Ph.D., Biological Sciences, University of California, Irvine. 2006
Dissertation: Analyses of Canonical α-Defensin Structural Features in Mouse Cryptdin-4, Advisor: Andre J. Ouellette, Ph.D.
Bachelor of Science, Microbiology, Brigham Young University, 2001
Associate of Science, General Studies, Ricks College, 1995
Associate Professor, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, HI, 2010-2021
Currently teaching Intro to Biology for majors (112), Microbiology (220) & lab, Molecular Biology (441) & lab, Cell Biology (442) & lab, Bio491 & Bio497 Seminar and research courses.
Contributing to significant change to Biology program and ongoing assessment efforts. Serving on the University Curriculum Council since 2019.
Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, HI, 2010-2021
Currently teaching Intro to Biology for majors (112), Microbiology (220) & lab, Molecular Biology (441) & lab, Cell Biology (442) & lab.
Past courses taught: Intro to Biology for non-majors (100), and Genetics (376) & lab, 491-494 research seminar series.
Designed most of the courses from the “ground up” and implemented many new methods for teaching and assessment.
Adjunct Professor, Yuba College, Marysville, CA 2010
Taught microbiology and the corresponding labs to pre-professionals.
Teaching Assistant, University of California, Irvine, 2002-2003
While a graduate student, assisted in teaching genetics and plant biology courses, both lecture and discussion.
Graded exams and homework. Helped students understand principles during office hours.
Teaching assistant, Microbiology Dept, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 2000
Ran a microbiology experiment lab.
Taught and assisted students with experiments.
Prepared and managed consumables, media, and microbes.
Associate Professor
Currently working to isolate bacteriophages that infect Vibro coralliilyticus, a known coral pathogen, to understand more about coral restoration.
Using several bacterial strains, the goal is to quantify the diversity of bacteriophages found in the Hawaiian sea water column.
Assistant Professor
Focused on undergraduate teaching and research, searching for antimicrobial compounds in native plants, characterizing new ways to express and purify antimicrobial proteins.
My main efforts are centered on a traditional Tahitian sauce called miti hue.
The project arose from an effort to build a relationship between BYU–Hawaii and Université de la Polynésie Française (UPF). The sauce is prepared from young coconut meat and an extract from fresh-water shrimp and appears to be a fermentation reaction. A microbe was identified that can fermentation coconut that gives the sauce its unique tangy flavor.
Research centered on mucosal immunology of the human small intestine.
Explored activation pathway of human Paneth cell A-defensins.
Discovered that anionic trypsin is the processing enzyme of A-defensins.
Expressed and purified the three human trypsinogen isoforms and several A-defensins (both pro-form and mature).
Expressed and purified bacterial proteins used for purification of human proteins.
Advisor: Charles (Chuck) Bevins, M.D., Ph.D.
Studied the structure-activity relationship of mouse Paneth cell A-defensins.
Specialized in protein expression and purification, as well as innate and mucosal immunology.
Expressed proteins and peptides in bacteria.
Characterized proteins and peptides in antimicrobial, bactericidal, and vesicle leakage assays.
Assigned NMR spectra to determine structure of select peptides.
Trained and managed three junior graduate students
Worked as a research technician for the Molecular Genealogy Research Group at Brigham Young University and was a leader from the inception of the project through the first two years until leaving for graduate school (the group has since left the University to become a foundation.
Was instrumental in implementing protocols for DNA isolation of over 10, 000 genetic samples.
Optimized and performed genotyping and sequencing of thousands of samples.
Managed 10-15 undergraduate research assistants.
Traveled as a representative of the project to various states (Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, & Utah) to present data and collect genetic samples from volunteers.
Association of American Colleges & Universities Conference of Transforming STEM Education Back to Broken? Accelerating Undergraduate STEM Education Reform, Arlington, VA, 2022
Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Center for Learning & Teaching Fall Course Tours “Increasing Engagement & Building Relationships with Students,” 2020
Gordon Research Conference on Antimicrobial Peptides, Barga, Italy, 2019
Evaluating 360 Digital Video Cameras for Fish Monitoring and Fish Identification Training (poster), American Fisheries Society Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, 2018
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching, University of California, San Diego, CA 2017
Ministry of Promotion of the Languages, Culture, Communication and Ecology, Tahiti, French Polynesia, Research trip on miti hue microbiology 2015
Association of American Colleges & Universities Conference of Transforming STEM Education: Inquiry, Innovation, Inclusion, and Evidence, San Diego, CA, 2013
Université de la Polynésie Française, Fa’a’a, French Polynesia 2013
American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators, San Mateo, CA, 2012
Gordon Research Conference on Antimicrobial Peptides, Ventura, CA, Poster: Proteolytic Processing of Human Paneth Cell Defensins by Trypsin Isoforms, 2009
Experimental Biology, San Francisco, CA, Poster: Matrix Metalloproteinase-7 Activation of Mouse Paneth Cell Pro-α-Defensins: Ser43↓Ile44 Proteolysis Enables Membrane Disruptive Activity, 2006
Gordon Research Conference on Antimicrobial Peptides, Ventura, CA, Poster: A Mechanism for Inhibition of Mouse Pro-Defensin Bactericidal Activity prior to MMP-7-mediated Activation, 2005
Educational Research Fellowship, Center for Learning and Teaching: Brigham Young University–Hawaii. Project: Assessing knowledge retention of BIOL 112 Pacific Island students at BYUH after differing teaching modules and in class activities. Fall 2022.
Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Center for Teaching and Learning workshop, Increasing Engagement & Building Relationships with Students, Fall 2020
Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Center for Teaching and Learning workshop, English for Academics, Six weeks of meetings to learn how to teach to English language learners, 2013
University of California, Davis School of Medicine Business Development Intensive, 2007
Coordinator for research-in-progress seminar for Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology, 2007-2008
Student representative for Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, 2003-2004
University Curriculum Council, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2019-present
Undergraduate Research Conference Committee, College of Math of Sciences, 2016-2019
Advisory Committee, Center for Learning & Teaching, 2014-2015
Inquiry Committee, College of Math of Sciences & General Education, 2013-2014
Recipient of funds from the BYU–Hawaii Faculty Technology fund, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2016
Faculty recognition award, College of Math & Sciences, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2015
Recipient of the American Society for Microbiology Burroughs Wellcome Fund Teaching Fellowship, 2013
UC Irvine Graduate Student Travel award, University of California, Irvine, 2005
Recipient of the Undergraduate Microbiology Scholarship for upperclassmen - Tom & Agnes Myers Fellowship, Brigham Young University, UT, 2000-2001
Science Fair Judge for elementary and secondary schools, district, and state, 2010-present
Helping Hands, North Shore, HI, Volunteer cleaning up bike path and beach areas, 2010-2014
Helping Hands, Winters CA, Volunteer at community food & clothing bank for needy families & individuals, 2007-2010
“Positive Futures” mentor for At-Risk children at El Nido Family Center, Compton CA, Met weekly and on occasional Saturdays with kids ages 8-18 to mentor and aid with homework, 2003-2004
Orange County Food Bank, Garden Grove CA, Worked monthly on a Food Box assembly with church group, 2003-2004
Missionary, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Concepcion, Chile, 1996-1998
Became fluent in Spanish
Roger S. Gold, Carrie Jo Bucklin, Jay Lance Forshee II, Colby Weeks & Lauren Hardin: Exploring the Leech Gut Microbiome as a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience. J Coll Sci Teach. 2023 Aug 2; 52 (5) 70-79.
Weeks, C.S., Llenado, R.A., Cocco, M.J., Young, S., Qu, X., and Ouellette, A.J.:Electropositive Charge in -Defensin Bactericidal Activity: Functional Effects of Lys-for-Arg Substitutions Vary with the Peptide Primary Structure. Infect Immun. 2009 Nov; 77 (11):5035-43.
Figueredo, S., Weeks, C.S., Young, S., and Ouellette, A.J.: Anionic Amino Acids near the Pro-α-Defensin N-terminus Mediate Inhibition of Bactericidal Activity in Mouse Pro-Cryptdin-4. J Biol Chem. 2009 Mar 13; 284 (11): 6826-21.
Weeks, C.S., Tanabe, H., Cummings, J.E., Crampton, S.P., Sheynis, T., Jelinek, R., Vanderlick, T.K., Cocco, M.J., Ouellette, A.J..: Matrix metalloproteinase-7 activation of mouse paneth cell Pro-alpha -defensins: Ser43↓Ile44 proteolysis enables membrane disruptive activity. J Biol Chem. 2006 Sep 29; 281(39): 28932-42.
Tanabe, H., Qu, X., Weeks, C.S., Cummings, J.E., Kolusheva, S., Walsh, K.B., Jelinek, R., Vanderlick, T.K., Selsted, M.E., and Ouellette, A.J.: Structure-activity determinants in Paneth cell α-defensins: Loss-of-function in mouse cryptdin-4 by charge-reversal at arginine residue positions. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 11976-11983, 2004.
CV Last Revised, June 2024