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David Bybee

Faculty of Sciences

55-220 Kulanui Street Bldg. 5
Laie, Hawaii 96762


After working for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (seasonal employment) I moved to Hawaii in 1997. I was employed as a lab technician for the Water Resources Research Center at the University of Hawaii at Manoa before starting graduate school there in August 1998. I completed my PhD in 2006 and did a short post doc at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology until I was hired full time at BYU-Hawaii in August 2007. Details about my work as a faculty member at BYU-Hawaii follow in this CV.


1991-1997. Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah). B.S. awarded, Department of Zoology, emphasis in marine biology, minor in Spanish.

 1998-2006. University of Hawaii, Department of Zoology, marine biology specialization. PhD awarded December 2006.

 2006-2007. Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Post-Doctoral research working on diet and nutrition in the fan worm Sabellastarte spectabilis with Dr. Clyde Tamaru.


Bybee, D.R. 2003. Culturing the feather duster worm Sabellastarte spectabilis in Hawaii. Oral presentation, Hawaii Aquaculture Association Meeting, Windward Community College.

Bybee, D. R. and J. H. Bailey-Brock. 2004. Gamete maturation and feeding in the fanworm Sabellastarte spectabilis in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, USA. Oral presentation, World Aquaculture Society, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Bybee, D.R., 2005. Vermiculture: featherduster worms in Hawaii. Oral presentation, Hawaii Aquaculture Association, Windward Community college.

Bybee, D.R., 2006. Evidence of the introduction of the feather duster worm Sabellastarte spectabilis to the Mariana Islands Prior to 1991 and its mariculture potential. Oral presentation, Northern Marianas College, Saipan.

Bybee, D. R. and J. H. Bailey-Brock. 2008. Culturing the Hawaiian Featherduster worm: current status and future prospects. Oral presentation, Marine Ornamentals Conference Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Bybee, D. R. and J. H. Bailey-Brock. 2008. Reproductive Pattern of the Polychaete Sabellastarte spectabilis in Hawaii. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Bybee, D.R. 2012. Reproduction, feeding and phylogenetics of fanworms in the genus Sabellastarte. Seminar Series, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology.

Bybee, D.R., Hyde, S. and B. Smith. 2016. Long-term coral reef monitoring near a coastal technology park in Hawaii. 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii. Poster Presentation.

Bybee, D.R., K. Hokansen and I. Nichols. 2019. Oral Presentation. Reproduction of the 'A'ama Rock Crab Grapsus tenuicrustatus in Hawai'i and Other Pacific Island Communities. The Hawaii Conservation Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.


Bybee, D. R. and J. H. Bailey-Brock. 2001. The Effect of a Hawaiian Open Ocean fish Culture System on the Benthic Community. Oral presentation, Open Ocean Aquaculture IV meeting in New Brunswick, Canada.

 Bybee, D. R., J. H. Bailey-Brock and C. S. Tamaru. 2003. Observations on the spawning of the fan worm Sabellastarte spectabilis in Hawaiian waters. Oral presentation, World Aquaculture Society, Salvador Brazil.

Bybee, D. R., 2004. Larval development of Sabellastarte spectabilis in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, USA. Poster presentation, VIII International Polychaete Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Bybee, D. R., 2009. Feeding and Growth in Cultured Juvenile Fanworms Sabellastarte spectabilis. Oral presentation, World Aquaculture Society, Veracruz, Mexico.

Prince, L., Bybee, D.R., 2010. Reproduction in the Sabellid Polychaete Augeneriella dubia on the Kahuku Reef. Oral presentation, Asia Pacific Academy of Science, Education, and Environmental Management (APASEEM) Conference.

 Johnson, K., Bybee D.R., 2011. The reproductive cycle of Lissocarcinus orbicularis observed on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii with comparative observations from Tahiti & Saipan. Oral presentation, Asia Pacific Academy of Science, Education, and Environmental Management (APASEEM) Conference.

Hoff, E., Bybee D.R., 2013. Distribution and Abundance of sabellid polychaetes on the Kahuku reef flat, Oahu, Hawaii. Oral presentation, Asia Pacific Academy of Science, Education, and Environmental Management (APASEEM) Conference.

Beal, C., Bybee, D.R. 2014. Regeneration in Sabellastarte spectabilis. Oral presentation, Asia Pacific Academy of Science, Education, and Environmental Management (APASEEM) Conference.

Scoville, M., Bybee, D.R. 2016. Methods to Enhance the Germination in native Hawaiian Pili Grass, Heteropogon contortus. Oral presentation, Asia Pacific Academy of Science, Education, and Environmental Management (APASEEM) Conference.

Bybee, D.R. 2019. Reproduction of Grapsus tenuicrustatus in Hawaii. Oral Presentation. The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting, Hong Kong.


Oscar W. Johnson, Michael F. Weber, David R. Bybee, Susan Scott, Joshua P. Fisher, Wendy A. Kuntz, Susanne Spiessberger, Sigrid B. Southworth, Elizabeth K. Maynard, Laura Zoller3 & Carolyn D. Smith. 2024. Survival of GPS-tagged Pacific Golden-Plovers: a controlled study in Hawaii.

Bybee, D. R. and J. H. Bailey-Brock. 2003. Effect of a Hawaiian Open Ocean fish Culture System on the Benthic Community. Pages 119-128 in C.J. Bridger and B. A. Costa –Pierce, editors. Open Ocean Aquaculture: From Research to Commercial Reality. The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States.

Bybee, D. R., J. H. Bailey-Brock and C. S. Tamaru. 2006a. Larval development of Sabellastarte spectabilis (Grube 1878) (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) in Hawaiian waters. In: R. Sarda, G. San Martin, E. Lopez, D. Martin and D. George (eds.) Advances in Polychaete Research, Scientia Marina 70S3: 279-286.

Bybee, D. R., J. H. Bailey-Brock and C. S. Tamaru. 2006b. Evidence for sequential hermaphroditism in Sabellastarte spectabilis (Grube 1878) (Polychaeta: Sabellidae). Pacific Science 60(4): 541-547.

Bybee, D. R., J. H. Bailey-Brock and C. S. Tamaru. 2007. Gametogenesis and Spawning Periodicity in the Fan worm Sabellastarte spectabilis (Grube 1878) (Polychaeta: Sabellidae). Marine Biology 151: 639-648.

 rancom, G., Bybee, D., Wolfersberger, M., & Merrill, M. D. 2009. Biology 100: A Task-Centered, Peer-Interactive Redesign. TechTrends, 53(3), 35-100.

Francom, G., Bybee, D., Wolfersberger, M., Mendenhall, A., and Merrill, M. D. 2009. A Task-Centered Approach to Freshman-Level General Biology. Bioscene, Journal of College Biology Teaching, 35(1), 66-73.

Capa, M., D.R. Bybee and S.M. Bybee. 2010. Establishing species and species boundaries for Sabellastarte Krøyer, 1856 (Sabellidae: Annelida): an integrative approach. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 10(5), 351-371

Tamaru, C.S, D.R. Bybee, H. Ako, K. Brittain and M. Nguyen. 2011. Growth and Survival of Juvenile Feather Duster Worms, Sabellastarte spectabilis, Fed Live and Preserved Algae. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 42(1), 12–23.

Bybee, D. R., & Murray, J. M. (2017). Polychaetes. Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture, 565-579.

Tovar-Hernandez, M.A., Leon-Gonzalez, J.A., Bybee, D.R. (2017) Sabellid worms from the Patagonian Shelf and Humboldt Current System (Annelida, Sabellidae): Phyllis Knight-Jones’and José María Orensanz’s collections. Zootaxa, 4283(1), 1-64, DOI:

Johnson O.W, T.L. Tibbitts , M.F. Weber , D.R. Bybee, R.H. Goodwill, A.E. Bruner, E.J. Smith, E.L. Buss, T.Q.A. Waddell, D.C. Brooks , C.D. Smith & J.Y. Meyer (2020). Tracking the migration of Pacific Golden-Plovers from nonbreeding grounds at Moorea, French Polynesia, using Pinpoint GPS-Argos tags. Wader Study, 127(1): pg. 53-59

Clement, R. A., Saxton, N. A., Standring, S., Arnold, P. R., Johnson, K. K., Bybee, D. R., & Bybee, S. M. (2021). Phylogeny, migration and geographic range size evolution of Anax dragonflies (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Oscar W. Johnson, Michael F. Weber, David R. Bybee, Susan Scott, Joshua P. Fisher, Wendy A. Kuntz, Susanne Spiessberger, Sigrid B. Southworth, Elizabeth K. Maynard, Laura Zoller3 & Carolyn D. Smith. (In Press). Survival of GPS-tagged Pacific Golden-Plovers: a controlled study in Hawaii.


Tamaru, C.S., D. Bybee, J. Bailey-Brock, D. Ziemann and T. Ogawa. 2006. Developing techniques for the artificial propagation of the feather duster worm (Sabellastarte spectabilis) in Hawaii. Aquatips, Regional Notes, Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. Vol. 17, No. 1, March 2006.

Tamaru,C.S., D.R. Bybee, H. Ako, S. Morihara, H. Kane, K. Lee and C. Kapono. 2007. Preliminary findings in the determination of the most cost-effective commercial diet for Chinese catfish Clarias fuscus in Hawaii. Regional Notes, Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. Vol. 18 No. 2, June 2007.

Tamaru,C.S., D.R. Bybee, K. Brittain. 2008. Update on the Artificial Proportion of the Feather Duster Worm Sabellastarte spectabilis. Regional Notes, Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. Vol. 19 No. 3, Fall 2008

Bybee, D.R., and Barrett, B. 2012. Marine Biota Monitoring Program for Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority Keahole Point, District of North Kona Island of Hawaii. Survey Report April 2012. Prepared for Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA), Kailua-Kona, HI. 55 pp. + Appendices A - E

Bybee, D.R., S.K., Hyde and B. Smith. 2013. Marine Biota Monitoring Program for Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority Keahole Point, District of North Kona Island of Hawaii. Survey Report April 2013. Prepared for Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA), Kailua-Kona, HI. 55 pp. + Appendices A - E

Bybee, D.R., Bybee, J.C., Bybee, J.H., Bybee, J.D., Bybee, S.M.,S.K., Hyde and B. Smith. 2014. Marine Biota Monitoring Program for Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority Keahole Point, District of North Kona Island of Hawaii. Survey Report April 2014. Prepared for Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA), Kailua-Kona, HI. 55 pp. + Appendices A - E

Johnson O.W., M.F. Weber, D.R. Bybee, T.L. Tibbitts, Smith, D., Brusseau, P., Brusseau, N. (2017). Tracking Migrations of Pacific Golden-Plovers. Alaska Shorebird Group Annual Summaries Compilation, #17 pp. 43

Johnson O.W., M.F. Weber, D.R. Bybee, T.L. Tibbitts, Smith, D., Brusseau, P., Brusseau, N., Taylor, A., Fears, R., Scoville, M., Smith, E., Buss, E,. Hayes, L., Scott, S. (2018). Migratory Movements of Pacific Golden-Plovers: GPS Tracking and Return Rates. Alaska Shorebird Group Annual Summaries Compilation, #8 pp. 24-25.


Best poster presentation at the VIII International Polychaete Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2004.
Faculty Recognition Stipend for 2009 and 2011
Invited University Convocation Speaker, 2012
Exemplary Faculty Award – Brigham Young University–Hawaii, 2014


International Coral Reef Society Member
Coral Reefs – Anonymous Reviewer
Invertebrate Systematics – Anonymous Reviewer
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society – Anonymous Reviewer
Marine Ecology – Anonymous Reviewer
Western North American Naturalist – Anonymous Reviewer


University of Hawaii Scientific Diver
Naui Master Diver, nitrox certified
Small boat driver


2003-Present, general biology, general ecology, coral reef ecology, oceanography, conservation biology, botany, introduction to scientific research, mentored research, special topics in biology, Spanish.


Director of the Center for Learning and Teaching, 2012-2014
Associate Academic Vice President – Faculty, 2014-2021
Director of Kumuwaiwai Center for Sustainability, 2021-2023


Fluent in Spanish and French, experienced in light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, underwater photography, water sports, cultural anthropology, travel.

CV Last Revised June,2024



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