B.A. Zoology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2006.
M.S. Evolution Ecology and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Thesis entitled: “The Evolution of Acrorhagi and Verrucae Focusing on Anthopleura (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria) and its Allies” Advisor: Dr. Meg Daly, 2009.
Ph.D. Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana. Dissertation entitled: “Phylogenetic studies of the deep-sea bamboo corals (Octocorallia: Isididae: Keratoisidinae)” Advisor: Dr. Scott C. France, 2016.
Associate Professor: 2023-Present, Faculty of Science, Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Assistant Professor: 2017-2023, Faculty of Science, Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Instructor: 2014-2016, Department of Biology, South Louisiana Community College.
Graduate Research Assistant: 2013-2014, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana-Lafayette.
Board of Regents Doctoral Fellow: 2009-2013, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana-Lafayette.
Coral Biology BIOL390/L, Professor: (Fall Semester, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures, planned and prepared laboratories, planned and scheduled field trips, develop assessment protocols.
Invertebrate Zoology BIOL302/L, Professor: (Winter Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures, planned and prepared laboratories, planned and scheduled field trips, develop assessment protocols.
Cell and Molecular Biology BIOL112, Professor: (Fall & Winter Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures, planned and demonstrated in class experiments and activities, develop assessment protocols.
General Botany BIOL301/L, Professor: (Spring Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures, planned and prepared laboratories, planned and scheduled field trips, develop assessment protocols.
Deep Sea Biology BIOL390, Professor: (Fall Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures, planned and prepared in class laboratories and field trips, develop assessment protocols.
Biomolecular Methods Lab II BIOL484L, (Fall Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught recitation, planned and prepared laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
Student Mentored Research BIOL496/7, Professor: (Year-round), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: Mentor 1-4 students per semester as they develop and preform their own experiments based on the scientific method.
Marine Biology Field Methods BIOL390, Professor: (Winter Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures, planned and prepared in class laboratories and field trips, develop assessment protocols.
Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory BIOL112L, Professor: (Fall, Winter, Spring Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures, planned and prepared laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
Introduction of Biology BIOL100, Professor: (Winter & Spring Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures, planned and demonstrated in class experiments and activities, develop assessment protocols.
Genetics BIOL376, Professor: (Fall Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures and laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
Introduction to Scientific Research BIOL491, Professor: (Fall Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: planned and mentored seven different scientific genetic based projects, develop assessment protocols.
Genetics Laboratory BIOL376L, Professor: (Fall Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: created and taught lectures and laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
General Zoology BIOL206/L, Professor: (Fall Semester), Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii.
Responsibilities: taught “Invertebrates” section of the class, created and taught lectures and laboratories, curate the invertebrate teaching collection, develop assessment protocols.
Fundamentals of Biology II Lab, Laboratory Instructor: 2016, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Responsibilities: taught laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
Survey of Invertebrate Animals, Laboratory Instructor: 2013-2015, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Responsibilities: created and taught laboratories, curate collection, develop assessment protocols.
General Biology II Lab, Instructor: 2014-2015, Department of Biology, South Louisiana Community College, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Responsibilities: taught laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
General Biology II Lecture, Instructor: 2015, Department of Biology, South Louisiana Community College, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Responsibilities: c and taught lectures, develop assessment protocols.
Entomology, Graduate Teaching Assistant: 2015, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Responsibilities: taught laboratories, managed field trips, supervised field work, develop assessment protocols.
Principals of Ecology, Graduate Teaching Assistant: 2014, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Responsibilities: taught laboratories, managed field trips, supervised field work, develop assessment protocols.
Special Labs, Instructor: 2009-2015, Acadiana High School, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Responsibilities: write and taught lectures, designed and taught laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
Introductory Biology II, Laboratory Instructor: 2008-2009, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Responsibilities: write and taught lectures, taught laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
Evolution, Graduate Teaching Assistant: 2008, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Responsibilities: write and taught lectures, taught laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
Organismal Diversity, Graduate Teaching Assistant: 2008, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Responsibilities: Classroom set up & take down, procure sample organisms, assist in grading all assignments.
Introductory Biology, Graduate Teaching Assistant: 2007, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Responsibilities: write and taught lectures, taught laboratories, develop assessment protocols.
Watling L, Heestand Saucier E, France SC. (2022) Towards a revision of the bamboo corals (Octocorallia): Part 4, the Family Keratoisididae. Zootaxa. 5093 (3): 337-375.
Heestand Saucier E, France SC. Watling L. (2021) Towards a revision of the bamboo corals (Octocorallia): Part 3, deconstructing the Family Isididea. Zootaxa. 5047 (3): 247-272.
Heestand Saucier E, Sajjadi A, France SC. (2017) A taxonomic review of the genus Acanella (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Isididae) in the North Atlantic Ocean, with description of two new species. Zootaxa. 4323 (3): 359-390.
Daly M, Crowley CM, Larson P, Rodriguez E, Heestand Saucier E. Fautin DG. (2017) Anthopleura and the Phylogeny of Actinioidea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria). Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 17 (3): 545-564.
Barbara de Moura Neves, Evan Edinger, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Esprit Heestand Saucier, Scott C. France, Margaret A. Treble, Vonda E. Wareham. (2014) Deep-water bamboo coral forests in a muddy Arctic environment. Marine Biodiveristy.
Pante E, Heestand Saucier E, France SC. (2013) Molecular and morphological data support reclassification of the octocoral genus Isidoides. Invertabrate Systematics. 27: 365-378.
(*presenting author)
Fermantez K, Heestand Saucier E. 2024. “Learning from the Sea.” Presentation & panel discussion. 9th IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2024) and 4th IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities in Hawaii (IICAH2024). Honolulu, Hawaii. January 4, 2024.
Heestand Saucier E, Villanueva Z.A.* 2023. “Adaptations to micropastic pollution in sand turtles Hippa Marmorata (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846).” Poster. 5th Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, NUS, Singapore. June 19-23, 2023.
Heestand Saucier E, Alder C.,* Basham S. 2023. “Zombie, party of one: Coral density and spawning events of reef building coral on the windward shares of O’ahu, Hawai’i.” Poster. 5th Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, NUS, Singapore. June 19-23, 2023.
Heestand Saucier E, Hull B.E.,* Anderson E.I. 2023. “Using eDNA to measure the presence of targeted ree-building coral species on the Northeast shore of O’ahu, Hawai’i. Poster. 5th Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, NUS, Singapore. June 19-23, 2023.
Tuthill G, Rainey A, Heestand Saucier E.* 2020. “Morphological, Genetic, and Temporal variation of the Hawaiian Blue Coral.” Poster. 14th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bremen, Germany. July 5-10, 2020.
Tuthill G,* Cooper A, Heestand Saucier E. 2019. “A study of Hawaiian Xeniidae (Octocorallia, Alcoyonacea) with a description of four new species and re-description of Sarcothelia edmondsoni.” Poster. 7th International Symposium on Deep-sea Corals, Cartagena, Colombia. July 29-August 2, 2019.
Heestand Saucier E,* Watling L, France SC. 2016 “Phylogenetic analysis of the keratoisidin bamboo corals with a proposal to erect three subfamilies based on morphological characters and mitochondrial genome arrangement.” 6th International Symposium on Deep-sea Corals, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. September 11-16, 2016.
Heestand Saucier E* & France SC, 2016. “Systematics of the deep-sea bamboo coral genus Acanella.” Poster. 6th International Symposium on Deep-sea Corals, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. September 11-16, 2016.
France SC, Heestand Saucier E, Watling L.* 2016. “Further observations on branching in bamboo coral colonies, with implications for taxonomy and in situ identifications.” 6th International Symposium on Deep-sea Corals, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. September 11-16, 2016.
Watling L, Lapoint A, France SC,* Heestand Saucier E. 2016. “Resolving the Keratoisids: Adding Morphology to the Molecular Tree.” 6th International Symposium on Deep-sea Corals, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. September 11-16, 2016.
Lapoint A, France SC, Heestand Saucier E. 2016. “The global Distribution of Bathyal Octocorals are determined by Intermediate Water Masses.” Poster. 6th International Symposium on Deep-sea Corals, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. September 11-16, 2016.
Heestand Saucier E,* Watling L, France SC. 2014.“Convergence of skeletal architecture: Assessing the monophyly of the nodes and internodes of bamboo corals (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Isididae).” Evolution Conference, Raleigh Convention Center, North Carolina, USA. June 20-24, 2014.
Heestand Saucier E* & France SC. 2013.“Exploring the cnidome of bamboo corals.” Biology Department Seminar, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.
Heestand Saucier E* & France SC. 2012. “Of nodes and internodes: Multiple origins of articulated skeletons among bamboo corals.” Biology Department Seminar, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.
Heestand Saucier E*, Watling L, France SC. 2012. “Looks can be deceiving: Assessing the monophyly of bamboo corals (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Calcaxonia, Isididae).” Poster. 5th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1-6 April.
Pante E*, Heestand Saucier E, France SC. 2012. “Is Isidoides a bamboo coral? Evidence from DNA phylogenies, mitochondrial gene order and morphology.” Poster. 5th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-6 April.
Heestand Saucier E* & Meyer K. 2012. “The Exploration of Deepwater Canyons: Aboard the NOAA vessel Nancy Foster.” Guest research scientist, SECU Daily Planet Theater, Nature Research Center of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. September 17 – October 1, 2012.
Heestand E* & France SC. 2011. “A preliminary look at the phylogenetics of deep-sea bamboo coral.” Biology Department Seminar, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.
Heestand E* 2011. “Simulating natural selection: prey vs. predator interactions.” Guest lecturer at Acadiana High School, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. 11th and 12th grade biology classes.
Heestand E* 2010. “DNA extraction and visualization from an onion.” Guest lecture at Acadiana High School, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. 11th and 12th grade biology classes.
Heestand E* 2010. “Exploring the deep-sea.” Guest lecture at Acadiana High School, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. 11th and 12th grade biology classes.
Heestand E* 2009. “Peeling away the mystery of DNA: A banana DNA extraction lab.” Guest lecture at Lafayette High School, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. 10th grade biology classes.
Heestand E* & Daly M. 2009. “A study molecular study of the pan distributed genus Anthopleura.” Biology Department Seminar, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.
Heestand E* 2009. “Radiates.” Guest lecture at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Introductory Biology: Dr. Stephen Chordas.
Heestand E* 2008. “What it means to be a Cnidarian.” Guest lecture at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Organismal Diversity: Drs. Mitch Masters & Cynthia Dassler.
Heestand E* 2007. “Aggressive interactions between clones and clone-mates of Anthopleura elegantissima.” Guest lecture at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Marine Biology: Dr. Meg Daly.
Heestand, E*, Daly M, Claereboudt MR. 2007. “Molecular tests of morphospecies in the reef-building coral genus Porites.” Poster. Annual Meeting for Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB). Phoenix, Arizona, USA. January 3-7, 2007.
2019, Workshop Participant. Deep Submergence Science Committee New User Program. San Francisco, California, USA. December 7 – 8, 2019.
2019, Workshop Participant. Reconciling Evolution and Religion Workshop. Bingham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. July 11 – 13, 2019.
2018, Field Collection Trip. Kauai Island, Hawaii. Lihue, Hawaii, USA. June 25 – 29, 2018.
2018, Visiting Scientist. University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Lafayette, Louisiana. January 13 - 18, 2018.
2018, Field Collection Trip. Big Island, Hawaii. Kona, Hawaii, USA. January 3 – 6, 2018.
2013, Research Scientist aboard the NOAA vessel Ronald H. Brown using Jason II ROV. “Atlantic Deep-water Canyons II” Cape Hatteras to Gulf of Maine, US East Coast from April 30 – May 29, 2013.
2012, Visiting Scientist. Musēum National d’ Histoire, Paris, France. April 8 – 12, 2012. 2012, Research Scientist on board the Louisiana University Marine Consortium (LUMCON) research vessel Pelican. “GoMRI program II” 25 miles south of Garden Island, Louisiana, USA, Gulf of Mexico from August 22 – 29, 2012
2012, Research Scientists on board the NOAA vessel Nancy Foster using Kraken II ROV. “Atlantic Deep-water Canyons I” Cape Hatteras to Gulf of Maine, US East Coast from September 17 – October 1, 2012.
2011, Research Scientists on board the Holiday Chouest using The Oceaneering ROV. “NRDA Mesophotic Reef Video and Sampling Cruise” Deepwater Horizon oil-spill area, Gulf of Mexico, from September 16 – October 1, 2011.
2008, Workshop Participant. Modeling Systems-Biology Series. Mathematical Bio-Sciences Institute, Columbus, Ohio, USA. June 2008.
2008, Research Scientists in La Paz, Mexico. Field Collection and Processing: Use snorkeling and SCUBA to collect sea anemones (0 - 40 meters) July, 2008.
2008, Research Scientists in Galveston Island, Texas, USA. Field Collection and Processing: Collect rocky intertidal sea anemones (0 – 2 meters) July, 2008.
2008, Teaching Assistant Development Participant. “How the Best College Teachers Teach” The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. August – December, 2008.
2007, Research Scientists in Matagorda Bay, Texas, USA. Field Collection and Processing: Collect rocky intertidal sea anemones (0 – 2 meters) March 2007.
2006, Assistant Research Scientist in Capetown, South Africa. “Systematics and Population biology of Hyobanche and Pelargonium” Collect and process plant specimens from October 9 – November 3, 2006.
Faculty Recognition 2021-2022: Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Recipient.
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi: 2019; Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Faculty Recognition 2019-2020: Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Recipient.
Board of Reagents Doctoral Fellowship: 2009-2013, Louisiana State Board of Regents Doctoral Support Fund, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Recipient ($100,000).
Graduate student organization; Research Funds Grant: 2009-2016, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Recipient ($4,100).
Fellowship for Graduate Student Travel: 2008 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Recipient ($2000)
Student Government Association: Visiting Scientist Grant: 2012, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Recipient ($475)
Partners in Conservation Award: 2014, “Atlantic Canyons – Pathways to the Abyss” research project partnered with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
Faculty Advisory Council. Fall 2023 – present. Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Faculty Advisory Council Chair. Fall 2024 – present.
Devotional Speaker. 14 November 2023. “Just Try…” Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Tano Bon Advisory Committee (Formally Enactus: ReEarth Kiribati). Spring 2023-present. Willes Center for International Entrepreneurship, Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Lahui O Ko’olauloa Board Member. Winter 2024 – present. Brigham Young University–Hawaii representative.
Biology Search Committee Leader. Fall 2023. Faculty of Science, Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Curriculum Committee. Natural Sciences. 2020-Present. Faculty of Science, Brigham Young–Hawaii.
Math Search Committee. Winter 2022. Faculty of Math and Computing, Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Neurobiology Search Committee. Fall 2021. Faculty of Science, Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Information Literacy Norming Committee. Fall 2021. Evaluate English 315 / 316 courses for their implementation and teaching of Information Literacy. Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Careers in Academia for Women, Panelist. October 14, 2021. BYU Management Society.
BYUH Sustainability Council. 2020-Present. Board member on council that evaluates, plans, and implements ways for the university to be sustainable. Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Faculty of Science FTE Assessment Committee. Winter 2020. Faculty of Science, Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Panel David O. McKay Lecture. February 11, 2020. “The Third Century of an Intelligent Religion.” Dr. Marcus Martins.
‘Ag Day’ Organizer. 2019-Present. A bi-annual community day event of lectures and teaching demonstrations promoting food security and home gardening in conjunction with the Polynesian Cultural Center. Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Science Fair Judge. 2018-2019. Judge at Windward District Science and Engineering Fair.
BYUH Teaching Nursery Supervisor. 2018-Present. Plan, prepare, and manage portions of the teaching nursery: planting, propagation, and harvesting. Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Marine Biology Club. 2017-2023. Club advisor.
Invertebrate Collections Curator. 2017-2023. Curate the teaching and research invertebrates collection in the Brigham Young University–Hawaii Natural Sciences Museum.
Cellular Biology Proctor for Region 2 Science Olympiad Tournament. 2016. Proctor for high school cellular biology section.
Graduate Student Symposium Organization Committee. 2013-2014. Acting President. Department of Biology, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
Science Fair Judge. 2010-2015. Judge at the region IV science fair.
Science Fair Judge. 2010-2014. Judge at Comeaux High School Science Fair.
Lafayette High School Mentor. 2010-2011. Mentor for student’s senior research project.
Special Labs Instructor. 2009-2016. Set up and ran experiments for honors biology at Acadiana High School.
Graduate Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology Student Association. 2007-2009. Fundraising Chair.
College of Biological Sciences Alumni Society Committee. 2006-2009. Graduate Student Representative.
Collections Docent for The Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity Open House. 2005-2008. Guided museum guests through collections and answered questions (Acarology collection, Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics, Triplehorn Insect Collection, Herbarium, Division of Molluscs, Division of Tetrapods)
American Microscopical Society, Association for Women in Science, Deep-sea Biology Society, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Society for Integrative Comparative Biology, Society for the Study of Evolution, Tau Bata Sigma.
American Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer Instructor, American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor, PADI SCUBA blue water certification.