Ph.D., English, University of Missouri, 2002 M.A., English, Brigham Young University, 1996 B.A., English, Brigham Young University,1994
Brigham Young University–Hawaii *Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 2022-Present *Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 2019-22
University of Tennessee at Martin *Associate Professor, Dept. of English and Modern Foreign Languages, 2008-19 *Assistant Professor, Dept. of English and Modern Foreign Languages, 2002-08
University of Missouri *Teaching Fellow, Department of English, 1998-2002 *Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English, 1996-98
Brigham Young University *Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English, 1994-96 *Brigham Young University
Scholarly Edition:
A Horse's Tale. By Mark Twain, University of Nebraska Press, 2020, edited with an Introduction. 224 pp.
Journal Articles:
“Animal Welfare and the Democratic Frontier: Mark Twain’s Condemnation of Bullfighting in A Horse’s Tail,” The Mark Twain Annual, Vol. 17, 2019, pp. 140-58.
“The New England Illuminati: Conspiracy and Causality in Charles Brockden Brown’s Wieland,” New England Quarterly, Vol. 76 no. 3, 2003, pp. 326-58.
“Language and Responsibility: The Failure of Discourse in Carson McCullers’s The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter,” Southern Quarterly, Vol. 37 no. 2, 1999, pp. 118-26.
Reference Articles:
“Transcendentalism and Eco Literature,” Gale Researcher Guide, edited by Laura Leibman, Gale, 2018. (3000 Words). <Link to Google Books “Snippet View”>
“The Whiskey Rebellion.” The Encyclopedia of American Conspiracy Theories, edited by Peter Knight, vol. 2, ABC-CLIO, 2004, pp. 733-35.
Book Reviews:
Roark, Jarrod. Mark Twain at the Gallows: Crime and Justice in His Western Writing, 1861–1873, McFarland, 2019. The Mark Twain Annual Vol. 19, 2021, pp. 196-201.
Billy J. Stratton, Buried in Shades of Night: Contested Voices, Indian Captivity, and the Legacy of King Philip's War, U of Arizona P., 2013. Early American Literature Vol. 49 no. 3, 2015, pp. 227-33.
Sherry Lee Linkon, Literary Learning: Teaching the English Major, Bloomington: Indiana University P., 2011. Teacher/Scholar: The Journal of the State Comprehensive University Vol. 5 no.1, 2013, pp. 57-58.
Works in Progress:
“‘Solastalgia,' the EcoGothic, and Robert Montgomery Bird’s Nick of the Woods.”
Plots Political and Literary: Writing Conspiracy in Early American Literature. (Book project.)
Grants and Seminars:
Quarry Farm Weekend Symposium, Center for Mark Twain Studies, Elmira, New York, October 2019
Grant Administrator and Coordinator, Weakley County, Tennessee. “Arts and Economic Prosperity 5.” Tennessee Arts Commission and Americans for the Arts, 2014-2016, <Link to Summary of Findings>.
NEH Seminar: “The Early American Republic and the Problem of Governance.” National Endowment for the Humanities and The Library Company of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June-July 2005.
Selected Conference Presentations:
“Catching the Wave of Assessment at BYU-Hawaii.” Poster Presentation and Virtual Session, Assessment Leadership Institute, Online Zoom Conference, University of Hawaii-Manoa (With Dr. Joel Reece from Health and Human Science), March 2024.
“Solastalgia and the Ecogothic in Robert Montgomery Bird’s Nick of the Woods.” American Literature Association Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, October 2023.
“Animal Subjectivity and Mark Twain’s Reconstruction of the American Frontier.” C19 Annual Conference, Coral Gables, FL, March 2022.
“‘. . . the players' hearts were in it’: Buffalo Bill, Mark Twain, and the Sentimental Wild West.” Roundtable Discussion: “Partnering with Buffalo Bill: Collaboration and Popular Memory,” 60th Annual Western History Association, (Virtual Conference--Albuquerque, NM), October 2020.
“Animal Welfare and the Democratic Frontier: Mark Twain’s Condemnation of Bullfighting in A Horse’s Tale.” Quarry Farm Symposium, Mark Twain Circle. Elmira, NY, October 2019.
“Mark Twain's A Horse’s Tale and the Transnational Frontier.” Western Literature Association. Minneapolis, MN, October 2017.
“‘This part of Spain is in something of a turmoil’: Twain and the Un-American Spanish Tradition of Bullfighting.” Transatlantic Studies Conference. Cork, Ireland. July 2017.
“‘The Metaphysics of Indian Hating’: Gothic Naturalism in Robert Montgomery Bird’s Nick of the Woods.” South Central Modern Language Association. Nashville, TN, November 2015.
“Plotting an Identity: Witnessing and Narrative Control in Slave Testimony.” Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture / Society of Early Americanists International Conference. Chicago, IL, June 2015.
“Embody and Eschew: Conspiracy and Narrative Form in Hugh Henry Brackenridge’s Incidents in the Insurrection” Consortium on the Revolutionary Era. Oxford, MS, February 2014.
“Observing Insurrection: Concealment and Disclosure in Leonora Sansay’s Secret History, or, the Horrors of St. Domingo.” South Central Modern Language Association. San Antonio, TX, October 2012.
“Royall Tyler’s Formal Contrasts: Race and Republican Aesthetics in The Algerine Captive.” Society of Early Americanists Conference. Philadelphia, PA, March 2011.
“‘That immovable veil of blackness’: Transparency and Secrecy in ‘Benito Cereno.’” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. Reno, NV, November 2008.
“The Private Dimensions of Hugh Henry Brackenridge’s Literary Persona.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Charlotte, NC, November 2006.
“Writing As a Liberal Art in a Public University.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL, March 2006.
“Literalizing Alarmism: Charlotte Temple and the Melodrama of Republican Ideology.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Roanoke, VA, November 2004.
“Countersubversive Rhetoric and Public Discourse in Early America.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Las Vegas, NV, May 2002.
“Charles Brockden Brown’s Conspiratorial Aesthetic in Wieland.” Society of Early Americanists Conference. Norfolk, VA, March 2001.
“Anti-Mormon Sensationalism and Mark Twain’s Comic Strategy in Roughing It.” Midwest Modern Language Association Conference. St. Louis, MO, November 14, 1998.
“The Gothic Comes to America: Epistemological Anxiety in Charles Brockden Brown’s Wieland.” Midwest American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. Mackinaw City, MI, October 1998.
“Violence and the Displaced Self in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘Good Country People.’” Flannery O’Connor and the Christian Mystery. Provo, UT, November 1995.
“Creating ‘Dissonance’ in the Classroom: A Guide for Teaching Freshman English.” Wyoming Conference on English. Laramie, WY, June 1995.
“Interstitiality in Colorado River Lore,” Utah Folklore Society, Salt Lake City, UT, June 1995.
Brigham Young University–Hawaii
Literature: English 251: Fundamentals of Literature English 361: American Literature from the Beginnings to Mid-Nineteenth Century English 362: American Literature from Mid-Nineteenth Century to World War I English 363: American Literature from 1914 – 1965 Composition: English 101: College Reading, Writing, and Research English 315: Topics for Advanced Writing and Analysis English 316: Technical Writing Teaching Development: Canvas Workshop: “Online Teaching Resources 2020” (Fall 2020) Center for Learning and Teaching: Second-Year Seminar (Winter 2020) Confab (Fall 2019)
University of Tennessee at Martin
Literature and English Major Courses: English 200: Introduction to Literary Studies English 251: Survey of British Literature: Romanticism to the Present English 260, 260 Honors, and 260 Online: Survey of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865 English 261: Survey of American Literature: 1865-Present English 341: American Literature before 1900 English 350: Women Writers English 355: Folklore English 395: Literature and Film English 440: Southern Literature English 445: American Novel to Faulkner English 495: Studies in Race, Gender, and Culture English 499: Capstone for English Majors Composition: English 100-110 English 111-112; 111 Honors-112 Honors English 111-112 Dual Enrollment: Westview High School English 325: Technical Communication General Studies: GENS 101: Seminar in Freshman Studies (Humanities): 2004-2019.
Brigham Young University–Hawaii
Dean's Council Member, BYU-H, 2024-Present Panel Chair, “Managing Resources,” BYU-H Undergraduate Research Conference, 2024. Promotion Committee Member, Education Program, 2024. BYU-H Representative, Assessment Leadership Institute, University of Hawaii-Manoa, July 2023 Program Coordinator, English Program, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 2021-Present Faculty Advisory Council, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 2020-21 Co-Coordinator, FAC Forum Holomua Virtual Holokai Majors Fair, Arts and Letters/English Representative, 2021 Senior English Project Advising Senior Seminar Ad Hoc Revisions
University of Tennessee at Martin
Selected Service--University Chair, Budget and Economic Concerns Committee, Faculty Senate, 2018-19 Co-Chair, Sustainability Committee for UTM 5-Year Plan, 2018-19 Experiential Learning Advisory Committee (Ad Hoc for VCAA), 2017-19 Co-coordinator, University of Tennessee at Martin Interdisciplinary Student Writing Conference, 2004-19 First-Year Initiative Faculty Mentor/Advisor for Humanities Majors, 2004-19 Other university service as assigned
Selected Service--English and Modern Foreign Languages Department Member, Writing Center Director Search Committee, 2016-17 Member, Curriculum Committee, 2002-09; 2010-15 Other department service as assigned
Professional Service
*Panel Organizer, Mark Twain and the Animal Welfare Movement, C19 Biennial Conference, Coral Gables, FL, 2022 *Occasional Reader, Studies in the Novel, 2006-2012 *Occasional Reader, South Atlantic Review, 2005-2012 *Chair Literature and Politics, SCMLA, 2010-2011 *Early American Literary Web Resource Reference Page: “Early American Research Links,” University of Tennessee at Martin Staff Pages, 2005-17 *Program Chair, South Atlantic Modern Language Association. American Literature I and II, 2006-07 *Research, Endnotes, Indexing, 1997-2006: -Cather, Willa. Alexander’s Bridge. Ed. Tom Quirk. Willa Cather Scholarly Editions, 2006. -Bierce, Ambrose. Tales of Soldiers and Civilians and Other Stories. Ed. Tom Quirk. Penguin, 2000. -Quirk, Tom. Mark Twain: A Study of the Short Fiction. Twayne Publishers, 1997. *Chair, Representing Insurrection: Early America and Its Discontents. Society of Early Americanists Conference, Alexandria, Virginia, 2005.
*Volunteer, Volunteer, “Family Literacy Libraries,” Hawaii Literacy, Honolulu, HI, 2021-2022. *Guitarist, Southwind Celtic Ensemble, Laie, HI, 2019-21: -Performance: Laie Temple Visitors Center Christmas Devotional, Laie, HI, 2020. -Christmas Concert: Aloha Center, BYUH, Laie, HI, 2019. *Scout Committee Chair, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of America, Troop and Pack 253, Fulton, KY, 2010-19. *Assistant Boys Soccer Coach, Westview High School, Martin, TN, 2012-14 *Assistant Boys Soccer Coach, Martin Middle School, Martin, TN, 2010-12 *Board Member, Martin Soccer Association, Martin, TN, 2004-12 *Coach, Martin Soccer Association, Martin, TN, 2003-12
2017 UT-Martin, Office of Research, Grants, and Contracts Research Travel Grant, The British Library ($1000) 2015 Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Inductee 2012 Hal and Alma Reagan Faculty Leave (Research and Travel in New England--$25,000) 2008 Coffee Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Tennessee at Martin ($5000) 2006 Outstanding Junior Faculty, University of Tennessee at Martin
Society of Early Americanists Mark Twain Circle C19