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Charles Bradshaw

Faculty of Arts & Letters

McKay Classroom Building 103E


Ph.D., English, University of Missouri, 2002
M.A., English, Brigham Young University, 1996
B.A., English, Brigham Young University,1994


Brigham Young University–Hawaii
*Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 2022-Present
*Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 2019-22

University of Tennessee at Martin
*Associate Professor, Dept. of English and Modern Foreign Languages, 2008-19
*Assistant Professor, Dept. of English and Modern Foreign Languages, 2002-08

University of Missouri
*Teaching Fellow, Department of English, 1998-2002
*Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English, 1996-98

Brigham Young University
*Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English, 1994-96
*Brigham Young University



Scholarly Edition:

  • A Horse's Tale. By Mark Twain, University of Nebraska Press, 2020, edited with an Introduction. 224 pp.

Journal Articles:

  • “Animal Welfare and the Democratic Frontier: Mark Twain’s Condemnation of Bullfighting in A Horse’s Tail,” The Mark Twain Annual, Vol. 17, 2019, pp. 140-58.
  • “The New England Illuminati: Conspiracy and Causality in Charles Brockden Brown’s Wieland,” New England Quarterly, Vol. 76 no. 3, 2003, pp. 326-58.
  • “Language and Responsibility: The Failure of Discourse in Carson McCullers’s The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter,” Southern Quarterly, Vol. 37 no. 2, 1999, pp. 118-26.

Reference Articles:

  • “Transcendentalism and Eco Literature,” Gale Researcher Guide, edited by Laura Leibman, Gale, 2018. (3000 Words). <Link to Google Books “Snippet View”>
  • “The Whiskey Rebellion.” The Encyclopedia of American Conspiracy Theories, edited by Peter Knight, vol. 2, ABC-CLIO, 2004, pp. 733-35.

Book Reviews:

  • Roark, Jarrod. Mark Twain at the Gallows: Crime and Justice in His Western Writing, 1861–1873, McFarland, 2019. The Mark Twain Annual Vol. 19, 2021, pp. 196-201.
  • Billy J. Stratton, Buried in Shades of Night: Contested Voices, Indian Captivity, and the Legacy of King Philip's War, U of Arizona P., 2013. Early American Literature Vol. 49 no. 3, 2015, pp. 227-33.
  • Sherry Lee Linkon, Literary Learning: Teaching the English Major, Bloomington: Indiana University P., 2011. Teacher/Scholar: The Journal of the State Comprehensive University Vol. 5 no.1, 2013, pp. 57-58.

Works in Progress:

  •  “‘Solastalgia,' the EcoGothic, and Robert Montgomery Bird’s Nick of the Woods.”     
  • Plots Political and Literary: Writing Conspiracy in Early American Literature. (Book project.)

Grants and Seminars:

  • Quarry Farm Weekend Symposium, Center for Mark Twain Studies, Elmira, New York, October 2019
  • Grant Administrator and Coordinator, Weakley County, Tennessee. “Arts and Economic Prosperity 5.” Tennessee Arts Commission and Americans for the Arts, 2014-2016, <Link to Summary of Findings>.
  • NEH Seminar: “The Early American Republic and the Problem of Governance.” National Endowment for the Humanities and The Library Company of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June-July 2005.

Selected Conference Presentations:

  • “Catching the Wave of Assessment at BYU-Hawaii.” Poster Presentation and Virtual Session, Assessment Leadership Institute, Online Zoom Conference, University of Hawaii-Manoa (With Dr. Joel Reece from Health and Human Science), March 2024.
  • “Solastalgia and the Ecogothic in Robert Montgomery Bird’s Nick of the Woods.” American Literature Association Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, October 2023.
  • “Animal Subjectivity and Mark Twain’s Reconstruction of the American Frontier.” C19 Annual Conference, Coral Gables, FL, March 2022.
  • “‘. . . the players' hearts were in it’: Buffalo Bill, Mark Twain, and the Sentimental Wild West.” Roundtable Discussion: “Partnering with Buffalo Bill: Collaboration and Popular Memory,” 60th Annual Western History Association, (Virtual Conference--Albuquerque, NM), October 2020.
  • “Animal Welfare and the Democratic Frontier: Mark Twain’s Condemnation of Bullfighting in A Horse’s Tale.” Quarry Farm Symposium, Mark Twain Circle. Elmira, NY, October 2019.
  • “Mark Twain's A Horse’s Tale and the Transnational Frontier.” Western Literature Association. Minneapolis, MN, October 2017.
  • “‘This part of Spain is in something of a turmoil’: Twain and the Un-American Spanish Tradition of Bullfighting.” Transatlantic Studies Conference. Cork, Ireland. July 2017.
  • “‘The Metaphysics of Indian Hating’: Gothic Naturalism in Robert Montgomery Bird’s Nick of the Woods.” South Central Modern Language Association. Nashville, TN, November 2015.
  • “Plotting an Identity: Witnessing and Narrative Control in Slave Testimony.” Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture / Society of Early Americanists International Conference. Chicago, IL, June 2015.
  • “Embody and Eschew: Conspiracy and Narrative Form in Hugh Henry Brackenridge’s Incidents in the Insurrection” Consortium on the Revolutionary Era. Oxford, MS, February 2014.
  • “Observing Insurrection: Concealment and Disclosure in Leonora Sansay’s Secret History, or, the Horrors of St. Domingo.” South Central Modern Language Association. San Antonio, TX, October 2012.
  • “Royall Tyler’s Formal Contrasts: Race and Republican Aesthetics in The Algerine Captive.” Society of Early Americanists Conference. Philadelphia, PA, March 2011.
  • “‘That immovable veil of blackness’: Transparency and Secrecy in ‘Benito Cereno.’” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. Reno, NV, November 2008.
  • “The Private Dimensions of Hugh Henry Brackenridge’s Literary Persona.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Charlotte, NC, November 2006.
  • “Writing As a Liberal Art in a Public University.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL, March 2006.
  • “Literalizing Alarmism: Charlotte Temple and the Melodrama of Republican Ideology.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Roanoke, VA, November 2004.
  • “Countersubversive Rhetoric and Public Discourse in Early America.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Las Vegas, NV, May 2002.
  • “Charles Brockden Brown’s Conspiratorial Aesthetic in Wieland.” Society of Early Americanists Conference. Norfolk, VA, March 2001.
  • “Anti-Mormon Sensationalism and Mark Twain’s Comic Strategy in Roughing It.” Midwest Modern Language Association Conference. St. Louis, MO, November 14, 1998.
  • “The Gothic Comes to America: Epistemological Anxiety in Charles Brockden Brown’s Wieland.” Midwest American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. Mackinaw City, MI, October 1998.
  • “Violence and the Displaced Self in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘Good Country People.’” Flannery O’Connor and the Christian Mystery. Provo, UT, November 1995.
  • “Creating ‘Dissonance’ in the Classroom: A Guide for Teaching Freshman English.” Wyoming Conference on English. Laramie, WY, June 1995.
  • “Interstitiality in Colorado River Lore,” Utah Folklore Society, Salt Lake City, UT, June 1995.


Brigham Young University–Hawaii

English 251: Fundamentals of Literature
English 361: American Literature from the Beginnings to Mid-Nineteenth Century
English 362: American Literature from Mid-Nineteenth Century to World War I
English 363: American Literature from 1914 – 1965
English 101: College Reading, Writing, and Research
English 315: Topics for Advanced Writing and Analysis
English 316: Technical Writing
Teaching Development:
Canvas Workshop: “Online Teaching Resources 2020” (Fall 2020)
Center for Learning and Teaching: Second-Year Seminar (Winter 2020)
Confab (Fall 2019)

University of Tennessee at Martin

Literature and English Major Courses:
English 200: Introduction to Literary Studies
English 251: Survey of British Literature: Romanticism to the Present
English 260, 260 Honors, and 260 Online: Survey of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865
English 261: Survey of American Literature: 1865-Present
English 341: American Literature before 1900
English 350: Women Writers
English 355: Folklore
English 395: Literature and Film
English 440: Southern Literature
English 445: American Novel to Faulkner
English 495: Studies in Race, Gender, and Culture
English 499: Capstone for English Majors
English 100-110
English 111-112; 111 Honors-112 Honors
English 111-112 Dual Enrollment: Westview High School
English 325: Technical Communication
General Studies:
GENS 101: Seminar in Freshman Studies (Humanities): 2004-2019.


Brigham Young University–Hawaii

Dean's Council Member, BYU-H, 2024-Present
Panel Chair, “Managing Resources,” BYU-H Undergraduate Research Conference, 2024.
Promotion Committee Member, Education Program, 2024.
BYU-H Representative, Assessment Leadership Institute, University of Hawaii-Manoa, July 2023
Program Coordinator, English Program, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 2021-Present
Faculty Advisory Council, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 2020-21
Co-Coordinator, FAC Forum
Holomua Virtual Holokai Majors Fair, Arts and Letters/English Representative, 2021
Senior English Project Advising
Senior Seminar Ad Hoc Revisions

University of Tennessee at Martin

Selected Service--University
Chair, Budget and Economic Concerns Committee, Faculty Senate, 2018-19
Co-Chair, Sustainability Committee for UTM 5-Year Plan, 2018-19
Experiential Learning Advisory Committee (Ad Hoc for VCAA), 2017-19
Co-coordinator, University of Tennessee at Martin Interdisciplinary Student Writing Conference, 2004-19
First-Year Initiative Faculty Mentor/Advisor for Humanities Majors, 2004-19
Other university service as assigned

Selected Service--English and Modern Foreign Languages Department
Member, Writing Center Director Search Committee, 2016-17
Member, Curriculum Committee, 2002-09; 2010-15
Other department service as assigned

Professional Service

*Panel Organizer, Mark Twain and the Animal Welfare Movement, C19 Biennial Conference, Coral Gables, FL, 2022
*Occasional Reader, Studies in the Novel, 2006-2012
*Occasional Reader, South Atlantic Review, 2005-2012
*Chair Literature and Politics, SCMLA, 2010-2011
*Early American Literary Web Resource Reference Page: “Early American Research Links,” University of Tennessee at Martin Staff Pages, 2005-17
*Program Chair, South Atlantic Modern Language Association. American Literature I and II, 2006-07
*Research, Endnotes, Indexing, 1997-2006:
-Cather, Willa. Alexander’s Bridge. Ed. Tom Quirk. Willa Cather Scholarly Editions, 2006.
-Bierce, Ambrose. Tales of Soldiers and Civilians and Other Stories. Ed. Tom Quirk. Penguin, 2000.
-Quirk, Tom. Mark Twain: A Study of the Short Fiction. Twayne Publishers, 1997.
*Chair, Representing Insurrection: Early America and Its Discontents. Society of Early Americanists Conference, Alexandria, Virginia, 2005.


*Volunteer, Volunteer, “Family Literacy Libraries,” Hawaii Literacy, Honolulu, HI, 2021-2022.
*Guitarist, Southwind Celtic Ensemble, Laie, HI, 2019-21:
-Performance: Laie Temple Visitors Center Christmas Devotional, Laie, HI, 2020.
-Christmas Concert: Aloha Center, BYUH, Laie, HI, 2019.
*Scout Committee Chair, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of America, Troop and Pack 253, Fulton, KY, 2010-19.
*Assistant Boys Soccer Coach, Westview High School, Martin, TN, 2012-14
*Assistant Boys Soccer Coach, Martin Middle School, Martin, TN, 2010-12
*Board Member, Martin Soccer Association, Martin, TN, 2004-12
*Coach, Martin Soccer Association, Martin, TN, 2003-12


2017 UT-Martin, Office of Research, Grants, and Contracts Research Travel Grant, The British Library ($1000)
2015 Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Inductee
2012 Hal and Alma Reagan Faculty Leave (Research and Travel in New England--$25,000)
2008 Coffee Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Tennessee at Martin ($5000)
2006 Outstanding Junior Faculty, University of Tennessee at Martin


Society of Early Americanists
Mark Twain Circle

CV Last Revised 12/2024