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Brent Green

Associate Academic Vice President Accreditation Assessment and Curriculum
Faculty of Education & Social Work

MFB 113

Brent earned his BA in TESOL (1990) from BYU–Hawaii and an MA in TESOL (1993) from BYU. After working full-time for BYU–Hawaii as an EIL Lecturer (1993-2000), he moved to Los Angeles, CA with his family where he earned his PhD in Applied Linguistics from UCLA (2007). Brent taught at BYU–Hawaii from 2003-2006 as an Assistant Professor of English Language Teaching and Learning while he was working on his dissertation. In 2006, he moved with his family to Utah to help raise his niece and four nephews together with his four kids. He worked at Salt Lake Community College (2006-2018) first as an Associate Professor in Developmental Education and then as an Associate Dean over ESL, Academic Readiness, and Testing. Brent returned to BYU–Hawaii as an Associate Professor of English Language Teaching and Learning in September 2018.

Brent’s professional interests include Language Assessment, TESOL Methodology, and Corpus-based learning. He has been a member of TESOL International since 1993 and has been a regular presenter at the annual conference. His most recent publications are “Teaching and assessing multi-word expressions using an open educational resources academic English corpus.” In E. Hinkel, (Ed.), Teaching Essential Units of Language: Beyond Single-word Vocabulary. New York, NY: Routledge (2018). “Corpora in language teaching.” In J. I. Liontas (Editor-in-Chief) The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley-Blackwell (2018), and “Fundamental principles in content-based assessment (with M. Andrade).” In M. A. Snow & D. Brinton (Eds.), “The Content-based Classroom: New Perspectives on Integrating Language and Content. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press (2017).


University of California, Los Angeles 2007
Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (Language Testing Specialization) 2007
Dissertation: “Factors Associated with ESL Test Reform in a Local Context”

Brigham Young University, 1993
Thesis: “The Effects of the Bowen Technique on ESL Students’ Pronunciation Accuracy and Motivation”

Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 1990
Minor: Chinese
Senior Project: “Accuracy of Teacher Judgement in ESL Writing Assessment”



Brigham Young University–Hawaii

Dean—Faculty of Education and Social Work 2023-Present

Professor of English Language Teaching and Learning 2018-Present

ELT Testing Coordinator

TESOL Program Coordinator

Salt Lake Community College

Associate Dean-ESL, College Academic Readiness, Testing 2014-2018

Associate Professor 2007-2018
Courses taught: Academic ESL, College Reading, Introduction to Linguistics,
College Success

Temporary Full-time Instructor 2006-2007
Courses taught: College Reading and College Success

Alpine School District

Teaching English Language Learners (TELL) Facilitator 2008-2018
Courses taught: Second Language Acquisition, Assessing Linguistically Diverse Students, Content-Based Language Instruction

Brigham Young University

TELL Facilitator, Teacher Education 2006-2010
Courses taught: Foundations in Education for English Language Learners, Second Language Acquisition, Assessing Linguistically Diverse Students, Developing K-12 Literacy in a Second Language, Content-Based Language Instruction, Family, School, and Community Partnerships

Testing Specialist 2009
Lead developer of ELANG Senior Exit Examination

Adjunct Instructor 2006-2008
Courses taught: ELANG 223 Intro to English Linguistics, ELANG 325 English Grammar,
LING 330 Intro to Linguistics

Brigham Young University–Hawaii

Assistant Professor 2003-2006
Courses taught: TESOL 427 Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills, EIL 329 Advanced II Reading linked to Film Art GE Course, EIL 339 Advanced II Reading Accuracy

Los Angeles Unified School District

Part-time Researcher 2001-2003
SPEAK Exam Rater
Analyzed qualitative data related to Waterford Early Reading Program Research
Administered Woodcock Johnson Literacy Test to K-2 grade students

University of California, Los Angeles

ESL Teaching Associate & SPEAK Rater 2000-2003
Courses taught: ESL 33C Graduate Student Reading/Writing, ESL 39B ITA Oral Skills, ESL 38 Suprasegmental ESL 32 ITA Oral Skills,         
Research Assistant for Professor Marianne Celce-Murcia 2001-2003
Assisted in editing Apple Book, 3rd Edition

University of California, Los Angeles Extension

Academic Intensive English Program Instructor 2000
Courses taught: 104 Listening/Speaking, 104 Writing/Grammar, 106 Grammar Workshop

Brigham Young University–Hawaii

EIL Senior Lecturer 1999
Courses taught: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Reading, Writing, & Listening/Speaking, TESOL Writing and Speaking, TESOL Technology, Distance Learning

 Samoa EIL Director 1998-1999
Courses taught: Intermediate and Advanced Reading, Writing, & Listening/Speaking

 EIL Lecturer 1993-1999
Courses taught: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Reading, Writing, & Listening/Speaking

 Tonga EIL Director 1994-1997
Courses taught: Intermediate and Advanced Reading, Writing, & Listening/Speaking

BYUH Language Center Tutor 1989-1990

Brigham Young University

ELC Instructor 1992-1993
Courses taught: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Reading, Writing, & Listening/Speaking

Graduate Assistant 1992-1993
Phonology Grader and Student Researcher for Dr. Ray Graham

Ming Dao High School Taichung, Taiwan

High School English Teacher 1990-1991



Using an LMS sandbox in preservice training” (with Perry Christensen) ON CALL The Newsletter of the Computer Assisted Language Learning Interest Section, TESOL International (2023, March)

Teaching and Learning Multiword Expression” (with Eli Hinkel) TESOL Connections. (2022, October)

“English language placement testing at BYU–Hawaii in the time of COVID-19” “ (with Ying Suet Michelle Lung) Language Assessment Quarterly, 18:1, 6-11, DOI: 10.1080/15434303.2020.1863966 (2021)

Another generation of fundamental considerations in language assessment” (with G. Ockey) Springer International Press (2020)

Creating ESL Materials Using OER Corpora”. (with Veronica Wright) TESOL Connections. (2019, September)

“Teaching and assessing multi-word expressions using an open educational resources academic English corpus.” In E. Hinkel, (Ed.),

Teaching Essential Units of Language:  Beyond Single-word Vocabulary. New York, NY: Routledge (2019).

“Corpora in language teaching.” In J. I. Liontas (Editor-in-Chief) The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley-Blackwell (2018)

“Fundamental principles in content-based assessment (with M. Andrade).” In M. A. Snow & D. Brinton (Eds.), The content-based classroom: new perspectives on integrating language and content. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press (2017)

Developing Academic Literacy (with M. Andrade). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt (2014)

“Program Evaluation and Language Testing.” In A. Kunnan (Ed.) Companion to Language Assessment. Wiley-Blackwell (2013)

Factors associated with ESL test reform in a local context. Published Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles: Lambert Academic Publishing (2010)

"Guiding principles for language assessment reform: A model for collaboration (with Maureen Andrade).” Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 9 (4) p322-334 Dec 2010.

“Teaching tomorrow’s class today: ESL by phone from Hawaii to Tonga (With K. Collier & N. Evans).” In L. Henrichsen (Ed.) Distance Learning.  Case Studies in TESOL Practice Series. Alexandria, VA: TESOL (2001)

Pronunciation Matters (With L. Henrichsen, A. Nishitani, C.L. Bagely). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press (1999)

“Accent Lab and American Speechsounds.” TESL Reporter, 32 (1), 37, 1999

“TESOL Roundtable ’98.” The Word, Winter Issue, 1998.

“EIL in Tonga.” From the Center, 3 (2), 1, 1995.

“TESOL courses begin at Liahona.” Sustainer, 1(1), 6, 1995

“Self-Introductions as icebreakers.” TESOL Journal 3 (4), 29, 1994.

The effects of the Bowen technique on ESL students’ pronunciation accuracy and motivation.

Unpublished master’s thesis, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. 1993


“So what about ‘so’ in rehearsed monologic discourse: A million word TED Talks corpus analysis” 2024 (with Hyrum Pastores) Paper presented at the Hawaii TESOL Conference, Laie, HI

“So what about ‘so’ in rehearsed monologic discourse: A million word TED Talks corpus analysis” 2024 (with Hyrum Pastores) Paper presented at the 43rd Thai International TESOL Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand

“The Development of an English Admissions Exam in a Local Context” (with Taylor Goth and Jerius Guttierez) 2023 Poster Presented at LTRC, New York City, New York
“Practical techniques for working with multiword expressions” (with Eli Hinkel) 2023
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Portland, OR

Creating an Academic Spoken L2 Learner Corpus: Which ASR Should We Use? (with Takeyoshi Nitta & Ling Wong). Paper presented at the RELC Conference

“The creation and use of an EAP learner corpus” (with Juan Escalante, Sadie Nitta, Veronica Wright & Liz Meyer Brace) Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Pittsburgh, PA,2022

“Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching and Learning Multiword Expressions” (with Eli Hinkel)Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Pittsburgh, PA 2022

 “Developing, examining, and using a learner corpus in an EAP program” (with Luo Xi Lin, Chin Wai Gordon Lee,& Anne M Tobon) Paper presented at the RELC Conference. 2022

 “English language placement testing at BYU–Hawaii in the time of COVID-19”( with Ying Suet Michelle Lung)Paper presented at the Hawaii TESOL Virtual Conference. 2021

 “Assessing TESOL students’ grammatical knowledge” (with Elizabeth Meyer)Paper presented at the Hawaii TESOL Virtual Conference. 2021

 "Working with Multiword Expressions across Language Levels and Skills,"
Paper accepted for presentation at the TESOL Convention, Denver, CO (Conference cancelled) 2020

 “Jotform (ing) ESL Assignments and Assessments”
Paper presented at the Hawaii TESOL Conference, Pearl City, HI  2020

 “Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching and Learning Multiword Expressions”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Atlanta, GA 2019

 “Creating ELT Materials Using Open Educational Resources Corpora”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Atlanta, GA 2019

 “Creating English Language Learning Materials Using Open Educational Resources Corpora”
Paper presented at the Hawaii TESOL Conference, Laie, HI 2019

 “Building Academic Language”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Chicago, IL 2018

“The US Community College L2 Language Placement Conundrum: A Case Study”
Paper presented at the Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing Conference, SLC, UT 2017

“ESL Pathways for Salt Lake County Immigrants and Refugees”
Paper presented at the ITESOL Conference, Aspen Grove, UT 2017

“Learning how to use OER corpora in the ESL classroom”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Seattle, WA 2017

“Developing an Open Educational Resources EAP Corpus”
Workshop presented at the TESOL Convention. Seattle, WA 2017

“Building an OER-EAP Corpus”
Paper presented at the Annual Open Education Conference, Richmond, VA 2016

“JotForm-ing ESL Assignments and Assessments”
Paper presented at the ITESOL Conference, Provo, UT 2016

“Using Argument Structure to Link Test Inferences to Test Use”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Baltimore, MD 2016

“Developing Language Tests”
Workshop presented at the SLCC Foreign Language Teachers Training Session SLC, UT 2016

 “Fundamental Considerations in Foreign Language Testing”
Workshop presented at the SLCC Foreign Language Teachers Training Session SLC, UT 2015

“Language or Content? What and How to Assess Content-Based Learning”
Paper presented at the ITESOL Conference, West Yellowstone, MT 2015

“(Mis)use, Frequency, and Pedagogy of Linking Adverbials in Academic Writing”
Paper Presented at the TESOL Convention, Toronto, Canada 2015

“Negotiating Individual Learner Vocabulary Acquisition through Technology”
Paper Presented at the ITESOL Conference, Orem, UT 2014

“Second Language Acquisition Principles iGNITING English Language Learners”
Paper Presented at the SLCC Adjunct Faculty Conference, SLC, UT 2014

“Exploring, Sustaining, and Renewing Student Learning Through Effective Assessment Practices”
Pre-convention Workshop, TESOL Convention, Portland, OR 2014

“Teaching Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms, Focusing on English Language Learners”
Paper presented at the SLCC Professional Development Conference, SLC, UT 2014

“Conversations on Integration”
Paper presented at the SWADE Conference, SLC, UT 2013

“Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms, Focusing on English Language Learners”
Paper presented at the Adjunct Faculty Conference, SLC, UT 2013

“Corpora in the ESL Classroom”
Paper presented at the ITESOL Conference, Orem, UT 2012

“Assessing English”
Paper Presented at the ITESOL K-12 Mini Conference, Ogden, UT 2012

“Using argument structure to link test inferences to test use ”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, New Orleans, LA 2011

“Data-driven Learning in the Developmental Reading Class”
Paper presented at the College Learning and Reading Association Conference, SLC, UT 2010

“Using Spoken Corpora in the Academic ESL Listening/Speaking Class”
Paper presented at the ITESOL Conference, Provo, UT 2009

“Finding the Right Pathway in Assessment Reform”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Denver, CO 2009

“Language Assessment Reform in an Academic Context”
Paper presented at the Asia TEFL Conference, Beijing, China 2005

“Engineering Positive Listening/Speaking Test Reform in a Local Context”
Paper presented at the Post RELC Seminar, Bangkok, Thailand 2005

“Engineering Positive Listening/Speaking Test Reform in a Local Context”
Paper presented at the 40th RELC Seminar, Singapore 2005

“Using Spoken Corpora in the Academic ESL Listening/Speaking Class”
Paper presented at the Hawaii TESOL Conference, Laie, HI 2005

“Innovation Theory Making Test Reform Work”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Long Beach, CA 2004

“A Corpus-Based Study of Have, Get, & Make Causatives”
Paper presented at the AAAL Conference, Arlington, VA 2003

“A Corpus Analysis Of Common Causative Constructions in NAE Discourse”
Paper presented at the AAACL Conference, Indianapolis, IN 2002

“Initial validation and development of a web-based ESL placement test”
Poster presented at the Language Testing Research Colloquium, Saint Louis, MO 2001

“TESOL and EIL in the Pacific”
Workshop presented at the International Teacher Education Program Conference, Nadi, Fiji 2000

“Crossing lines with distance learning”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Vancouver, Canada 2000

“Content-based instruction in English as a second Language”
Workshop conducted at the Vaiola High School, Savaii, Samoa 1999

“Teaching grammar communicatively”
Workshop conducted at the Sauniatu Primary School, Sauniatu, Samoa 1998

“A story-based approach to teaching pronunciation”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Seattle, WA 1998

“Teaching English and maintaining first language integrity.”
Paper presented at the CES Missionary Orientation, Laie, HI 1998

Teaching pronunciation
Workshop conducted for BYU–Hawaii ESL Faculty, Laie, HI 1997

“Pronunciation assessment.”
Workshop conducted for BYU–Hawaii ESL Faculty, Laie, HI 1997

“Concordancing and corpora in language teaching.”
Paper presented at the LLC Symposium, Laie, HI 1997

“Laie to Liahona: EIL from a distance.”
Paper presented at the LLC Symposium, Laie, HI 1997

“Examining the scope of 'language' language-in-education policy.”
Workshop conducted for BYU–Hawaii ESL Faculty, Laie, HI 1997

“Teaching English and maintaining first language integrity.”
Paper presented at the CES Missionary Orientation, Laie, HI 1997

“Teaching English in Tonga.”
Paper presented to the BYU–Hawaii TESOL Society, Laie, HI 1996

“Communicative grammar teaching.”
Paper presented at the Ha’apai Schools Training Seminar, Ha’apai, Tonga 1995

“Revitalizing the Bowen technique in the ESL/EFL classroom.”
Paper presented at the TESOL Convention, Baltimore, MD 1994

“Revitalizing the Bowen technique in the classroom.”
Paper presented at the Hawaii TESOL Roundtable, Honolulu, HI 1994

“Teaching English in Taiwan.”
Paper presented at the BYU–Hawaii TESOL Society Meeting, Laie, HI 1993

“Pronunciation practice: Does it do any good?”
Paper presented to the BYU–Hawaii TESOL Society, Laie, HI 1992



BYUH ESL Placement Exam (2018-present)

BYUH EIL Academic English I Final Listening and Speaking Exam (2020-present)

SLCC English as a Second Language Placement Exam (2014-2018)

SLCC Clock hour ESL Level Exams (2014-2018)

BYU–Hawaii EIL 329 Level Exam (2003-2006)

BYU–Hawaii EIL 323 Level Exam (2003-2006)

BYU ELANG Senior Exit Exam (2006)

UCLA Weblas Placement Exam (2000—-003)



FAC Chair (2021-2022)

Strategic Plan Faculty Committee (2021)

FAC Committee Member and Secretary (2019-2021)

ELT Testing Coordinator (1999-2000, 2018-present)

TESOL Society Faculty Advisor (1993, 1996, 1999, 2003-2006, 2019-present)

EIL Reading Coordinator (2003-2006)

Senior Project Advisor (1997, 2003-2006)



Senior Leadership Member (2017—2018)

College Coordinating Council (2007—2018)

International Committee (2017-2018)

CRLA Instructor for Tutor Certification Classes (2014—2018)

AD Council Co-Chair (2017—2018)

Placement Committee Chair (2011-2016)

Placement Committee Member (2016—2018)

External ESL CEA Accreditation Study Coordinator (2014—2018)

Clearer Pathways Senate Taskforce Chair (2012-2014)

Faculty Senate President (2014)

Faculty Senate VP (2012-13)

Faculty Senator (2010-2012)

Quality of Higher Education Council Co-chair (2012—2013)

Student Learning Outcomes Committee (2012)

Taskforce on Timeline and Placement Chair (2012)

Taskforce on the Future of Developmental Ed Co-chair (2012)

Student Standards Committee Chair (2011-2013)

Student Standards Committee Member (2010-2011)

Reading Coordinator (2009-2011)

Bruin Steppers RDG Instructor (2009-2012)

SLCC-OSU Faculty Exchange Orenburg, Russia (2008)

Reading Coordinator (2008—2012)



Hawaii TESOL Conference Program Co-Chair (2022)

Hawaii TESOL Treasurer (2019-present)

Governor’s Refugee Youth Strategic Planning Subcommittee Member (2017—2018)

Co-chair, Fundamental considerations in language testing: An international conference in honor of Lyle Bachman (2017)

English Skills Learning Center Board Member (2014-2016)

Department of Workforce Services Immigrant and Refugee Center External Advisor (2014-2018)

Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing Conference Co-Chair (2017)

TESOL Awards Reviewer (2017)

TESOL Convention Proposal Reviewer (2013-Present)

SWADE Treasurer (2013-2017)

President of Intermountain TESOL (2011-2012)

1st VP of Intermountain TESOL (2010-2011)

2nd VP of Intermountain TESOL (2009—2010)

Hawaii TESOL Treasurer (2004-2006)

Issues in Applied Linguistics Treasurer (2002)

Southern California Association for Language Assessment Research Program Chair (2002)

Hawaii TESOL Membership Secretary (1999)

Hawaii TESOL Roundtable Program Chair (1998)

BYU TESOL Society President (1992)


TESL Reporter (2004—Present)

Language Assessment Quarterly (2017—Present)

TESL-EJ (Co-editor) (2020 – 2022)


BYU Hawaii Education and Social Work Faculty Recognition (2018-2019)

TOEFL Small Grant for Doctoral Dissertation (2006)

Best Thesis Prospectus—Brigham Young University (1992)

Best GPA Award—Brigham Young University (1992)

Magna Cum Laude—Brigham Young University–Hawaii (1990)


English—CEFR C2 Level

Marshallese—CEFR B2 Level

Mandarin Chinese—CEFR A2 Level

Tongan—CEFR A1 Level


L-TEST-L Listserv (2000 to Present)

International TESOL (1993-Present)

Intermountain TESOL (1991-1993, 2006-2018)

Southwest Association for Developmental Education (2006-2017)

National Association for Developmental Education (2008-2010)

Asia TEFL (2005)

Hawaii TESOL (1988-1990, 1993-2000, 2003-2006, 2018-present)

Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society (1990)

Alpha Chi Honor Society (1989)

BYU TESOL Society (1991-1993)

BYU–Hawaii TESOL Society (1987-1990)



Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing Conference

OER Corpora for EAP

CV Last Revised June 2024

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May 16, 2023
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