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Portrait of Russel Carl

Russel Carlson

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Math & Computing

SCB 318


1995 B.S. Mathematics (Minor: Music) Brigham Young University
1997 M.S. Mathematics University of Oregon
2002 Ph.D. Mathematics Utah State University
Thesis Advisor: LeRoy Beasley
Title: Tournament Matrices: An Overview


1994-1995 Teaching Assistant, Brigham Young University
1995-1997 Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon
1997-2001 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Utah State University
1999-2000 Teaching Internship, Utah State University
2001-2004 Teaching Post-doc, University of Arizona
2004-2009 Assistant Professor, Nevada State College
2009-2010 Teacher, Foothill High School, Henderson, NV
2010 Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University, Hawaii

Selected Presentations and Papers

  • 1999 Tournament Matrices, Combinatorial Matrix Theory Conference, Utah State University
  • 2000 Introduction to Tournaments, MAA Section Meeting, Southern Utah University
  • 2000 Tournament Graphs and Matrices, Big Sky Conference on Discrete , Math, University of Montana
  • 2000 Special Topics Seminar, Utah State University
  • 2002 Taste-Testing in the Twenty-first Century, Entry Level Colloquium, University of Arizona
  • 2003 I’ve Got a Secret: Codes and Cryptology, Entry Level Colloquium, University of Arizona
  • 2003 Ranking problems in Tournaments, Undergraduate Research Seminar, University of Arizona (with Alex Toussaint)
  • 2004 Mathematics for Business Decisions Workshop, MAA Section Meeting, Moravian College (with Deborah Hughes-Hallett)
  • 2007 Election Selection: the Theory of Voting, Nevada State College LAS Colloquium
  • 2008 Cooperative Curriculum: Enhancing Student Experience Through Interdisciplinary Course Development, ISETL Conference
  • 2013 Election Selection: The Mathematics of Voting, BYUH Honors Colloquium
  • 2018 Improving Student Learning Outcomes by Using an Applet in Class, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ATCM**
  • 2019 Mining Cryptocurrency for Mathematics Applications, Asia Technology Conference in Mathematics
  • ** Received “Best Presenter” for presenting this paper at the ATCM


  • Mathematics Association of America
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  • Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Institutional Service

  • 2002 Faculty Coordinator for Undergraduate Teaching Assistants
  • 2003 Faculty Advisor for an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
  • 2004 Faculty Senator and Chair of the Workload Committee
  • 2005 Faculty Senator and Co-Chair of the Finance Committee
  • 2007 Faculty Advisor for the Nevada State College Chamber Choir
  • 2010- Math Bowl Committee (Hawaii State Mathematics Championships)
  • 2010-16 General Education Committee
  • 2011-20 Faculty Advisor for the BYUH Ballroom Dance Club
  • 2016-20 Chair, General Education
  • 2021-24 Faculty Advisory Council (2023-4, FAC Chair)

Student Research Mentored

Alex Toussaint - 2003 Ranking Basketball Teams
Gordon Davis - 2003 Criteria for Assessing a Ranking Method
Gareth Tam - 2014 Mathematical Models using a 3-D Printer
Jon Frey
Alex Chan
John Grosh - 2014 Introduction to Matroids
Michael Throolin - 2016 Probability Models for Rolling Irregular Dice in 2-D
Kainalu Barino

Course Development


314 History of Mathematics

330 Linear Algebra

331 Groups, Rings, and Fields

381 Discrete Math

475 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry

AST103 Intro to Astronomy: The Solar System

Stat391 Statistics for the Biological Sciences


  • 107 Quantitative Reasoning
  • 390 Topology
  • 490 History of Math, Graph Theory, Coding and Cryptography

Teaching Experience: Courses Taught

BYU 1994-1995

  • 344 Calculus of Several Variables (lab session)
  • 112H Honors Calculus I (lab session)
  • 113H Honors Calculus II (lab session)

U. of O. 1995-1997

  • 105 University Math I
  • 106 University Math II
  • 111 College Algebra
  • 112 Pre-Calculus

U. S. U. 1997-2001

  • 1010 Intermediate Algebra
  • 1050 College Algebra
  • 1060 Trigonometry
  • 1100 Techniques of Calculus
  • 1210 Calculus I
  • 1220 Calculus II
  • 2250 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations
  • 3310 Discrete Math
  • 4310 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

U. of A. 2001-2004

  • 105 Math in Modern Society
  • 110 College Algebra
  • 111 Trigonometry
  • 115A Business Math I
  • 115 B Business Math II
  • 124 Calculus I
  • 129 Calculus II
  • 215 Linear Algebra
  • 243 Discrete Math
  • 263 Introduction to Statistics and Biostatistics
  • 302A Understanding Elementary Mathematics I
  • 322 Analysis for Engineers

N. S. C. 2004-2009

  • 093 Pre-Algebra
  • 096 Intermediate Algebra
  • 097 Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
  • 120 Fundamentals of College Mathematics
  • 124 College Algebra
  • 128 Pre-Calculus
  • 132 Finite Mathematics
  • 181 Calculus I
  • 314 History of Mathematics
  • 330 Linear Algebra
  • 331 Groups, Rings, and Fields
  • 381 Discrete Math
  • 475 Euclidian and Non-Euclidean Geometry
  • AST103 Introduction to Astronomy: The Solar System
  • PSY210 Introduction to Statistical Methods
  • STAT391 Statistics for the Biological Sciences

Foothill H.S. 2009-2010

  • Geometry
  • Algebra 2/Trigonometry
  • Trigonometry/Probability/Statistics

BYU Hawaii 2010

  • 106 Mathematical Reasoning
  • 107 Quantitative Reasoning
  • 110 College Algebra
  • 111 Trigonometry/Analysis
  • 119 Applied Calculus
  • 212 Calculus I
  • 213 Calculus II
  • 214 Calculus III
  • 221 Principles of Statistics
  • 223 Principles of Statistics II
  • 301 Foundations of Math
  • 302 Foundations of Geometry
  • 308 Math and Technology
  • 343 Linear Algebra
  • 377 Secondary Math Teaching Methods
  • 390 Special Topics
  • 441 Introduction to Analysis I
  • 442 Introduction to Analysis II
  • 471 Abstract Algebra I
  • 472 Abstract Algebra II
  • 490 Math Seminar

Grants Participated in

  • 2002-3 Eisenhower Grant: Enriching Middle School Mathematics.
  • Purpose: to broaden the mathematical content knowledge of middle school teachers in the Tucson area. (Co-PI)
  • 2005 NeCoTIP Grant: Professional Learning Communities - Mt. Charleston Elementary.
  • Purpose: to establish a PLC at Mt. Charleston Elementary and assist with professional development (Data Analysis)
  • 2007 NeCoTIP Grant: Technology and Empowerment in the Classroom Project.
  • Purpose: Train in-service secondary teachers in classroom instructional technology (Workshop Facilitator)

Other Teaching Experience

  • 1986-1988 Volunteer teacher for Boise Schools Community Education, teaching classes in calligraphy and origami.
  • 1995 Instructor for Children’s College, at the University of New Mexico at Los Alamos, teaching HTML.
  • 1996-1997 Volunteer teacher for the LDS Church Education System
  • 2015 - 2022 (Religious Education for High School Students)
  • 1999-2001 Volunteer Ballroom Dance Instructor at Historic Elite Hall in Hyrum Utah.
  • 2011 - 2012 Instructor for Hawaii Department of Education Teacher Development Workshops, Windward District Office

Community Service

  • Volunteer on the Mathematics Content Panel, Hawaii Department of Education 2011-2012
  • Guest Presenter on “Do the Math” educational television show, University of Arizona, 2003-2004
  • Volunteer for the Flandrau Science Center (Children’s Science Museum on the University of Arizona Campus) 2001-2004
  • Volunteer for the Moore Library at Utah State University Edith Bowen Laboratory School 1998-2001
  • Volunteer Scout leader, 1999-2019
  • President and Advertising director of the Oregon Ballroom Dance Club, 1995-1997


  • Scott Hyde, Math Department Head, BYU Hawaii
  • Erika Beck, President, California State University - Channel Islands
  • Sandip Thanki, Director of Institutional Research, Nevada State College
  • Jason Lee, Assoc. Professor of Mathematics, Montgomery College
  • Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Professor of Mathematics, Univ. of Arizona
  • LeRoy Beasley, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Utah State University

CV Last Revised June 7, 2024

Mathematics Program