June 2015), is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of the peoples of the Pacific Islands, published by the Pacific Institute at Brigham Young University–Hawaii.

Promotion and Review Committee member (August 2015 to January 2020): BYU–Hawaii Faculty Committee that considers internal applications for faculty review, leading to tenure (known as Continuing Faculty Status C.F.S.) and for promotion of assistant, associate, and full professors.

Search Committee for EXS Professor (October to December 2015): External College member of the Exercise and Sports Science faculty search.

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair (September 2013 to July 2015) – Chair of the F.A.C. also attends the University Academic Council with the Vice-President for Academics, Deans of the four BYUH Colleges, and Department Directors of Student Services. Voted as Chair by the Committee in 2013 and 2014.

Faculty Advisory Committee member (September 2012 to July 2015) – BYU–Hawaii Faculty Committee that represents the concerns and issues of the faculty to the University administration, representation by the four constitutive colleges, members are voted in by peers. Three-year terms of service.

Search Committee for Visual Arts Professor (January to March 2011): External College member of the Visual Arts faculty search.

Semester at Sea Faculty Service aboard the M.V. Explorer. Language introduction to Hawaiian; Summer travel in Spain and Portugal, Returning Home Seminar: Careers and Professions.

Reviewer of manuscripts for the New Press (New York), Berghahn (New York), Brill (Leiden), and Bloomsbury (London).

Officer in the BYU–Hawaii Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, the National Honor Society – Secretary: August 2016 to August 2018
President: October 2012 to May 2016.

Learning Management System Task Force member – November 2011 to January 2012; recommending either BlackBoard or Canvas Instructure for the BYU–Hawaii campus-wide system and budget fees.

History Department Chair - June 2006 to June 2011; May 2001 to August 2004.

Nominating Committee Member of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS) - 2006 to 2009.

Chair of the History Job Search Committee 2007, 2006, 2003, 2000.

General Education and Honors Committee at Brigham Young University–Hawaii (August 1998 to August 2008). Chair of the Oral Communication Sub-Committee; Chair of the Communicate Effectively Sub-Committee, producing rubric for University Assessment requirements.

Student Research Associateship Committee (September 2005 to August 2012). Review student applications, following up with feedback for improvements, and awarding of funds for research, travel, and publication by BYUH students.

World History Core Curriculum Group (August 1999 to August 2015) - Revise and Plan for a more interdisciplinary World Civilizations two-semester course for General Education requirements.

Guest Expert (October 2010) at Naval Security Group Activity (NSGA) Kunia for HispanicAmerican Heritage Month celebration – The continuities of language and history among Hispanic-Americans.

Search Committee for BYUH Registrar (August 2009) - review applications for the position of Registrar, interview candidates, and recommend final hiring choice.

Multi-use Building Working Group (2008) - examine the architect’s plans for a new BYUH building, primarily to house the School of Business but available for all university units.

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Faculty Advisor – Regional Host and Preliminary Judge, March 2, 2024; Regional Conference Preliminary Judge and Panel Chair, April 1, 2023;

Virtual Regional Conference Preliminary Judge and Panel Chair, April 8-9, 2022
Virtual Regional Conference Preliminary Judge and Panel Chair, April 9, 2021
Virtual Regional Conference Final Judge, April 1, 2020
Regional Conference Final Judge, March 9, 2019
Regional Conference Final Judge, March 17, 2018
Preliminary Judge and Panel Chair, March 18, 2017
Regional Conference Final Judge, March 19, 2016
Regional Conference Final Judge, March 14, 2015
Regional Conference Final Judge, March 16, 2013
Regional Conference Final Judge, March 10, 2012
Preliminary Judge and Panel Chair, March 12, 2011
Preliminary Judge and Panel Moderator, March 13, 2010
Preliminary Judge and Panel Moderator, March 14, 2009
Preliminary Judge and Panel Moderator, March 15, 2008
Final Judge, March 17, 2007
Preliminary Judge and Panel Moderator, March 18, 2006
Preliminary Judge and Panel Moderator, February 12, 2005
Preliminary Judge and Panel Moderator, January 31, 2004
Regional Conference Judge, February 22, 2003
Regional Conference Judge, February 9, 2002
Regional Conference Judge, March 18, 2000
Panel Chair for Regional Conference, February 27, 1999
Regional Conference Judge, February 21, 1998

Hawaii Committee for the Humanities History Day Judge: April 20, 2024; February 24, 2024; April 15, 2023; February 18, 2023; April 7, 2022 (on-line); February 22, 2022 (on-line); April 19, 2021 (on-line); March 3, 2021 (on-line); April 17-26, 2020 (on-line); February 22, 2020; April 13, 2019; February 23, 2019; April 14, 2018; February 17, 2018; April 15, 2017; February 20, 2016; April 25, 2015; February 28, 2015; April 20, 2013; February 23, 2013; February 18, 2012; February 12, 2011; April 17, 2010; February 13, 2010; April 18, 2009; February 21, 2009; April 19, 2008; February 23, 2008; April 15, 2007; February 24, 2007; April 8, 2006; February 25, 2006; April 23, 2005; March 5, 2005; April 17, 2004; April 26, 2003; March 8, 2003; April 20, 2002; March 9, 2002; March 10, 2001; March 11, 2000; March 6, 1999.

Coordinator and Judge for Kenneth W. Baldridge Prize for Best History Book Written by a Resident of Hawaii: 2020-2022 Award; 2008-2010 Award; 1999-2000 Award; 19961998 Award.

Ibero-Mundo Atlas Team Member for the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative; see Internet website at 

Host for “Focus Hawaii” Television Program beginning in September 1999 to April 2000.

Guest on Television program “Focus Hawaii” with host Lance D. Chase; March 2, 1999.

Guest Expert on KORL Radio with Armando Sánchez program “Angulos Musicales,” discussing the Manuel Quimper 1791 voyage from San Blas, Mexico to the Hawaiian islands (April 28, 2007).

Guest Expert on KCCN Radio with host Bob Jones on Columbus Day; October 12, 1998.

Guest Presenter at Brigham Young University - Hawaii Honors Colloquium: Tools and Methods of History (May 2018); Layers of Time and Place: San Pedro de Macati, MetroManila, the Philippines (August 2016); Aesthetics: It’s All About Beauty (October 2005); Great Art and Our Evaluation: Three Museums in Madrid (September 2000); Languages, Poetry and Metaphors: An Instance from Spain (September 1998).

Faculty Advisory Board for Hokuloa: An Honors Journal of Thought and Ideas (1998 to present).

Phi Kappa Phi Graduate School Seminar - “Financing Graduate School” March 13, 2002. “Balancing Graduate School, Family and Life” March 6, 2001, February 5, 2000, February 13, 1999 and February 28, 1998.

College Bowl Advisor - A team of Five Undergraduates qualified for the Regional Tournament in Fresno, California, February 18-21, 1999. Fifth place in Flight B Competition.

Field Representative in Hawaii for the David M. Kennedy Center’s International Society.

American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) Item Review Team - Washington, D.C., May 2007.

Educational Testing Service (ETS) Advanced Placement (A.P.) World History Examination – World History Reviewer (July 2011 to February 2012); Reader (June 2 - 9, 2009).

Membership in American Historical Association (A.H.A.), Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (A.S.P.H.S.), Sixteenth Century Studies Conference (S.C.S.C.), Scholars of Early Modern History (S.E.M.H.), Renaissance Society of America (R.S.A.), Asociación Española de Estudios del Pacífico (A.E.E.P.).


Born in Kenitra, Morocco - Married with five children.

Lived with parents, who were employees of the United States Foreign Service in Tangier,
Morocco (1966-1969); Caracas, Venezuela (1969-1973); Panama City, Panama (19731977); Fairfax, Virginia, USA (1977-1978); Manila, Philippines (1978-1981); and Madrid, Spain (1981-1984).

Served as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Sevilla-Spain mission, where assigned as assistant to President D Chad Richardson (January 1986 - December 1987).

Worked as General Service assistant clerk for the United States Embassy in Madrid, primarily as a messenger between Diplomatic staff and the Spanish Foreign Affairs office (May-August 1984).

Speak and read Spanish fluently, while understanding French, Tagalog, and Arabic.

Certified Advanced Referee for American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), 2017. Region 358, Kahuku, Hawaii Referee Administrator, and Board Member.

Police Athletic League (PAL) Basketball referee, 2022.

CV Last Revised June 6, 2024

History Program Integrated Humanities Program