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Ban Phung

Associate Professor
Faculty of Arts & Letters

McKay Classroom Building 103F


Doctor of Philosophy, Composition, Rhetoric, and Linguistics, Arizona State University, 2006. Dissertation: A Contrastive Rhetorical Study of Chinese and Mexican Perceptions
of Their Native Writing Instruction and Its Implications for Teaching and Learning.

Master of Teaching English as a Second Language (MTESL), Arizona State University, 1999.
Applied Project: Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: Mnemonics vs. Contextual Approach

Bachelor of Arts, English, Arizona State University, 1998.


Associate Professor of English, Professional Writing, 2016 – Present                                      

Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Department of English Laie, Hawaii
• ENGL 315: Topics for Advanced Writing and Analysis
• ENGL 316: Technical Writing
• ENGL 330: Writing for the Professions
• ENGL 331: Professional Career Writing
• ENGL 332: Writing for Social Media
• ENGL 395R: Tutoring Composition
• ENGL 491: Writing Practicum (Internship)
• ENGL 101: First-Year Composition

Created the first professional writing minor curriculum for the university. Teach five courses in the minor to undergraduate students in all majors to provide a marketable writing skill for employment and in professional settings. Focus is given to the practice and study of selected types of discourse employed in various organizations.

Key Achievements:

• Pioneered the first professional writing minor in the history of the university
• Increased students in the minor by 400% within the 2nd year due to student-led social media
marketing campaigns
• Collaborated with executives and managers from a wide range of industries on real-life writing
• Presented with 2023 Faculty Recognition Award/Stipend (recognized for teaching, scholarship, and citizenship excellence)

Assistant Professor, Business Communication, 2008- 2015

Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Department of Business Management Laie, Hawaii

BUSM 320: Business Communication
BUSM 325: Career Management
BUSM 390R: International Business Communications

Taught business communication principles to undergraduate business students at one of the nation's most diverse universities with 70+ countries.

Key Achievements:

• Receive "Exceptional" and "Excellent" ratings for both course and teacher evaluations for all sections.
• Presented with 2010 and 2012 Faculty Recognition Award/Stipend- (recognized for teaching excellence)

Presenter, 2009- 2015

Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Educational Outreach Department Laie, Hawaii

Presented business communication principles to both corporate and non-corporate program attendees for the Asian Executive Management Program (a strategic alliance with the Polynesian Cultural Center and BYU-Hawaii) to include government and business leaders in the hospitality and tourism industries from China and Taiwan.

Key Achievements:

• Leveraged bilingual skills in Mandarin and English to incorporate cultural values and aspects in a
cross-cultural environment
• Solicited by the university to continue teaching the Asian Executive Management Program for
multiple years

Full-Time English Faculty, 2001-2006

Mesa Community College, Department of English Mesa, Arizona

Taught professional communication to groups of government officials from Chendu, China as part of the Executive Training Program.

Key Achievements:

• The program culminated in an internship with local business personnel and government officials in Phoenix, Arizona

Work-place English Instructor, 1998-1999

Rio Salado Community College Phoenix, Arizona

Chicanos Par La Causa (Workplace Training) is one of the largest community development corporations aimed at helping Hispanic families secure employment throughout the nation. Lessons centered around small and large groups and one-on-one instruction mainly focused on career-based English for adult working Hispanics. Administered and evaluated student assessments, maintained student records and attendance, and planned, evaluated, and developed adult English language curriculum centered on employment English.


Full-Time English Faculty, 1999-2008

Mesa Community College, Department of English Mesa, Arizona

• ENG 101: First-Year Composition
• ENG 102: First-Year Composition, Research Writing
• ENG 107: First –Year Composition for ESL (both face-to-face and web-based distance learning)
• ENG 108: First-Year Composition for ESL, Research Writing (both face-to-face and web-based distance learning)
• ESL 040: ESL Grammar, Level IV (advanced)
• ESL 041: ESL Conversation, Level IV (advanced)
• ESL 052: Job Specific Writing and Speaking Skills for ESL

Emphasis on literature, rhetoric and composition with a focus on literary analysis of various genres (short story, poetry, non-fiction, and plays), expository writing, and understanding writing as a process. Taught English as a Second Language (ESL). Established effective college-level writing strategies for both native and non-native English speakers. Interface with students on face to face and on-line learning environments.

Key Achievements:

• Received excellent ratings in all course evaluations for entire tenure period, consisting of 9 consecutive years


Coordinator of the Reading Writing Center, 2016 – Present

Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Department of English Laie, Hawaii

Prepare, teach, and evaluate a tutoring composition course leading to 3 levels of certifications from an internationally-recognized tutor training program (CRLA). Participant in weekly training meetings for student tutor managers and all tutors. Recruit, interview, and hire 15-18 student employees and oversee their training programs. Serve as a liaison with campus departments, faculty, and staff.

Key Achievements:

• Reactivated all 3 levels of CRLA certifications after a 5-year period of inactivity
• Secured pay increases for all tutors during a period of budget restraints

Student Tutor English and ESL, 1998-1999

Arizona State University, Reading and Writing Center Tempe, Arizona

Tutored English to undergraduates. Courses tutored included ENG 101,102, ENG 107, 108 (Composition for ESL), and WAC 101 (Writing across the Curriculum). Position included training leading up to a tutoring certificate.


Owner of Fulfillment Realty LLC, 2000-2014

Invested in distressed single and multi-family properties through various venues including short sales, foreclosures, auctions, REOs, and FSBOs (owner sales) by leveraging equity and funding (both conventional and unconventional) to maximize ROI potential.

Key Achievements:

• Averaged 18% positive rent cash flows since 2001 to current, doubling the industry standard
• Tripled investment capital in 3 years by leveraging expertise in the Phoenix market during the depth of the housing recession
• Safeguarded capital gains of more than 300% throughout the housing recession due to strategic 1031 exchanges to less volatile markets at the peak of housing bubble

Arizona Licensed Agent, Home Smart Real Estate, 2006- 2008

Specialized as a buyers’ agent working with nation-wide investors in the single and multi-family markets. Created marketing brochures for each listing to potential clients and negotiate the best possible contract for clients and secured financing. Communicated with home inspectors and appraisers to determine needed actions prior to closing and ensured all terms of the contract were met before closing.

Key Achievements:

• Successfully closed transactions within the first 9 months totaling 1.8 million in sales while only working 5 hours a week due to excellent networking abilities

Property Manager/Owner of B&L Properties, 2001-2007

Managed single and multi-family properties within a multi-million dollar portfolio throughout Phoenix metropolitan area. Maintained successful tenant relations, timely payments of all debts, collection of rents, and upkeep of all units and surrounding areas of properties. Communicated with multiple audiences involving late rent payments, evictions, rent increases, building inspections/maintenance, and market update letters to past and present investors. Strengthened tenant and investor relations and supporting marketing efforts for new tenants. Negotiated all tenant complaints and issues; coordinated with necessary professionals for eviction process and other legal matters.

Key Achievements:

• Proven track record of effective property management with experience in establishing and maintaining cost controls with zero owner complaints.

Principal/Owner, 2006

Initiated the development of commercial land in City of Leander, TX (north of Austin, TX). Successfully wrote plans to submit a Site Development Improvement Plan/Certificate (Site Plan Approval) to construct a small scale, limited impact mixed-use retail/commercial development totaling 17,674 sq.ft of retail space. The project includes a daycare as its anchor with multiple retail/personal services pads that support the needs of local residents. Correspondence to City of Leander included writing narrative reports, attending zoning meetings, and attaining government approvals.

Key Achievements:

• Sold and profited before vertical improvements in 2009 during the peak of financial crisis due to a clear site development submission plan and marketing property to meet local needs.


• Developed Professional Writing Minor, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Fall 2016
• Developed International Business Communication, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Fall 2009
• Developed ENG 107 Internet-based ESL First- Year Composition, Mesa Community College, Fall 1999
• Developed ENG 108 Internet-based ESL First- Year Composition (Research Writing), Mesa Community College, Spring 2000


Brigham Young University–Hawaii

• 2023 Faculty Recognition Award/Stipend- (recognized for achievements in teaching, scholarship, and citizenship)
• 2012 Faculty Recognition Award/Stipend- (recognized for Chairing Faculty Search committee and teaching excellence)
• 2010 Faculty Recognition Award/Stipend- (recognized for GE committee work and teaching excellence)

Maricopa Community Colleges

• 2007 Completion of Sabbatical- (successful completion of Dissertation for Ph.D in Rhetoric, Composition, and Linguistics

Mesa Community College

• 2006 Certificate of Appreciation, (recognized for mentorship and participation of Asian Pacific Islander Club)


English (native language), Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin), conversational Vietnamese


Stephen Bremner and Ban Phung. "Learning from the Experts: An Analysis of Resume Writers' Selfpresentation on Linkedin." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION, Vol. 58, No. 4, December 2015


Ban Phung “Mnemonics versus Contextual Approaches to Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Its Implications on Adult ESL Education” Submitted to TESOL in Context, June 2024


2024- Association for the Coaching and Tutoring Profession (ACTP)
“Tutoring International Students” (Presentation)

2023- Southeastern Writing Center Association (SWCA)
"Using Culturally Relevant Metaphors in Tutoring International Students" (Presentation)

2022- Association for the Coaching and Tutoring Profession (ACTP)
“A Hands-On Approach to Tutoring Resume Writing Skills” (Presentation)

2019- 52nd College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
“ The Use of Storytelling in Employment Communications for Tutors” (Round Table)

2018- 83rd Association of Business Communications (ABC)
“Teaching University Students the S.T.A.R. Method and its Impact on Employment Communications” (Presentation)

 2018- International Writing Centers Association: Colorado/Wyoming Chapter (IWCA)
"Bridging Tutor Experiences to Interview Skills: Teaching tutors the S.T.A.R method" (Presentation)

2017- 50th College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
“Metaphors in Tutoring Pacific Island Students at a Writing Center” (Presentation)

 2016- Journal of International Arts and Sciences
“The Values of Singing and Dancing in Pacific Island Cultures and its Implications for Teaching and Learning” (Presentation)

2015 Lilly Conference On Evidenced-Based Teaching and Learning (Poster Board)
“Teaching the Pacific Islander Student: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Use of Metaphors and Storytelling

2014- 13th Asia-Pacific Association of Business Communicators Conference (Presentation)
"The Use of Metaphor in Teaching Business Communication to the Pacific Islander Student"

2013- 12th Asia-Pacific Association of Business Communicators Conference (Presentation)
"Learning from the experts: An analysis of resume writers' self presentation on LinkedIn" (Co-presenter, Dr. Stephen Bremner at City University of Hong Kong)

 2012- 77th International Association of Business Communicators Conference (Presentation)
"From Aloha to Talofa: Teaching Business Communication to the Pacific Islander Student" (Co-presenter, Dr. Kali Fermantez at Jonathan Napela Center for Hawaiian and Pacific Studies)

2012- 11th Asia-Pacific Association of Business Communicators Conference (Presentation)
"Leveraging the use of video resumes in Employment Communications"

2011- 10th Asia-Pacific Association of Business Communicators Conference (Presentation)
"A Contrastive Rhetorical Study of Chinese Perceptions of Their Native Writing Instruction and Its Implications for Teaching Business Communications"

2007- 1st Annual Mesa Community College Conference on Teaching and Learning (Presentation)
"A Contrastive Rhetorical Study of Mexican and Chinese Perceptions of their Native Writing Instruction and its Implications for Teaching and Learning”

2002- Arizona TESOL Conference (Presentation)
"The Issues of Use in L2 Reported Speech."


Brigham Young University-Hawaii, 2008-present at various times

Coordinator for Reading/Writing Center, English Department
Coordinator of Professional Writing Minor, English Department
Chair of Faculty Search Committee (3 positions), Business Management Department
Coordinator of Writing Consultants, Business Management Department
English Program Review Committee Member, University-Wide
General Education Committee, University-Wide
Hong Kong Club Advisor, University-Wide
Freshmen Academy Committee, University-Wide
Vietnamese Club Advisor, University-Wide
China Club Advisor, University-Wide

Mesa Community College, 1999-2008

International Education Committee
Faculty Advisor -Asian Pacific Islander Club (APIC)
ESL Campus-wide Committee
International Education Travel Grant Sub-Committee
Chair of Internationalizing the Curriculum Committee
Affirmative Action Committee
Coordinator of International Ed and Intensive English Studies for ESL Language Program
Technology Coordinator for ESL webpage
Conversational Exchange Program Coordinator
Faculty Handbook Committee Member

CV Last Revised 6/2024

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March 18, 2020
I am convinced that because of the Savior Jesus Christ we can ALL be redeemed. And once we have been redeemed, God will use us to help others be redeemed too.
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