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Marcus Gho Portrait

Marcus Gho

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business & Government

Heber J. Grant Building 231


West Valley High School, Fairbanks, Alaska – graduation, May 1996, general education
Nuestra Señora de la Paz, Barcelona, Venezuela – Rotary Youth Exchange Student October 1994 to July 1995
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah – graduation, April 2003, BA in Economics
Utah State University, Logan, Utah –graduation, May 2006, MS in Applied Economics
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau, Alaska –graduation, August 2020, Ph.D. in Fisheries

Professional Work History



: Assistant Professor


August 2023 to present


Brigham Young University – Hawaii


Laie, Hawaii


Teach university courses, tutor students, and complete other academic activities to fulfill the mission statement of BYU-Hawaii in developing disciples of Jesus Christ. Program Lead for the Business Management Program starting in January of 2024. Faculty advisor for the Economics Club starting Fall semester 2023 to present.

Courses Taught:

Fall 2023: 2 sections of Acct 186, 1 section of Econ 200, and 1 section of Econ 360; Winter 2024: 2 sections of Acct 186, 1 section of Econ 350, and 1 section of BUSM 410; 1 section of BUSM 461, and a course release for being a program lead; Fall 2024 (scheduled) 1 section of Econ 200, 1 section of Econ 360, and 1 section of BUSM 410


Visiting Professor


January 2022 to August 2023


Brigham Young University - Idaho


Rexburg, Idaho


Teach university courses, tutor students, and complete other academic activities to fulfill the mission statement of BYU-Idaho in developing disciples of Jesus Christ.

Courses Taught:

Winter 2021: 3 sections of Econ 150 and 1 section of Math 108; Spring 2021: 2 sections of Econ 150 and 1 section of Econ 151; Fall 2021: 1 Section of Econ 150 and 3 sections of Econ 151; Winter 2022: 2 sections of Econ 150 and 2 sections of Econ 151; Spring 2022: 1 section of Econ 150 and 2 sections of Econ 151; Fall 2022: 1 section of Econ 150 and 3 sections of Econ 151; Winter 2023 (scheduled): 2 sections of Econ 150 and 2 sections of Econ 151; Spring 2023: 1 section of Econ 150 and 2 sections of Econ 151


Adjunct Professor


September 2020 to December 2021


Brigham Young University - Idaho


Rexburg, Idaho


Full-time emergency adjunct Fall of 2020, part-time since. Taught Math courses, tutored students, and other academic activities to fulfill the mission statement of BYU-Idaho in developing disciples of Jesus Christ. Starting in September of 2021, I also taught economics as an adjunct.

Courses Taught:

Fall 2020: 4 sections of Math 108; Winter 2021: 2 sections of Math 108, 1 section of Math 221; Spring 2021: 2 sections of Math 108; Fall 2021: 1 section of Math 221 and 1 section of Econ 150


2013 to present


Sole Proprietor of Tuvraqtuq


Fabrication of Alaska Native handicrafts. I organized harvesting trips, coordinated material preparation, purchased additional material, developed and adapted patterns to make various items, then marketed my products both to stores and directly to customers. Revenues from 2016 to 2019 ranged between $20,000 to over $40,000.


Enumerator, then Census Field Supervisor


March 2020 to September 2020


United State Census Bureau


Rexburg, Idaho (with additional work undertaken throughout Idaho, California and Nevada)


Ensure an accurate count of people within the United States is made for the 2020 decennial census.


Natural Resource Specialist, Research Analyst, Fisheries Economist, Research Section Leader


June 2003 to October 2019


State of Alaska


Juneau, Alaska


Research and compile information on regulations, statutes, and policies. Present findings and recommendations to the public by conducting and participating in public meetings, testifying before government-appointed boards, and presenting findings to interested parties that include the legislature, governor’s office, commissioners, managers, and others. Collaborating with colleagues from other states to advise on national issues. Conduct economic analysis on a variety of topics in my field using several analytical tools. Both research units I worked in resulted in me being promoted to section leader before I resigned from those departments. Each of these positions provides me with a wide array of experiences I share with my students.



Iverson, Kurt, Nancy Free-Sloan, and Marcus Gho. 2010. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits. 1975-2009. CFEC Report No. 10-5N.
Gho, Marcus, Kurt Iverson, Craig Farrington and Nancy Free-Sloan. 2011. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975 – 2010. CFEC Report No. 11-3N.
Gho, Marcus. 2012. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975 – 2011. CFEC Report No. 12-1N.
Gho, Marcus. 2012. Bristol Bay Set Gillnet Permit Stacking. CFEC Report No. 12-2N.
Gho, Marcus, Kurt Iverson and Craig Farrington. 2012. CFEC Salmon Set Gillnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula, and Bristol Bay 1975-2011. CFEC Report No. 12-3N.
Shriver, Jennifer, Kurt Iverson, Marcus Gho and Craig Farrington. 2013. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permit, 1975-2012. CFEC Report No. 13-1N.
Gho, Marcus. 2013. Overview of Permit Holdings, Harvests, and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Cook Inlet Salmon Set Gillnet Fishery, 1975-2012. CFEC Report No. 13-2N.
Gho, Marcus. 2013. CFEC Salmon Set Gillnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula and Bristol Bay 1975-2012. CFEC Report No. 13-3N.
Gho, Marcus. and Kurt Iverson. 2013. Kodiak Salmon Set Gillnet Permit Stacking. CFEC Report No. 13-4N.
Gho, Marcus, Kurt Iverson and Craig Farrington 2014. Overview of Permit Holdings, Harvests, and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Cook Inlet Salmon Drift Gillnet Fishery, 1975-2012. CFEC Report No. 14-1N.
Shriver, Jennifer, Kurt Iverson, Marcus Gho and Craig Farrington. 2014. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permit, 1975-2013. CFEC Report No. 14-2N.
Gho, Marcus. 2014. CFEC Salmon Set Gillnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula, and Bristol Bay 1975-2013. CFEC Report No. 14-4N.
Iverson, Kurt, Yvonne Fink, and Marcus Gho. 2014. Emergency Transfers of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Limited Entry Permits, 1975-2013. CFEC Report No. 14-5N.
Farrington, Craig, Kurt Iverson and Marcus Gho. 2014. Dual-permit Fishing Operations in the Cook Inlet Salmon Drift Gillnet Fishery. CFEC Report No. 14-6N.
Gho, Marcus. 2014. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Prince William Sound Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2013. CFEC Report No. 14-7N.
Gho, Marcus. 2015. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Yakutat and Southeast Alaska Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2013. CFEC Report No. 15-1N.
Gho, Marcus, Kurt Iverson and Craig Farrington. 2015. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permit, 1975-2014. CFEC Report No. 15-3N.
Gho, Marcus. 2015. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Bristol Bay Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2014. CFEC Report No. 15-4N.
Gho, Marcus. 2015. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1976-2014. CFEC Report No. 15-6N.
Gho, Marcus. 2016. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Chignik and Alaska Peninsula Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2014. CFEC Report No. 16-1N.
Gho, Marcus. 2016. CFEC Salmon Set Gillnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula, and Bristol Bay 1975-2015. CFEC Report No. 16-2N.
Gho, Marcus and Craig Farrington. 2016. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permit, 1975-2015. CFEC Report No. 16-3N.
Gho, Marcus. 2016. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Cook Inlet Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2015. CFEC Report No. 16-5N.
Gho, Marcus. and Yvonne Fink. 2016. Emergency Transfers of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Limited Entry Permits, 1975-2015. CFEC Report No. 16-6N.
Gho, Marcus. 2016. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Kodiak Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2015. CFEC Report No. 16-7N.
Gho, Marcus and Craig Farrington. 2017. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975-2016. CFEC Report No. 17-1N
Gho, Marcus. 2017. CFEC Salmon Set Gillnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula, and Bristol Bay 1975-2016. CFEC Report No. 17-2N.
Gho, Marcus. 2017. Rural, Urban, and Nonresident Estimated Earnings in Alaska's Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2016. CFEC Report No. 17-3N.
Gho, Marcus. 2017. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Prince William Sound Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2016. CFEC Report No. 17-4N.
Gho, Marcus. 2017. Mean and Quartile Estimated Gross Earnings (in 2016 Dollars) for Alaska’s Limited Commercial Fisheries, 1975-2016. CFEC Report No. 17-5N.
Gho, Marcus. 2017. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Yakutat and Southeast Alaska Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2016. CFEC Report No. 17-6N.
Gho, Marcus. 2018. Yakutat and Southeast Alaska Commercial Dungeness Crab Fisheries, 1975-2016. CFEC Report No. 18-1N.
Gho, Marcus and Craig Farrington. 2018. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975-2017. CFEC Report No. 18-2N.
Gho, Marcus. 2018. CFEC Salmon Set Gillnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula, and Bristol Bay 1975-2017. CFEC Report No. 18-4N.
Strong, Daniel and Marcus Gho. 2018. Mean and Quartile Estimated Gross Earnings (in 2017 Dollars) for Alaska’s Limited Commercial Fisheries, 1975-2017. CFEC Report Number 18-5N.
Gho, Marcus, 2018. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Bristol Bay Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2017. CFEC Report No. 18-7N.
Gho, Marcus. 2018. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1976-2017. CFEC Report No. 18-8N.
Feddern, Megan, Hannah Bassett, Katherine McElroy, Marta Ree, Marcus Gho, Ray Hillborn. August 2018. A novel method for modeling age and length selectivity of sockeye salmon as applied to the Bristol Bay Port Moller test fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(2)
Gho, Marcus. 2019. CFEC Permit Holdings and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Chignik and Alaska Peninsula Commercial Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2017. CFEC Report No. 19-1N.
Gho, Marcus and Craig Farrington. 2019. Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975-2018. CFEC Report No. 19-2N.
Gho, Marcus. 2019. CFEC Salmon Set Gillnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula, and Bristol Bay 1975-2018. CFEC Report No. 19-3N.
Gho, Marcus and Daniel Strong. 2019. A Review of the Original Nineteen Limited Salmon Fisheries, 1975-2018. CFEC Report No. 19-5N.
dissertation title as published in ProQuest: Bristol Bay Dual Permit Operations, Vessel Heterogeneity, and the Migration of Alaskan Permit Holders. 2020.


Changes in the Distribution of Alaska’s Fisheries. 2011. SeaGrant’s Fisheries of the North Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska.
Bristol Bay Permit Stacking. December 2011. Alaska Board of Fisheries, Dillingham, Alaska.
Changes in the Distribution of Alaska’s Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits in Western Alaska. March 2012. Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum, Dillingham, Alaska.
Bristol Bay Permit Stacking. December 2012 and March 2013. Alaska Board of fisheries, Dillingham, Alaska and Anchorage, Alaska.
Permit Stacking in Bristol Bay. January 2013. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska
Changes in the Distribution of Alaska’s Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits. May 2015, North American Association of Fisheries Economists, Ketchikan, Alaska.
Limited Entry Act. January 2016, Fisheries Access for Alaska—Charting the Future, Anchorage, Alaska.
Dual permit operations in the Bristol Bay Pacific salmon drift gillnet fishery. January 2019, Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska
The persistence of heterogeneity in the Bristol Bay Pacific salmon drift gillnet fishery. March 2019, Headwaters to Oceans: Connecting Alaska’s Fisheries, Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sitka, Alaska
Permit Migration in Alaska’s Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries. January 2021, Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage Alaska.
Inflated Concerns Over the Graying of Alaska’s Bristol Bay Commercial Salmon Fleet. February 2024, Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska.

Hobbies and Achievements

Boy Scouts of America, Eagle Scout and Order of the Arrow
Church Service, Missionary, Spain, Madrid – missionary service May 1997 to May 1999, intermittent temple worker in the Provo Utah, Anchorage Alaska, Rexburg Idaho, Idaho Falls temples, currently serving in the Laie Hawaii temple
Genealogy – over 4,000 names in personal database, dating back to late 1500s.
Juneau Adult Hockey, Idaho Falls Adult Hockey Association
100-ton Captain’s License with the United States Coast Guard
Juneau Junior Alaska Native Youth Olympics, Glacier Valley Elementary Coach and part of the community competition committee, 2014 to 2020, and in Rigby at both Cottonwood and Harwood elementary schools 2021-2022
Alaskan Games, an unofficial organization to practice traditional Alaskan games on campus at BYU-I, 2021 to 2023
Yees Ku Oo, Alaska Native dance group, 2009 to present (lifetime member)
Meals on Wheels volunteer, Rexburg, Idaho April 2020 to July 2023

CV Last Revised 06/06/24


Business Management Program