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A photo of Phil Bruner

Phillip Bruner

Associate Professor
Faculty of Sciences

55-220 Kulanui Street, Bldg. 5
Laie, Hawaii 96762


Church College of Hawaii B.S. 1970
Louisiana State University M.S. 1974
Thesis Title: Behavior, ecology and taxonomic status of three South- eastern Pacific warblers of the genus Acocephalus
Advisor: George H. Lowery, Jr.
University of Hawaii at Manoa: Graduate work 1976-1986


1974-1977 – Academic Advisor Math Natural Science and Business Divisions, BYUH-Hawaii
1975-1977 - BYUH Science Storeroom Manager
1976-1984 – Special Instructor Biology Department, Honolulu Community College
1976-1978 – Special Instructor Biology Department BYU–Hawaii
1978-2011 – Assistant Professor of Biology BYU-Hawaii Director, Museum of Natural History BYU–Hawaii
2011-Present – Associate Professor of Biology BYU–Hawaii
Director, Museum of Natural History BYU–Hawaii


President Hawaii Audubon Society 1986-1990
Animal Species Advisory Commission, State of Hawaii 1988-1992
Chair, Grants and Scholarship Committee – Hawaii Audubon Society 1992-2020
Alaska Shorebird Working Group 2002-Present
Science Editor for the Journal ‘Elepaio of the Hawaii Audubon Society 1996-2000
Environmental Consultant – Faunal Surveys (birds & mammals)1978-2020


BYUH Teacher of the Year 1986-1987. Division Finalist (Math, Science and Technology
BYUH Honored Alumni Award 2000. Math Science Division Honoree
Charles Dunn Lifetime Achievement Award 2000. Hawaii Audubon Society
State of Hawaii Animal Species Advisory Commission Certificate of Appreciation 1992
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society 2011
First Place – University of Hawaii Invitational Debate Tournament 1967
Valedictorian – Church College of Hawaii 1970


American Ornithologists’ Union
Cooper Ornithological Society
Association of Field Ornithologists
Hawaii Audubon Society
Societe d’Ornithologie de Polynesie
Phi Kappa Phi
Kahuku Community Association


Ornithological Survey of French Polynesia 1970-1971
Ornithological Survey of Micronesia 1976-1978
Ornithological Survey of Samoa, Fiji, Tonga 1977
Behavioral Ecology of Pacific Golden –Plover (Pluvialis fulva) in Hawaii and Alaska 1979-present
Behavioral Ecology of Ruddy Turnstones (Arenaria interpres) and Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) in Alaska 1993-present



Bruner, P.L. 1972. Field guide to the birds of French Polynesia. Pacific Scientific Information Center. B.P. Bishop Museum. Honolulu. 135pp.

Pratt, H.D., Bruner, P.L. and D.G.Berrett. 1987. A field guide to the birds of Hawaiiand the Tropical Pacific, Princeton University Press. 500pp.


Pratt, H.D., P.L. Bruner, and D.G. Berrett. 1977. Ornithological observations on Yap, Western Caroline Islands. Micronesica 13:49-56.

1979. America’s unknown avifauna: The birds of the Mariana Islands. Am. Birds 33:227-235.

1980. Notes on the taxonomy, natural history, and status of the resident birds of Palau. Condor 82:117-131.

Pratt, H.D., and P.L. Bruner. 1981. Noteworthy records of non-breeding birds in Micronesia. Micronesica 17:195-198.

Johnson, O.W., Johnson, P.M., and P.L. Bruner. 1981. Wintering behavior and site faithfulness of Golden Plovers on Oahu. ‘Elepaio 41(12):123-130.

Bruner, P.L., and H.D. Pratt. 1979. Notes on the status and natural history of Micronesian bats. ‘Elepaio 40(1):1-4.

Johnson, O.W., Morton, M.L., Bruner P.L., and P.M. Johnson. 1989. Fat cyclicity, predicted migratory flight ranges, and features of wintering behavior in Pacific Golden-Plovers. Condor 91:156-177.

Pratt, H.D., and P.L. Bruner. 1992. A probable Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) on O’ahu. ‘Elepaio 52:15-17.

Johnson, O.W., Bruner P.L., Connors P.G., and J.L. Maron. 1993. Breeding ground fidelity and mate retention in the Pacific Golden-Plover. Wilson Bull. 105(1):60-67.

Bruner, P.L. 1993. Influences on the past and present distribution of Pacific Golden- Plover (Pluvialis fulva). Pp. 76-80 in Seminaire Manu connaissance et protection des oiseaux, Societe d’Ornithologie de Polynesie, Papeete, Tahiti.

Johnson, O.W., Johnson P.M., Bruner P.L., and A.E. Bruner. 1997. Male-biased breeding ground fidelity and longevity in American Golden-Plovers. Wilson Bull. 109(2)-348-351.

Lusk, M.R., Bruner P.L., and C. Kessler. 2000. The avifauna of Farallon de Medinilla, Mariana Islands. J. Field Ornithol. 71(1):22-23.

Johnson, O.W., Bruner P.L., Rotella J.J., Johnson P.M., and A.E. Bruner. 2001. Long- term study of apparent survival in Pacific Golden-Plovers at a wintering ground on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. The Auk 118(2):342-351.

Johnson, O.W., Bruner P.L., Bruner A.E., Johnson P.M., Kienholz R.J., and P.A. Brusseau. 2001. Features of breeding biology in Pacific Golden-Plovers nesting on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Wader Study Group Bulletin 25:59-65.

Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Studies (avifaunal and mammal surveys in Hawaii, Japan, Taiwan, Micronesia, Indian Ocean)
Bruner,P.L. 1978 – present ( 467 papers).


Annual Alaska Shorebird Group Conferences:
Bruner, P.L. 2002. Nesting territories and nest site selection in Pacific and American Golden-Plovers at Nome, Alaska.

Bruner, P.L. and A.E. Bruner. 2003. Black-bellied Plover studies at Nome, Alaska.

Bruner. P.L. and A.E. Bruner. 2004. Ruddy Turnstone and plover studies near Nome, Alaska.

Bruner,P.L. and A.E. Bruner. 2005. Ongoing life history studies of Ruddy Turnstones at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

Bruner. P.L. and A.E. Bruner. 2006. Ruddy Turnstones, plovers, blue eggs and unseasonal weather at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula Alaska.

Bruner,P.L. and A.E. Bruner. 2007. Ruddy Turnstone and Black-bellied Plover studies at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

Bruner, P.L. and A.E. Bruner. 2008. Ruddy Turnstone extra -pair mating studies at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

Bruner, P.L., Bruner A.E., Johnson, J., and R.S. Gold. 2009. Extra-pair paternity, mate retention, natal philopatry in Ruddy Turnstones and Black-bellied Plovers at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

Bruner,P.L., Bruner A.E., and J. Diray. 2010. Ongoing Ruddy Turnstone and Black- bellied Plover life history studies at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

Bi-annual Alaska Bird Conferences
Bruner, P.L. and A.E. Bruner. 2002. Black-bellied Plover nesting at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

Bruner.P,L., Bruner, A.E., and R.N. Winget. 2004. Nesting territories and nest site selection in three species of plovers.

Bruner, P.L., and A.E. Bruner. 2006. Behavior ecology studies of Ruddy Turnstones at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

Bruner, A.E., and P.L. Bruner. 2006. Mate retention and natal philopatry in Black- bellied Plover at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

Bruner, P.L., and A.E. Bruner. 2008. Longevity and reuse of plover and Ruddy Turnstone nest cups.

Bruner, P.L., Bruner, A.E., Gold, R.S. and K. Sage. 2010. Who’s your daddy? Extra-pair paternity in Ruddy Turnstones at Woolley Lagoon, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.

3rd North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA
Bruner, P.L. and A.E. Bruner.2002. Nesting territories and nest site selection in Pacific and American Golden-Plovers at Nome, Alaska.

Nekoba,W., Bruner. P.L., Bruner, A.E., and R.N. Winget. 2002. Habitat selection for nest cups in the genus Pluvialis at Nome, Alaska.

27th Annual Meeting of the Association of Zoo Veterinary Technicians, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bruner, P.L. 2007. Life after death: The role museums can play


Waikiki Aquarium Education Department (Lectures on Sea Birds and Shorebirds)
Honolulu Rotary Club (Talk on current research on Pacific Golden-Plover in Hawaii)
Honolulu Audubon Society Annual Awards Meetings (Two talks on our shorebird research in Alaska)
Saipan, College of the Northern Mariannas Islands (Talk on our Pacific Golden-Plover research 2004)
Hanauma Bay Education Department (Talk on seabirds and shorebirds of Hawaii)
Kamehameha Schools Kapalama Campus (Talk on Shorebirds research in Hawaii and Alaska)
NOAA’s Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine sanctuary and the
University of Hawaii Sea Grant’s Hanauma Bay Education Program (Talk on Hawaii’s Seabirds and shorebirds)
Punahou School (Talk on Shorebird research in Hawaii)
Waianae High School (Talk on Shorebird research in Hawaii and Alaska)
Ahuimanu Elementary School (Talk on Seabirds and Shorebirds of Hawaii)
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum (Talk on Shorebird research in Hawaii and Alaska)


Shannon, R.K., and W.L. Wagner 1997. Oparanthus (Asteraceae, Subtribe Coreopsidinae) Revisited. Allertonia 7:(4), 273-295. (Photograph of Oparanthus rapensis Fig. 5). This is the first and only photograph of this species ever taken. When I took the photo in 1984 on the remote island of Rapa in the Australs Islands of French Polynesia I was unaware of its importance.


Bruner, A.E.,and P.L. Bruner. Egg recognition in Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis Squatarola), Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva), American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) and Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) at Nome, Alaska.

Bruner,P.L., Bruner, A.E., Talbot, S., Sage, K., and R.S. Gold. Extra-pair paternity in Ruddy Turnstones (Arenaria interpres) at Woolley Lagoon, Nome, Alaska.

Bruner. P.L., Bruner A.E.., Talbot, S., Sage, K., and R.S. Gold. Extra-pair paternity in Black-bellied Plovers(Pluvialis squatarola) at Woolley Lagoon, Nome, Alaska.

Bruner,. P.L.,Conant, S., Bruner, A.E., Johnson, J., and W., Nekoba, Nest site selection in Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva), American Plover (Pluvialis dominica), Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola), and Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) at Nome, Alaska.

Bruner, P.L., and A.E. Bruner. Reuse of nest cups by another shorebird species at Nome, Alaska.


Pratt, H.D., and P.L. Bruner. Birds of the Tropical Pacific: Hawaii, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. (Contracted publication date 2013)


  • Honolulu Community College – 1976-1984
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology – 3 credits
  • General Biology – 3 credits
  • Brigham Young University Hawaii – 1978 – Present (* currently teaching)
  • Introduction to Biology 100 (non majors) – 3credits
  • Introduction to Biology for Majors 111, 111L - 4 credits
  • Biology for Majors 112, 112L – 4 credits
  • Hawaiian Trails 130 – 1 credit
  • Hawaii Reefs and Shores 140 – 1 credit
  • Hawaii Natural History and Backpacking 150 R – 1 credit
  • Vertebrate Zoology 203, 203L – 4 credits
  • Pacific Natural History 204, 204L – 4 credits
  • General Zoology 206, 206L – 4 credits
  • Elementary Human Anatomy 260, 260L – 3 credits
  • Animal Behavior 300, 300L – 4 credits
  • Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 363, 363L – 4 credits
  • Evolution and Human Prehistory 374 – 3 credits
  • Advanced Human Anatomy 460 – 3 credits
  • Developmental Biology 483, 483L – 4 credits
  • Research and Thesis 491, 492, 493, 494 – 4 credits


  • Hawaiian Trails 130
  • Hawaii Reefs and Shores 140
  • Hawaii Natural History and Backpacking 150 R
  • Pacific Natural History 204, 204L
  • General Zoology 206, 206L
  • Elementary Human Anatomy 260, 260L
  • Animal Behavior 300, 300L
  • Evolution and Human Prehistory 374
  • Advanced Human Anatomy 460

Brigham Young University Hawaii Museum of Natural History

I established the Museum of Natural History in 1978 and have been the Director from (1978 – present). The museum contains significant collections of scientific research specimens of vertebrates and invertebrates from Hawaii, the Pacific, and around the world. Public exhibits highlight Hawaii and North American animals and plants. (See brochure and letters of support in the Other section of this document)

Mission Statement:

  1. To provide public education and outreach
  2. To encourage research opportunities for undergraduates, graduates, and others
  3. To support educational instruction at BYU-Hawaii


Angilau, A.J. 1993. The relationship of organizational disposition on spatial preference in humans.

Antig, M.M.R. 1989. Territorial responses of the Pacific Golden -Plover (Pluvialis fulva) to mounted and decoy plover intruders.

Arume, E. 2010. Domestic Goat (Capra hircus) food preferences for alien Hawaiian plants.

Asuao, A. 2009. Sex determination using adult skeletal measurement of the Bush-tailed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale penicillata).

Bruner, A.E., 1996. Daily and seasonal time budget of wintering Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) in Hawaii.

Burton, G.M. 1996. Habitat analysis and requirements of the Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale penicillata), (Gray, 1825) on Oahu, Hawaii.

Carrington, B. 2010. Waterbird relative abundance at two Florida sites: Deseret Cattle and Citrus Ranch, and Orlondo Wetlands Park.

Chun, S. 2002. Skeletal comparison of male and female Black-crowned Night- Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax).

Diray, J. 2010. Factors affecting relative abundance of insects in lawns at Brigham Young University Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.

Dombrowski, C. 2011. The effect of hurricane Katrina on the bird populations of southern Louisiana.

Enesa, D. 2002. Small Indian Mongoose selection preference between traps baited with Hawaiian Flag Tail (Kuhlildae sandvicensis) Aholehole or (name brand) dry and wet dog food on a population of Small Indian Mongoose (H. auropunctatus).

Herrera, K. 2011. Sex determination in Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) using skeletal measurements.

Iorangi, R.R. 1992. Skull parameters useful in determining sex in the Domestic Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

Hoeft, R. 1997. Maturity and sex determination using skull and pelage characters of the Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in Hawaii.

Huish, S. 2009. The potential use of oral and cranial measurements to determine gender in the juvenile Domestic Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Jones, B. 2006. Recapture rates in Small Indian Mongooses (Herpestes auropunctatus) in Hawaii.

Kavapalu, O. 2000. A Skeletal analysis of geographically distinct populations of the Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax).

Lauret, M. 1982. The distribution of the Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale pencilata) on Oahu. ‘Elepaio 43(4):25-27. (This research was published in a peer reviewed Journal – See attached copy of this paper)

Lee, J. 1982. Territory size in relation to the sex of territory holder in wintering Lesser Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica fulva), on Oahu.

Linnell, M. 1992. Habitat manipulation as a viable means of displacing territorial Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva).

Loefke,K. 1994. Altruism and culture.

Lowe, K.W. 2000. Skeletal comparison of male and female Nene (Hawaiian Goose) (Branta sandvicensis).

Martin, R.L. 1992. The effects of trapping on (Herpestes auropunctatus) in Hawaii.

McBride, J. 1997. Factors that may influence the territorial behavior of Pacific Golden- Plover (Pluvialis fulva) in Hawaii.

Paddock, J. 2009. Diferrential spring migration departure of male and female Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva).

Ruivivar, L. R. 1991. Insect prey in non-breeding territories in Hawaii of the Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva).

Schriner, J. 1998. Personal space among humans (Homo sapiens) in classroom settings.

Shrestha, N. 2006. Schooling behavior of (Thayeria oblique) and (Pristella maxillaries).

Soifua, A. 1991. Schooling behavior of fish in the presence of a predator.

Solomone, V. 1991.Interaction of exotic birds at a feeder in Hawaii.

Stockdale, C. 1997. Field survey of the birds at Kalaupapa, Molokai.

Tenney, K. 1991. Habituation of Hermit Crabs.

Tateyama, D. 2001. Environmental and seasonal factors influencing the numbers of Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) at a night roost.

Tatton, T. 2011. Foraging proficiency in Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) on lawn habitats in Hawaii.

Tune, I. 1985. Pelage color in relationship to sex and/or age in Hawaii Population of the Small Indian Mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus).

Velega, A. 1985. Vibrissae removal and its effect on maze running in Domestic Mice (Mus musculus).

Waddell, D.S. 1996. Counts and sex ration of Pacific Golden-Plovers (Pluvialis fulva) wintering on Oahu lawns, 1995, 1996.

Weed, J. 2011. Sex determination in Hawaiian Stilt (Himanatopus mexicanus Knudseni) using skeletal measurements

West, D.T. 1994. Morphometric measurements and discriminant analysis as a tool in sexing Oahu, Hawaii populations of the Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis).


Biology Program