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portrait of Steve Carter, Professor of TESOL

Steven Carter

Associate Professor
Faculty of Education & Social Work

Steven J. Carter’s interest in language originated when he served a Spanish-speaking mission in Houston, Texas from 1998 to 2000. After a number of years studying and teaching visual arts, he began teaching adult ESL classes as well. Very soon after, he decided to pursue a career in TESOL, graduating with an MA in 2016. In that same year a curriculum development project brought him to BYU–Hawaii. He is grateful for the opportunity to interact with many wonderful people from many different cultures throughout the world. Steve has taught English language courses in both intensive English and community English programs. He has worked on three major curriculum development projects including all levels of EnglishConnect. His research interests include second language reading, vocabulary, and assessment.


MA TESOL, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 2016

MFA Printmaking, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2007

BFA Painting, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 2005

Associates Visual Arts, Brigham Young University-Idaho, Rexburg, Idaho, 2001


Brigham Young University–Hawaii
July 2016-present
Laie, HI

ELT Faculty, Curriculum Developer

  • Teach English language skills and plan and carry out lessons and course curriculum
  • Develop and analyze numerous course assessments; make adjustments to assessments based on statistical analyses
  • Design and create curriculum for an intermediate online competency-based EIL program
  • Manage a team of 12 authors developing reading and writing materials for the curriculum
  • Conduct training to assist authors in improving writing skills
  • Develop and manage a system for tracking production rates and accruing data to assist in projecting realistic production timelines
  • Assist in developing system for evaluating curriculum writers’ performance through quantitative measures; analyze data and identify patterns in need of attention

Courses Taught:

  • Intermediate I Reading
  • Intermediate II Reading
  • Academic I Listening and Speaking
  • Academic II Integrated Skills w/emphasis in Writing
  • Advanced Grammar (Advanced clause structure)
  • Strategic Reading
  • Technology Assisted Language Instruction (TESOL)
  • Curriculum Development (TESOL)
  • Teaching Reading (TESOL)

Contact: Brent Green

BYU English Language Center
Provo, UT
January 2016-July 2016

Instructor, Tutor, Curriculum Developer

  • Taught English language skills
  • Planned and carried out lessons and course curriculum
  • Developed curriculum for volunteers teaching English as a service in Mongolia

Courses Taught:

  • Foundations B Speaking Accuracy (Intermediate-low speaking/grammar course)
  • Foundations C Grammar (Intermediate-mid grammar course)
  •  Participated in following course (practicum)
  • Foundations B Reading (Intermediate-low reading course)

Missionary Training Center
Provo, UT
January 2016 -July 2016

Curriculum Developer

  • Developed a standardized curriculum for Novice and Intermediate Low English language courses taught by missionary volunteers who teach English as a service in countries throughout the world
  • Worked with a small team of 7 developers to create: (1) a scope & sequence for each level, (2) 4 Units (6 lessons each) for each level, (3) a teacher's lesson book, (4) a learner's lesson book, and (5) teacher training materials.

Provo School District Adult ESOL Program
Provo, UT
September 2011-July 2016

ESOL Instructor & Teacher Trainer

  • Planned and carried out training meetings for teachers and staff of the Provo Adult ESOL Program (current)
  • Taught varying levels of English to students from a variety of countries and cultural backgrounds
  • Planned content and schedule for each course taught

Course Taught:

  • Levels 3 through 6 (all integrated skills courses; Level 3 = Novice-high and Level 6 = Intermediate-high)

BYU Department of Visual Arts
Provo, UT
August 2010-April 2015

Adjunct Instructor

  • Functioned in the role of primary faculty member in the printmaking area for 2 ½ years, overseeing lab maintenance, purchasing, and course development
  • Implemented inventory system in materials stockroom to better track expenditures
  • Implemented significant changes in curriculum based on student feedback

Courses Taught:

  • Printmaking Fundamentals
  • Advanced Printmaking
  • Introduction to Art and Drawing
  • Painting Fundamentals
  • Drawing 1
  • Two-dimensional Design

University of Texas at San Antonio
San Antonio, TX

Adjunct Instructor/Master Printer

  • Worked in collaboration with numerous artists, offering technical assistance in the execution of limited edition prints in various media. Responsibilities included: proofing, editioning, and curating print suite; ordering and maintaining supplies; assisting in studio management and maintenance, and supervising the practicum work of students enrolled as printing assistants
  • Coordinated purchasing, supply inventory, production schedule, and meeting schedule associated with each production print

Courses Taught:

  • Basic Printmaking
  • Drawing 1
  • Advanced Printmaking
  • Two-dimensional Design
  • Artistic Bookbinding


Carter, S. J., & Wilcox, M. P. (2024). The authors respond: Issues surrounding reliability, quality, and practicality with timed-reading assessments: Expanding on Carter et al.’s (2023) a unitary measure of L2 silent reading fluency accounting for comprehension. Reading in a Foreign Language, 36(1), 1–7.

 Carter, S. J., Wong, A., Bradshaw, E., Falevai, Z., & Borup, J. (2024). The impact of demographic factors and ethnicity on help-seeking behaviors in a multi-cultural university context. Multicultural Education Review, 15(4), 264–287.

Carter, S. J., Wilcox, M. P., & Anderson, N. J. (2023). A unitary measure of L2 silent reading fluency accounting for comprehension. Reading in a Foreign Language, 35(2), 106–137.

 Carter, S. J., Henrichsen, L. E., & Eggett, D. L. (2023). Programme and classroom factors affecting attendance patterns for Hispanic participants in adult ESL education. Studies in the Education of Adults, 55(1), 44–65.

 Henrichsen, L., Blanco, K. D., Carreño, S., Carter, S., Decker, L., Fry, L., James, J., Krauel, M., Li, Y. R., Malyshkevich, V., Messenger, R., Moore, A., Mullen, A., Peterson, J., Sell, J., Stephens, C., Van Wagoner, K., Young, A., & Zhao, K. (2018). Online resources for learners and teachers of English language pronunciation. TESL Reporter, 51(1), 23–89.

 Carter, S. J., & Henrichsen, L. E. (2015). Addressing reticence: The challenge of engaging reluctant adult ESL students. Journal of Adult Education, 44(2), 15–20.    


Carter, S. J. (2024, February 17). Measuring reading fluency gains accounting for both comprehension and rate [Conference session]. Hawai’i TESOL 2024 Conference: Roots and Horizons: Bridging Tradition with Tomorrow’s Innovations in TESOL, La’ie, HI, United States.

 Carter, S. J., & Wilcox, M. P. (2023, March 18–21). A unitary formula for L2 silent reading fluency accounting for comprehension [Conference session]. 2023 American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Portland, OR, United States.

 Bradshaw, E., Falevai, Z., Wong, A., Carter, S., & Borup, J. (2022, January 6–9). Barriers to help-seeking in academic communities of engagement [Conference session]. 7th IAFOR International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, United States.

 Carter, S. J., & Anderson, N. J. (2021, March 24–27). Equitable measurement of ELLs’ reading fluency performance and progress [Conference workshop]. TESOL 2021: International Convention & English Language Expo Conference, virtual conference.

 Carter, S. J. (2021, February 13). Is my test any good? Simplifying analyses of tests [Conference workshop]. Hawai’i TESOL Conference 2021, virtual conference.

 Carter, S. J., & Crandell, E. R. (2019, March 12–15). Measuring learners’ reading levels through vocabulary aligned with ER Central [Conference session]. TESOL 2019: International Convention & English Language Expo Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.

 Carter, S. J. (2019, February 16). The critical role of feedback in supporting adult learners’ self-efficacy [Conference session]. Hawai’i TESOL: Serving Hawai’i’s English Language Learners Conference, La’ie, HI, United States.

 Carter, S. J. (2018, February 17). Measuring learners’ reading levels through vocabulary aligned with ER Central [Conference session]. Hawai’i TESOL: Past, Present and Future of TESOL Conference, Kapolei, HI, United States.

 Carter, S. J., & Robins, S. L. (2017, August 4–7). Measuring L2 learners’ reading levels through evaluating knowledge of academic vocabulary as aligned with ER Central [Conference session]. The Fourth World Congress on Extensive Reading, Tokyo, Japan.

 Carter, S. J. (2016, June 8–9). Factors affecting retention for Hispanic participants in adult ESL education [Conference session]. ABC to Ph.D: Equity, Access, and Advocacy Conference , Heber, UT, United States.


Carter, S. J. (2024, March 1). The effects of leveraging AI in combination with personalized vocabulary activities on students’ vocabulary learning [Paper presentation]. Hawaii Pacific University Applied Linguistics Talk, Honolulu, HI, United States.

 Carter, S. J., & Lukov, G. (2023, September 22). Investigating test bias in STEM courses’ final exams for non-native English speakers at BYU-Hawaii [Conference session]. CES Institutional Research Virtual Conference.

 Carter, S. J. (2021, March 19). From practical problems in the classroom to relevant TESOL research: Measuring learners’ reading levels and reading fluency progress [Webinar]. Hawaii Pacific University Applied Linguistics Talk, virtual lecture.


Herman and Joann Wigdosky Scholarship, 2006 – 2007
Various Donors Graduate Scholarship, 2005 – 2006
Paul and Betty Boshard Scholarship, 2002 – 2003, 2004 – 2005
Susan and Jack Demery Scholarship, 2003


BYU Office of Research and Creative Activities Grant, 2005


Leadership: Effective interpersonal skills, Problem-solver, Approachable

Art: Printmaking, Photography, Bookbinding

Computer: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office

Language: Fluent in Spanish [taught accelerated courses for 3 years]; Intermediate Thai

Pedagogy & ESL: curriculum development, test design and development


HELP International, Summer 2004. Participated in volunteer humanitarian aid for a 2 month period in San Salvador, El Salvador. Worked with local organizations (Habitat for Humanity) building homes, volunteering in orphanages, teaching basic cultivation techniques and basic English language courses. Funded by individual efforts.

Full-time Representative for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, May 1998 – June 2000. Spent 2 months in intensive training, learning the Spanish language and the duties and responsibilities of a representative of the Church. Served specifically with the Spanish-speaking residents of Houston, Texas for 22 months, teaching the doctrines and principles of the Church. Included extensive leadership responsibilities. Funded by individual efforts.


Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, England, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Spain, Thailand, Japan

CV Last Revised June 14,2024