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A portrait of Elder Phillip Kimble smiling at the camera with blurred green plants in the background.

Philip Kimble

Heber J. Grant Building 219

Phil and Julie Kimble said they are excited to serve in Laie at BYUH as education missionaries and will be teaching courses for the Business Management Program. They are from Conyers, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta, and they have lived there for the majority of their 38 years of marriage. They have three daughters: two daughters live nearby in Atlanta, and one daughter lives in Spanish Fork, Utah. They have five grandchildren with one on the way in January, and all but one of them are boys. Phil just closed his business after almost 40 years, and he taught business courses at local colleges off and on during that time. For the last few years, Julie has taught English and graduate education courses after teaching many years as a high school English teacher. They love to run and have run races in 44 out of 50 states, including a race on Mt. Kilauea before its crater became impassible. They said they are excited to meet the students and learn about the culture in Hawaii.