Ph.D. in Geological Oceanography 2004 University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Dissertation: Geochemical Correlation, Variation, and Petrogenesis of Ignimbrites in Central America and Associated Caribbean Sea Tephra Layers
B.S. in Geology with University Honors, Physics Minor 1999 Brigham Young University, Department of Geological Sciences, Provo, Utah, U.S.A. Honors Thesis: The Nature and Formation of Carbonate Nodules at Blue Lake Warm Spring, Tooele County , Utah
Additional Education · 26 undergraduate hours from Utah State University Uintah Basin, Roosevelt, Utah, U.S.A. 1989 – 1991
Brigham Young University–Hawaii Laie, Hawaii, U.S.A. August 2022 to present Dean, Faculty of Sciences
Brigham Young University–Hawaii Faculty of Sciences August 2012 to present Professor of Physical Science
ASTR 104: Principles of Astronomy Faculty of Sciences
BIOL 492: Scientific Writing August 2012 to present
GEOL 105: Geology of the Pacific Basin (Associate Professor, 2012 – 2018)
GEOL 105H: Honors Geology of the Pacific Basin
GEOL 106: Field Geology of Hawaii
GEOL 220: Introduction to Geochemistry
GE 120: Scientific Reasoning
GE 120 Online: Scientific Reasoning
GE 120H: Honors Scientific Reasoning
OCEN 201: Oceanography and Marine Science
PHSC 100: Principles of Physical Science
PHSC 100 Online: Principles of Physical Science
Co-mentoring undergraduate research projects
Institute for Shipboard Education Semester at Sea M/V World Odyssey Hamburg, Germany -San Diego, California September 2018- December 2018 Lecturer
AA 100: Introduction to Astronomy Semester at Sea
GEOL 120: Exploring the Earth: Physical Geology M/V World Odyssey
IE 300 Global Studies (Environmental Minutes) Hamburg, Germany – San Diego, California
NR 150: Oceanography
Brigham Young University Idaho Deparment of Geology Rexburg Idaho, USA August 2007-July 2012 Assistant Professor of Geology
FDSCI 101: Science Foundations Department of Geology
FDSCI 202: Issues in Global Climate Change August 2007 – July 2012
GEOL 101: Introduction to Geology
GEOL 102: Introduction to Geology Lab
GEOL 111: Physical Geology
GEOL 111L: Physical Geology Lab
GEOL 235: Meteorology
GEOL 235L: Oceanography and Meteorology Lab
GEOL 250: Mineralogy and Petrology
GEOL 335: Oceanography
GEOL 380: Regional Geology
GEOL 390: Directed Studies: Meteorites and Impact Craters
GEOL 405: Methods of Teaching Earth Science
Mentoring undergraduate research projects
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY Department of Geology All Ain, Abu Dubai, U.A.E August 2004 -July 2007 Assistant Professor of Geology Undergraduate courses
GEOL 1052: Physical Geology
GEOL 1153: Physical Geology for Petroleum Engineers
GEOL 3222: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
GEOL 462: Introduction to Geochemistry
GEOL 490: Graduate Research Projects (Undergraduate Senior Students)
GEOL 4952: Selected Topics: Volcanic Processes and the Oman Ophiolite
GEOL 4992: Field Geology
Graduate courses
ENVR 6101: Environmental Science 1
ENVR 6102: Environmental Science 2
Brigham Young University Honors/Dept of Geological Sciences Provo, Utah, USA Summer 2005 and Summer 2007 Adjunct Professor
HON 243 R Introduction to Oceanography
UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND Department of Geosciences Kingston, Rhode Island , U.S.A January 2004 -May 2004 Adjunct Instructor
GEO 100. Introduction to Environmental Geology
UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND Kingston , Rhode Island , U.S.A Fall 2002 and Summer 2003 Teaching Assistant
OCG 131: Volcanoes and the Environment
GEO 930 B: Field Geology of Rhode Island
Made a “Fellow National” in The Explorers Club, New York, New York, October 2023
Listed in American Men and Women of Science (AMWS), April 2023
Brigham Young University-Hawaii Devotional Speaker – “Baselines of Gospel Truth,” November 2022
Keynote Lecturer, NYSCamp, National Youth Science Foundation, Charleston, West Virginia, Summer 2022
Nominated for the Faculty Award for Scholarship, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Fall 2021
Nominated to the scientific research honor society, Sigma Xi, September 2019
Recognized as a “Friend of Oceanography” by the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography, August 2017
My book, Geologic Features of the United Arab Emirates, was chosen to be part of an online, educational platform, to be used by school teachers in the United Arab Emirates to teach geology and geography, UAE Ministry of Energy. June 2016
Initiated into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi , March 2015
Brigham Young University-Hawaii Devotional Speaker – “God, Our Heavenly Father, February 2015
“Faculty Recognition” for my work in developing science courses for the university’s Foundations general education program, Brigham Young University-Idaho, May 2009
Merit award for providing “quality services” to the university and its students, United Arab Emirates University, Summer 2006
Featured lecturer during the 2000 JASON Project Science-Curriculum training of Rhode Island State Educators, August 2000
“Best Undergraduate Student Paper” for my research paper: Counter Currents: Rivers of the Deep – Dept. of Geology, Brigham Young University, April 1999
“Outstanding Student” for the two-week field course, Geology 210: Geology Field Studies – Dept. of Geology, Brigham Young University, August 1997
International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) – Since 2013
Tsunami Society – Since 2008
American Geophysical Union (AGU) – Since 1997
Geological Society of America (GSA) – Since 1997
Editorial Work
Editorial Board Member, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, August 2014 to Present
Editorial Board Member, BCC Papers, an online journal related to Mormon studies, June 2004 to 2011
Abstracts Editor, 6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East, September 2005 to March 2006
Interpreter, January 2023
Interpreter, Fall 2021
Remote Sensing, May 2021
Hawaii Pacific University (WASC accreditation), Spring 2021
King Saud University (faculty advancement), December 2020
Remote Sensing, Fall 2020
Geosciences, October 2020
Interpreter, November 2020
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Summer 2020
Elsevier Publishing, Spring 2020
Volcanica, Fall 2019
Interpreter, Summer 2018
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Spring 2018
Journal of Computers in Education, Springer, May 2017.
Our Dynamic Ocean, Pearson Higher Education, May 2017.
G-Cubed: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, August 2016
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Spring 2016
National Science Foundation, Spring 2016
Geology, Geological Society of America, Fall 2015 – Spring 2016
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Fall 2015
Pacific Studies, Jonathan Nāpela Center for Hawaiian and Pacific Island Studies, April 2014
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Winter 2010
University of Sharjah Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, March 2007
International Journal of Scientific Research, Fall 2006
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (now The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Studies), 2004
Miscellaneous Contributions
Co-Chair, T177. Innovative Tools for Mapping, Modelling, and Sharing 3D Geological Data: Drones, Photogrammetry, Lidar, Virtual, and Augmented Reality, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, September 2019
Consultant, Terres Extremes (Extreme Earth), a series filmed for the French TV channel France 5, January 2019 (Episode 6)
Leader, Federation University of Australia geology fieldtrip to the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, December 2016
Contributor, All Things Considered, National Public Radio (NPR) related to the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull Volcano in Iceland, 19 April 2010
Co-Leader, The 6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East Post Congress Field Trip: Semail Ophiolite and Sub-Ophiolitic Units, March 2006
Co-Leader, Michigan State University geologic fieldtrip to the United Arab Emirates and Oman, March 2006Co-Chair, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Session, 6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East, Al Ain, UAE, March 2006
Master of Ceremonies, opening session of the 2005 Gulf Seismic Forum, sponsored by UAEU, USGS, LLNL, and UNESCO
Committee Work (Chair)
Hiring Committee, BYU-Hawaii Faculty of Sciences, 2021 to 2022
University Promotion Review Committee, BYU-Hawaii, 2019 to 2021
Student Scholarship Committee, BYU-Hawaii Natural Sciences Dept., 2017 to 2018
General Education GE 120 Design Committee, BYU-Hawaii, 2013 to 2014
Time-table and Student Advisory Committee, UAEU Dept. of Geology, 2006 to 2007
Planning Committee for a new comprehensive campus and a temporary male student campus at Falaj Hazaa, UAEU Faculty of Science, 2005 to 2006
Committee Work (Member)
University Housing Advisory Committee, BYU-Hawaii, 2022 to present
Major/Minor Committee, BYU-Hawaii Faculty of Sciences, 2021 to 2022
Review Committee for Faculty Advancement, BYU-Hawaii Faculty of Sciences, 2021 to 2022
University Promotion Review Committee, BYU-Hawaii, 2017 to 2021
Working Committee on Faculty Workload, BYU-Hawaii, 2017 to 2018
Review Committee for Faculty Advancement, BYU-Hawaii Natural Sciences Dept., 2016 to 2017
General Education Committee, BYU-Hawaii, 2014 to 2016
Integrated Teaching Methods Committee, BYU-Idaho, 2010 to 2012
Teacher Education Coordinating Council, BYU-Idaho, 2009 to 2012
Geology Museum and Display Space Committee, BYU-Idaho Depart. of Geology, 2007 to 2012
Laptop Course Committee, UAEU Dept. of Geology, 2006 to 2007
Hiring Committee, UAEU College of Science, 2005 to 2007
Educational Outcomes Committee, UAEU Dept. of Geology, 2005 to 2007
Annual Report Committee, UAEU College of Science, 2005-2006
College Building Committee, UAEU College of Science, 2005-2006
Student Evaluation of Teaching Workgroup, UAE University, 2004 to 2005
Research Committee, UAEU Dept. of Geology, 2004 to 2005
Fieldtrips and Museums Committee, UAEU Dept. of Geology, 2004 to 2007
Marine Affairs Committee, University of Rhode Island, 2000-2004
Course Lead (online), PHSC 100: Principles of Physical Science, BYU-Hawaii, 2014 to present
Developer (online), GE 120: Scientific Reasoning, BYU-Hawaii, 2015
Course Lead (on-campus), PHSC 100: Principles of Physical Science, BYU-Hawaii, 2014 to 2017
Course Lead (on-campus), GE 120: Scientific Reasoning, BYU-Hawaii, 2014 to 2016
Developer (online), PHSC 100: Principles of Physical Science, BYU-Hawaii, 2014
Co-developer, FDSCI 202: Issues in Global Climate Change, BYU-Idaho, 2007-2010
Judge, Poster Session, 12th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, BYU-Hawaii, May 2017
Advisor, BYU-Hawaii Honors Program service project at the Battleship Missouri Memorial, Pearl Harbor, October 2016
Discussion Lead, “Book of the Semester Night” on Theodore Roosevelt’s book, Through the Brazilian Wilderness, BYU-Hawaii Honors Program, March 2015
Moderator, Perception and Self-Perception Session, 9th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, BYU-Hawaii, March 2014
Advisor, BYU-Hawaii Physics Student Team that ran an event at the AAPT Hawaii Section’s 24th Annual Physics Olympics at Kapi’olani Community College, February 2013
Judge, Poster Session, 4th Annual BYU-Idaho Spring Research Conference, March 2009
Chair, Science and Mathematics Session, 3rd Annual BYU-Idaho Spring Research Conference, February 2008
President, BYU Astronomical Society, Brigham Young University, 1998-1999
Vice-President, Geology Club, Dept. of Geology, Brigham Young University, 1998-1999
Treasurer, Phi Kappa Phi, BYU-Hawaii Chapter, 2017 to 2020
Panel Member, The Gospel and the Scientific Method: Interaction Effects, a discussion of Ronald Miller’s BYU–Hawaii Convocation speech, August 2016
Panel Member, The Habit of Curriculum, a discussion of Jennifer Lane’s BYU-Hawaii Convocation speech, September 2014
Alumni Liaison, BYU-Idaho Department of Geology, 2007 to 2012
Website Coordinator, BYU-Idaho Department of Geology, 2007 to 2012
Manager, BYU-Idaho NOAA Weather Station, BYU-Idaho Department of Geology, 2007 to 2012
Master of Ceremonies, 2nd Geology Day, United Arab Emirates University, May 2007
Narrator, video special to introduce the joint UAE-Japan symposium, “Sustainable GCC Environment and Water Resources Symposium- EWR 2006”, January 2006
Volunteer Work
Visiting Scientist, giving presentations to elementary school kids, Laie Elementary School and Sunset Elementary School, February 2013 to present
Numerous community, church, and Boy Scout service projects, 1984 to present
Science Adventure Mentor, Madison School District (Idaho) Science Fair, 2008-2009
Outreach Scientist, presented 3-4 lectures yearly to community and school groups on earth and marine science subjects, Coastal Institute, Narragansett, Rhode Island, 2000-2003
Diver, eel grass restoration project, SAVE THE BAY, Narragansett, Rhode Island, 2003
Museum Guide, Imperial Tombs of China exhibit, BYU Museum of Art, Nov 1995 to Dec 1995
Missionary, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Indiana Indianapolis Mission, 1991-1993
Boy Scouts of America
Scoutmaster, January 2017 to December 2019
Merit Badge and Cub Scout Pin Counselor, December 2008 to present
Troop Committee Chair, April 2016 to December 2016
Cubmaster, November 2009 to November 2010
Webelo Den Leader, September 2003 to December 2003
Assistant Scoutmaster, June 1995 to December 1995
Training and Workshop Participation
“Fuego Volcano Overnight at the Acatenango Platforms,” COV12 Post-Conference Fieldtrip, 18-10 February 2024
“Underground Treasures: Exploring the Stunning Caves of Tennessee and Kentucky,” a GSA Pre-Conference Fieldtrip, 12-14 October 2023
“Volcano–Ice Interactions on Mars with Jim Head and Kat Scanlon,” a IAVCEI VIIC Seminar (Online), 8 December 2021
“Glacial Pumping of a Magma-Charged Lithosphere: the Link Between Ice and Volcanoes in the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt,” an IAVCEI VIIC Seminar: (Online), 20 May 2020
Pix4D User Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, 20-21 August 2019
Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) Data Lab Workshop, Pacific Grove, California, 22-26 July 2019
Wood Badge Leadership Training, Boy Scouts of America, Pupukea, Oahu, August-September 2014.
Kanalu (K38) Personal Watercraft and Small Boat Operation Training Course (NASBLA, NSBC, and Hawaii DNLR approved), March 2014
“Learning, Leadership and Love: Helping People Flourish at Home, Church and Work,” a workshop sponsored by BYU Hawaii’s Center for Learning and Teaching, Laie, Hawaii, January-February 2014.
“English for Academics,” a workshop sponsored by BYU Hawaii’s Center for Learning and Teaching to help in teaching ESL students, Laie, Hawaii, October-November 2013
“Technology and Multimedia in STEM Teaching and Learning,” a workshop sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, San Diego, California, October 2013
“Kikai Caldera and Southern Kyushu: Products of a Large Silicic Magmatic System” – IAVCEI 2013 post-conference workshop and field trip, July 2013
“U.S. Volcanic Hazards,” a webinar sponsored by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT), February 2012
“IODP Primer: An Introduction to Ocean Drilling Programs,” a short course given by the International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and the U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP), San Francisco, California, December 2011
“Creating Significant Learning Experiences,” a workshop given by L. Dee Fink to a select group of Brigham Young University-Idaho faculty and administrators, Norman, Oklahoma, June 2009
“Recent Developments in Explosive Volcanism,” a short-course given by the IAVCEI Commission on Explosive Volcanism, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2008
IAVCEI General Assembly Mid-Conference Field Trip to Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, where we examined volcanic and tectonic features related to the mid-ocean ridge and the geology of Iceland, August 2008
“BYU-Idaho Lab Safety Seminar,” Brigham Young University-Idaho, September 2007
“How to use GIS for Solving Problems,” United Arab Emirates University, December 2004
“Teaching Students with Disabilities,” University of Rhode Island, March 2004
“Volcanic Hazards in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area from Eruptions at Popocatépetl, Nevado de Toluca, and Jocotitlán Stratovolcanoes and Monogenetic Scoria Cones in The Sierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field,” a workshop and field trip at the 2004 GSA Penrose Conference, Puebla, Mexico, January 2004
“Environmental Awareness and Initial Waste Management,” University of Rhode Island, August 2003
“Sea Survival for Scientists,” a Massachusetts Maritime Academy continuing education course, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, June 2003
Conference and Meeting Attendance
Cities on Volcanoes 12, 2024, La Antigua, Guatemala
GSA Connects 2023, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, 2023, Rotorua, New Zealand
GSA Connects 2022, Denver, Colorado.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana
American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2020, San Diego, California
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2019, San Francisco, California
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana
Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Meeting, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2016, San Francisco, California
AAC&U Conference: Crossing Boundaries: Transforming STEM Education, 2015, Seattle, Washington
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland
Mormon Pacific Historical Society Annual Conference, 2015, Laie, Hawaii
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia
AAC&U Conference: Transforming STEM Education: Inquiry, Innovation, Inclusion, and Evidence, 2013, San Diego, California
IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, 2013, Kagoshima, Japan
Best Teachers Summer Institute, 2013, West Orange, New Jersey
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2011, San Francisco, California
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2010, Denver, Colorado
International Association of Laboratory and University Affiliated Schools (NALS) Annual Conference, 2010, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2009, Portland, Oregon
IAVCEI General Assembly, 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland
3rd Annual BYU-Idaho Spring Undergraduate Research Conference, 2008, Rexburg, Idaho
UAEU 8th Annual Research Conference, 2007, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East, 2006, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
1st International Conference on Coastal Zone Management and Engineering in the Middle East, 2005, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah
UAEU 6th Annual Research Conference, 2005, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
The Gulf Seismic Forum, 2005, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
7th General Meeting of the Emirates Environmental Group, 2004, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, 2004, Metepec, Puebla, Mexico
Geological Society of America 38th Annual Northeastern Section Meeting, 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia
13th Annual Brigham Young University Spring Research Conference, 1999, Provo, Utah
4th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, 1997, Orlando Florida
Western Governors University Salt Lake City, Utah March 2018
Subject Matter Expert
Reviewed assessment materials for the online course, “Geology II: Earth Systems”
NOAA Black Sea Expedition Narragansett, Rhode Island July-August 2003
Marine Archaeology Volunteer
Monitored live satellite transmissions and relayed communications from the R/V Knorr and the ROV Hercules, exploring and recovering artifacts from ancient shipwrecks in the Black Sea.
Office of Public Archaeology Provo, Utah July 1998, October 2003
Archaeological Field Volunteer
Worked on excavations of Anasazi and Fremont Indian sites in central and southern Utah
G.L.I.M.P.S.E. Cruise R/V Melville, South Pacific November and December 2001 Scientific Crewmember
Assisted in collection of geophysical data, mapping, dredging, And sampling of unusually linear, non-hotspot, volcanic ridges
URI Marine Geological Samples Lab Narragansett, Rhode Island September 1999 – August 2000 Lab Assistant
Split, sampled, and described marine sediment cores, prepared ocean ridge dredge samples, organized and updated databases
Ocean Engineering Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Ft. Pierce, Florida June – August 1997 Link Foundation Intern,
Worked on the development of an ROV with the capability to separate sediment particles by grain-size
BYU Department of Physics Demo Area Assistant Provo, Utah August 1996 – August 1999
Designed, built, and repaired in-class physics demonstrations and trained professors in their use
BYU Department of Geology Provo, Utah June 1998 – June 1999
Research Assistant
Processed geologic samples and extracted minerals for K-Ar dating.
FAA Remote Pilot Certificate number: 4966407 (Certified: 1 March 2024)
Red Cross certified in First Aid, CPR, and AED
Licensed amateur radio operator: Technician-class
Certified Advanced (NAUI, PADI, SSI) and Rescue (PADI, SSI) Scuba Diver; 140+ dives, 65+ hours bottom time
URI Research Diver, American Academy of Underwater Sciences, 2000 – 2004
Made one of the first recorded sightings of noctilucent clouds from southeastern Idaho, USA, 3-4 July 2008 – recorded by NLCNET (
Lived and studied language and history in St. Petersburg, Russia, January 1996 – April 1996
Eagle Scout, B.S.A., September 1987
Open Source Student Data Labs Jordan, B., Brown, K., and Lichtenwalner, S., 2021, Lab 3 – Geology – Plate Tectonics and the Seafloor, in Bristol, D.L. and Pfeiffer-Herbert, A. (Eds.), Ocean Data Labs: Exploring the Ocean with OOI Data – Online Laboratory Manual. 2nd edition. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Accessed [date]
Brown, K., Jordan, B., and Lichtenwalner, S., 2021, Lab 4 – Geology – Sea Floor Changes in a Volcanically Active Setting, in Bristol, D.L. and Pfeiffer-Herbert, A. (Eds.), Ocean Data Labs: Exploring the Ocean with OOI Data – Online Laboratory Manual. 2nd edition. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Accessed [date]
Books Jordan, B. R., 2023, Water, Wind, and Earth: The Science of Oceanography 3rd Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 500 pages. ISBN: 9798385103249
Jordan, B. R., 2021, Water, Wind, and Earth: The Science of Oceanography 2nd Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 500 pages. ISBN: 9781792484223
Jordan, B. R., 2020, Water, Wind, and Earth: The Science of Oceanography, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 500 pages. ISBN: 9781792430589
Jordan, B. R., 2013, Geotrekking in Southeast Arabia: A Guide to Locations of World-Class Geology, American Geophysical Union and John Wiley and Sons, Washington, DC., 221 pages. ISBN: 978-0-87590-735-2
Jordan, Benjamin R., Sigurdsson, Haraldur, and Carey, Steven N., 2008, Ignimbrites in Central America and Associated Caribbean Sea Tephra: Correlation and Petrogenesis, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 224 pages. ISBN-10: 3639108310
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2007 (Reissued and Digitized: 2016), Geologic Features of the United Arab Emirates, UAEU Department of Geology and UAEU Publications Department, Al Ain, UAE, 112 pages.
Online Textbooks Jordan, Benjamin R., 2015-2017, Basic Principles of Geology, BYU-Hawaii
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2013-2017, Principles of Physical Science, BYU-Hawaii Online Program
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2013-2014, Scientific Reasoning: Everyday Science, BYU-Hawaii Online Program
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Jordan, B. R., 2023, Aerial views of the 2018 Kilauea Eruption, Hawaii, U.S.A., in Misra, A. A., and Mukherjee, S., 2023, Atlas of Structural Geological and Geomorphological Interpretations, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Hoboken, New Jersey. ISBN: 978-1-119-81335-4
Jordan, B. R., 2021, Intermittent but rapid changes to coastal landscapes: the tsunami- and El Niño wave-formed sea arch at Laie Point, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A., Geosciences, v. 11, p. 147 (13 pages). DOI: 10.3390/geosciences11030147
Jordan, B. R., 2019, Collecting field data in volcanic landscapes using small UAS(sUAS)/drones, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.07.006
Jordan, B. R., Yancey, T. E., Heinrich, P. V., Miller, B. V., and McGuire, K., 2019, The age and geochemistry of volcanic ash in the Catahoula Formation of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, USA, The Journal of Geology, v. 127, n. 2, p. 207-222. DOI: 10.1086/701677
Jordan, B. R., 2018, Sugar in the Sea: The History of Lai’e Pier at Pounders Beach, Lai’e, Hawai’i, U.S.A as a Unique Example of Structures that Supported Late Nineteenth Century Hawai’ian Inter-island Steamboat Shipping, Journal of Maritime Archaeology, v. 14, n. 1, p. 29-41. DOI: 10.1007/s11457-018-9222-2
Jordan, B. R., and Aston, W. P., 2018, The geology of Moroni’s stone box: examining the setting and resources of Palmyra, Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship, v. 30, p. 233-252.
Jordan, B. R., 2017, A review of the “Geology of the Book of Mormon” by Jerry Grover, BYU Studies Quarterly, v. 56, n. 2, p. 156-159.
Jordan, B. R., 2015, A bird's-eye view of geology: the use of micro drones/UAVs in geologic fieldwork and education, GSA Today, v. 25, p. 42-43. DOI: 10.1130/GSATG232GW.1
Howari, F. M., Jordan, B. R., Bouhouche, N., and Wyllie-Echeverria, S., 2009, Field and remote sensing of mangrove forests and seagrass beds in the northwestern part of the United Arab Emirates, Journal of Coastal Research, v. 25, p. 48-56. DOI: 10.2112/07-0867.1
Jordan, B. R., Fowler, A., Mahmoud, B. E. D., El-Saiy, A., and Abdelghanny, O., 2008, Peperites and associated pillow lavas subjacent to the Oman Ophiolite, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 173, p. 303-312. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.01.019
Jordan, B. R., 2008, Tsunamis of the Arabian Peninsula – a guide of historic events, Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 27, n. 1, p. 31-46.
Jordan, B. R., Sigurdsson, H., Carey, S., Lundin, S., Rogers, R., Singer, B., and Barquero-Molina, M., 2007, Petrogenesis of Central American Tertiary ignimbrites and associated Caribbean Sea tephra, in Mann, P. (ed.), 2007, Geologic and Tectonic Development of the Caribbean Plate in Northern Central America, Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 151-179. DOI: 10.1130/2007.2428(07)
Jordan, B. R., Sigurdsson, H., Carey, S., Rogers, R., and Ehrenborg, J., 2007, Geochemical variation along and across the Central American Miocene paleoarc in Honduras and Nicaragua, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 71, p. 3581-3591. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.05.013
El-Saiy, A. K., and Jordan, B. R., 2007, Diagenetic aspects of tertiary carbonates west of the Northern Oman Mountains, United Arab Emirates, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 31, p. 35-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2007.03.004
Jordan, Benjamin R., Fowler, Abdel-Rahman, Mahmoud, Bahaa El Dein, Abdelghanny, Osman, and El-Saiy, Ayman K., 2007, The formation of pillow lavas and peperites in the Oman border zone, east of Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, in The Eighth Annual U.A.E. University Research Conference, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2006, What something is called DOES matter, Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 87, p. 284.
Jordan, B. R., Sigurdsson, H., Carey, S., Rogers, R., and Ehrenborg, J., 2006, Geochemical correlation of Caribbean Sea tephra layers with ignimbrites in Central America, in Siebe, C., Macías, J. L., and Aguirre-Díaz, G. J. (Eds.), 2006, Neogene-Quaternary continental margin volcanism: A perspective from Mexico, Geological Society of America Special Paper 402, p. 161-194. DOI: 10.1130/2006.2402(08)
Jordan, B. R., Baker, H., and Howari, F., 2005, Tsunami hazards along the coasts of the United Arab Emirates, Arabiancoast 2005 Papers, Theme D, Paper 4
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2005, Review of “Physical Geology” by C.C. Plummer, D. McGeary, and D.H. Carlson; McGraw-Hill, 2005 (10th Edition): International Journal of Scientific Research, v. 14, p. 96.
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2004, Investigating New World volcanism at the time of Christ’s death, Insights: A Window on the Ancient World, v. 23, n. 6, p. 4-5.
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2003, Volcanic destruction in the Book of Mormon: Possible evidence from ice cores, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, v.12, n. 1, p. 78-87.
Jordan, B. R., 1999, “Many great and notable cities were sunk”: Liquefaction in the Book of Mormon, BYU Studies, v. 38, n. 3, p. 119-122.
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts (Oral Presentations) Jordan, Benjamin, 2023, The Geology of Moku’auia Island, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 55, No. 6. DOI: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-391721
Jordan, Benjamin R. and Lichtenwalner, C. Sage, 2020, Teaching Students Plate Tectonics and Seafloor Magmatism Using Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) Data and Resources, American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Abstract ED21A-08.
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2017, 2015-2016 El Niño-Generated Ocean Wave Impacts and Other Recent Erosional Changes to Kukuiho’olua Island Sea Arch at Laie, Hawaii, U.S.A., 2017 GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, Abstract 292683.
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2015, The World We Live In: Life Magazine’s Geologic Art Just Before the Dawn of Plate Tectonics, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, n. 7, p. 481.
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2005, Tsunami Hazards and Mitigation along the Coasts of the United Arab Emirates, 1st International Conference on Coastal Zone Management and Engineering in the Middle East Book of Abstracts, p. 67-71.
Jordan, B. R., Sigurdsson, H., Carey, S. N., Rogers, R. D., and Ehrenborg, J., 2003, Petrogenesis of Central American Ignimbrites and Associated Tephra in the Caribbean Sea, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, n. 3, p. 4.
Jordan, Benjamin, Christiansen, Eric H., and Tingey, David G., 1999, The nature of calcium carbonate nodules at Blue Lake Warm Spring, Utah, 13th Annual Spring Research Conference, Brigham Young University, p. 50.
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts (Poster Presentations) Jordan, Benjamin R., 2015, An Aerial Geoarchaeological Survey of the Laie Pier, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Using UAVs, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, n. 7, p. 731.
Jordan, Benjamin R., 2014, The Use of Micro Drones in Geologic Field Work, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 46, n. 6, p. 104
Embree, Glenn F., Phillips, William M., Champion, Duane E., Moore, Dan K., Jordan, Benjamin R., and Geissman, J.W., 2011, Large-scale rheomorphic structures and basalt stratigraphy of the Newdale and Linderman dam 7.5-minute quadrangles, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, n. 4, paper 19-6.
Ard, Meesha, Jordan, Benjamin R., Moore, Dan K., and Embree, Glenn F., 2010, Petrology of basaltic pillow lavas in Teton Canyon, Idaho, USA, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, n. 5, paper 33-11.
McGuire, Kevin M., Jordan, Benjamin R., and Heinrich, Paul V., 2010, The Geochemistry of the Chalk Hills Member of the Catahoula Formation of Louisiana and Texas, U.S.A., Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, n. 5, paper 106-4.
Jordan, Benjamin R., Embree, Glenn F., Moore, Dan K., Ard, Meesha, and Sant, Christopher J., 2009, Petrology and geochemistry of basaltic pillow lavas in Teton Canyon, Idaho, U.S.A., Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, n. 7, p. 110.
Moore, Dan K., Jordan, Benjamin R., Wood, Rebekah E., Sant, Christopher J., and Miller, Barry C., 2009, Petrology of the igneous rocks of Sawtelle Peak, Idaho, U.S.A., Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, n. 7, p. 114.
Jordan, Benjamin, Embree, Glenn, and Moore, Dan, 2008, Lava Dams and the Formation of Pillow Lavas near the mouth of Teton Canyon, Idaho, U.S.A., IAVCEI General Assembly 2008 Abstracts: Poster Session III, p. 33.
Fowler, A., Abdelghany, O., Osman, A. F., Jordan, B., and Hasem, W., 2006, Obduction-related structures in the Semail Ophiolite and underlying units and their reassembly during Tertiary tectonism in the Oman Mountains east of Al-Ain, UAE, 6th International Conference on the Geology of the Middle East - Abstracts, p. 167.
Jordan, B. R., Fowler, A., and El-Saiy, A. K., 2005, A preliminary report on pillow lavas and peperites in the Oman border zone, east of Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37., n. 7, p. 292.
Jordan, B. R., Sigurdsson, H., Carey, S. N., Lundin, S., and Rogers, R., 2004, The Miocene ignimbrite flare-up in Central America—timing and regional geochemical variation, in Aguirre-Díaz, G. J., Macías-Vázquez, and Siebe, C. (Eds.), 2004, Neogene-Quaternary continental margin volcanism: Proceedings of the Geological Society of America Penrose conference at Metepec, Puebla, Mexico 2004, Instituto de Geología, UNAM Publicación Especial 2, p. 38.
Sigurdsson, Haraldur, Karlsson, Haraldur R., Jordan, Benjamin R., Carey, Steven N., Browning, James M., and Rogers, Robert D., 2001, Oxygen isotope ratios of Central American Cenozoic ignimbrites, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, n. 6, p. A-139.
Jordan, Benjamin R., Sigurdsson, Haraldur, Carey, Steven N., Rogers, Robert D., and Ehrenborg, Jan, 2001, Geochemical correlation of volcanic ash layers in the Caribbean Sea with ignimbrites of Nicaragua and Honduras, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.33, n. 6, p. A-85.
Students of “Remote Sensing of the Oceanic and Coastal Environments,” Wylie-Echeveria, Tina, Wylie-Echeveria, Sandy, and Long, David, 1997, Remotely sensed sea ice conditions as a predictor of environmental conditions and fish distributions, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM), v. 2, p. 232-233. (Received “Best of Session” award)
Non-Peer-Reviewed Papers/Articles Geology with Ben Jordan – a series of 11 articles on the geology of the United Arab Emirates and Oman in the newsletter of the Emirates Natural History Group-Al Ain Chapter, 2006 to 2009
“Ben of Arabia,” Ben Jordan, PhD, Aboard GSO (URI Graduate School of Oceanography newsletter), Winter 2005, v. 3, n. 1, p. 1-2.
“Student Research: Lake Work,” Benjamin R. Jordan, Brigham Young Magazine (Brigham Young University Alumni Journal), Winter 2000.
Letters – “Interpretations of climate-change data”, Benjamin R. Jordan, Physics Today, November 2009, v. 62, n. 11, p. 10.
Forum - “Oceans”, Benjamin R. Jordan, National Geographic Magazine, February 2001.
Presentations “New OOI Data Lab Introductions: Plate Tectonics and the Seafloor,” a presentation at the workshop, “Data Labs: Using OOI Data to Engage Students in Oceanography,” AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, February 2020.
“Sabbatical at Sea: Professional Development and the Semester at Sea Program,” a Faculty Association Committee (FAC) forum for the BYUH community, BYU-Hawaii, October 2019
“Geologic Hazards in Hawaii: Lava and Earthquakes and Vog, Oh My!” a Faculty Association Committee (FAC) forum for the BYUH community, BYU-Hawaii, June 2018
“Drones and Volcanoes: How to Get Data without Getting Killed,” a BYUH Honors Colloquium presentation, BYU-Hawaii, April 2017
“The History and Archaeology of Laie Wharf at Pounders Beach,” a presentation at the Mormon Pacific Historical Society 2015 Annual Conference, Laie, Hawaii, 24 October 2015
“When Lava Meets Water: Undergraduate Research in Teton Canyon, Idaho,” a presentation for the Department of Biochemistry and Physical Sciences, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii, 2010
“Careers in Geology,” a forum for the BYU-Idaho student Geology Society, Rexburg, Idaho, 2010
“A Geology Virtual Tour of Iceland,” a presentation for the BYU-Idaho student Geology Society, Rexburg, Idaho, 2008
“Super Volcanic Eruptions in Central America and their Associated Caribbean Sea Tephra Layers,” a presentation given to the Department of Geology, Brigham Young University-Idaho, Rexburg, Idaho, 2007
“Careers in Oceanography,” a presentation to secondary students at Al Ain English Speaking School, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 2007
“Super Volcanic Eruptions in Central America 20 Million Years Ago,” a Friends of Oceanography breakfast lecture, URI Coastal Institute, Narragansett, Rhode Island, 2004
“Hawaiian Volcanoes,” A Friends of Oceanography breakfast lecture, URI Coastal Institute, Narragansett, Rhode Island, 2000
“Oceanographic Applications of ROVs,” a presentation for the university community, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1999
“Volcanoes of the Solar System,” a planetarium show written and produced for the Sarah B. Summerhayes Planetarium, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1999
"Today’s mists of darkness are the philosophies of the world that lead us away from spiritual truths. They are insidious and are often hidden in so-called “well-meaning” questions. They often try to manipulate our righteous desires, to turn them to support or uphold ideas in conflict with the Gospel. They may be arguments to justify choosing a political or social position over the recommendations or teachings of the prophet or the scriptures."