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A photo of Rosalind Meno Ram

Rose Ram

Associate Academic Vice President Curriculum & Assessment/Interim Library Director
Academics, Faculty of Culture, Language & Performing Arts

Lorenzo Snow Administration Building Room 240


Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern California;-2018
RQ: How do Chamoru Parents in Guam Define and Enact Their Involvement in their Elementary-age Children’s Academic Lives.

 University of Hawaii, School of Library and Information Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii
MLIS Degree, 1993 (Library Studies)

Brigham Young University–Hawaii, Laie, Hawaii
B.A., 1989 (TESOL)


Religious Education Program AVP designee for Annual Faculty Reviews, 2022-
Associate Academic V.P. for Curriculum and Assessment, 2017 to present
Interim Program Chair for Accounting Program, AVP designee April to August 2018
Associate Academic V.P. for Assessment and Accreditation, 2012 to 2017
Student Development faculty member, 2020 to present
Oceanic Perspective: Academic and Career Development faculty member, 2018 to present
Pacific Islands Research Methods faculty member, 2013 to 2014
Intercultural Communication faculty member, 2008 to 2013
Outreach/Liaison Librarian, 2006 to 2012
Cataloger, 1994 to 2006; 2012 to 2015
Interlibrary Loan Librarian, 1994 to 1997, 2000 to 2012
Pacific Islands Research Librarian, 1997 to 2002
Bibliographic instructor, 1994 to 2012


Associate Academic V.P. for Curriculum and Assessment, 2017 to present with stewardship over University Curriculum, Institutional Research, Testing Center, Assessment, Accreditation
Associate Academic V.P. for Assessment and Accreditation, 2012 to 2017 over Institutional Research, Testing, Assessment, Accreditation, IRB and Student Research Associateship
Faculty Representative for GE, 2020 to present
WSCUC Accreditation Team Assistant Chair, 2016, 2018, 2023
WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer for BYUH, 2012 to present
Founding chair of the BYUH Data Governance Group, 2017 to present
Chair, University Curriculum Council, 2017 to present
Chair, Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation Committee, 2012 to present
Prepared BYUH for and Hosted Reaffirmation visit online (fall 2016) and on-campus (spring 2017)
Prepared for and Hosted WSCUC Special Visit, March 2014
Lead for Committee preparing the 2014 WSCUC Special Visit Report
Member of the Board for the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding,2006 to 2012
Member of the Board of Fellows for the Jonathan Napela Center, 2009 to 2012
Laie Service Project Co-Coordinator, David O. McKay Center, 2008 to 2011
Chair for CCH/BYUH Golden Jubilee Quilt Exhibit, 2004 to 2005
Member of the Board of Fellows for the Pacific Institute at BYU Hawaii, 2002 to 2006
Chair, Cook Island Tivaevae & Hawaiian Quilting Exchange at BYU Hawaii, 2001, 2000
Co-Chair of National Pacific Islanders in America Conference, 2000
Co-Host to visiting author, Dan Cisco, 2000
Co-Organizer & Presenter, “Photo-documentation of Hawaiian Quilt Collection”,
Hawaii Special Libraries Association, 1998
Co-Organizer & Presenter, Hawaii Special Libraries Association, 1998


ANTH 470 Language Documentation and Conservation, 2023 to present
PAIS 375 Environmental Issues and Resource Management, 2022 to present
STDEV101R Student Development, 2020 to present
PAIS 101 Oceanic Perspective: Academic and Career Development, 2018 to 2021
PAIS 390R Pacific Islands Studies Special Topics – Research Methods, 2013 to present
HIST 390R Pacific Islands Studies Special Topics – Research Methods, 2010
Intercultural Communications for International Cultural Studies, 2008 to 2012



Exercise Sports Science, 2010 to 2016
Introduction to Hawaiian Studies, 2009 to 2016
Introduction to Pacific Island Studies, 2000 to 2016
English 315 – Pacific Islands theme, 2002 to 2016
Linguistics 210, 2000
Women’s Studies, 1998
EIL, 2009 to 2012
English 101, 1994 to 2000


“Women of Guam and Micronesia Navigate Cultural Crosscurrents”, Church History in Pacific & Asia, March 2023; Jensen, Devan & Ram, Rosalind, Copresenters

“Assessment for Learning: Engaging Faculty and Students in Reflection and Improvement” Drexel Assessment Conference Lightening Round Panelist, 2021
“Ni ta hano para i temple i guma Yu’os ta (Let us go to the temple, the house of our God): Stories of Micronesians and Their Journeys to the Temple” Panel Discussion at the Mormon Pacific Historical Society, 2019

Phi Kappa Phi, Guest Speaker-2018
NASPA, 2016
Co-Presenter, PacAir on Syllabi Analysis, 2016
Presenter “Information Literacy—an accreditation competency”, PIALA in Saipan 2012

WSCUC, 2012
Gandhi Day, Honolulu, Guest Speaker - 2010
Co-Presenter, WASC ARC - 2009

Presenter, McKay Center’s One Week celebration “It’s all about approach:
BYUH and Laie Community”, 2009

Presenter,” In Her Own Voice Pacific Islander Speak” at Kahuku Public Library, 2008

Presenter, “The endless possibilities of Marketing Library Services and Resources”, PIALA in Tinian 2007

Presenter, “Cultivating Assessment at the Joseph F. Smith Library: a case study”, Kauai 2007

Presenter, “LC to Dewey and Dewey to LC” PIALA Conference Workshop, Palau, 2006

Presenter, Pre-Conference Workshop on “Cataloging Media Materials”, PIALA, Kosrae, 2005

Presenter, “Implementing a win-win model in library Technical Services: a case study
PIALA in Kosrae, 2005

Presenter, “Humor in Librarianship” Hawaii Library Association Conference, Maui 2001

Presenter, 18th Pacific Educational Conference in Guam, 2001

Presenter, National Pacific Islanders in America Conference, 2000

Panel discussion member for Pacific Islander Women’s Issues, BYU Hawaii Women’s
Conference, 2000

Presenter, “Establishing a Hawaiian Quilt Collection at the Joseph F. Smith Library:
a case study, PIALA, Palau, 1999

Presenter, “In Her Own Voice: Pacific Islander Women Speak” Reclaiming Voice II at UC Irvine, 1999

Co-Organizer & Presenter, “Photo-documentation of Hawaiian Quilt Collection”,
Hawaii Special Libraries Association, 1998

Presenter, “In Her Own Voice: Pacific Islander Women Speak”,
Association for Asian American Studies, 1998

Presenter, Pacific Islander’ Community and Academic Symposium, 1998

Presenter, BYUH Women’s Organization, 1998

Presenter, Alaska/Pacific Northwest Libraries Association Conference, 1996

Presenter, BYU–Hawaii Faculty meeting, 1996


NWCCU Mid-Cycle Team member, 2024
WSCUC Special Visit Team Assistant Chair, 2023
Reaffirmation of Accreditation Visit WSCUC Accreditation Team member, 2021-2022
Seeking Accreditation Visit WSCUC Accreditation Team member, 2019, 2021 Mar., 2021 Dec.
Seeking Accreditation Visit WSCUC Accreditation Team Assistant Chair, 2016, 2018
WSCUC Accreditation Team member training, 2016, 2019, 2022
Editor, Selections of the Book of Mormon in Chamorro, 2018-2019
WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer Workshop, 2014 and ongoing
WSCUC Workshop on Assessment 101, 201 in 2013, 2014
WSCUC Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) training, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016
Training for IPEDs 2015
Presentation at PacAir on Syllabi Analysis, 2016
Laie Service Project Co-Coordinator, David O. McKay Center, 2008 to 2011
Conference attendee, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC/WSCUC), 2007 to present
Attended HLA Post Conference Session on Government Documents, 2004
Attended MPHS conference, 2003, 2019 (presented on voices of young Micronesians and the temple)
Chair, Cook Island Tivaevae & Hawaiian Quilting Exchange at BYU Hawaii, 2001, 2000
Member of the Board for the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding, 2006 to 2012
Member of the Board of Fellows for the Jonathan Napela Center, 2009 to 2012
Member of the Board of Fellows for the Pacific Institute at BYU Hawaii, 2002 to 2006
Co-Host to visiting Tongan author, Tevita H. Fale, 2001
Co-Chair of National Pacific Islanders in America Conference, 2000
Co-Host to visiting author, Dan Cisco, 2000
Co-Organizer & Presenter, Hawaii Special Libraries Association, 1998
Research Associate for Micronesia Area Research Center, 1994-1997
Member of “In Her Own Voice: Pacific Islander Women Speak” Oral History Project, 1996 to present


Workday Student, Academic Foundation Workstream team member, 2023 to current
Committee member, Pacific Studies, Faculty Hiring Committee, 2024
Committee member, Construction Facilities Management Faculty Hiring Committee, 2023
Committee member, CES Measurement Committee (standing committee), 2022- ongoing
Search Committee member, Sustainability Center, 2022
Search Committee Chair, Assessment and Curriculum Assistant, 2019, 2020
Search Committee Chair, Assessment and Curriculum Manager, 2019
Search Committee member, Testing Services, 2018
30 years of Service at BYUH, 2019
Faculty Representative for GE, 2020 to present
Member Search Committee, Testing Center part-time position, 2020
Founding chair of the BYUH Data Governance Group, 2017 to present
25 years of Service, 2015
Prepared BYUH for and Hosted WSCUC Reaffirmation visit online (fall 2016) and on-campus (spring 2017)
Prepared for and Hosted WSCUC Special Visit, March 2014
Lead for Committee preparing the 2014 WSCUC Special Visit Report
Associate Academic V.P. over Institutional Research, Testing, Assessment, Accreditation, IRB, Student Research Associateship
Chair, University Curriculum Council, 2017 to present
Chair, Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation Committee, 2012 to present
Member of Deans Council, 2012 to present
Member of the Enrollment Services Council, 2017 to present
Chair of the Student Research Associateship fund Committee, 2012 to 2017
Fund manager for Student Research Associate Fund, 2013-2017
Member of Academic Council, 2012 to 2018
Writer for 2013 WASC Interim Report, 2013
Writer for 2012 Substantive Change Proposals for AAS & ASBM Degrees Online, 2012 to present
Joint writer for Assessment Section of 2012 WASC Special Visit Report, 2011
Joint evaluator of Academic Departments for WASC Special Visit Report, 2010
BYUH University Faculty Award for Service, 2012
Member, Search Committee for Education Professor, 2012
Member, Search Committee for Biology Professor, 2012
Member, Search Committee for Education Professor, 2011
Chair, Promotion Review Committee, 2009-2012
Member, Promotion Review Committee, 2007
Academic Women’s Network Representative on Academic Council, 2010
University Exemplary Faculty Award presented April 2010
University Service Recognition for 5th, 10th, 15, and 20 years of Service
Search Committee Member for Career/Alumni Services Director, 2010
Member, University Accreditation Committee, 2009 to 2012
Rank Advancement to Senior Librarian/Professor granted in 2008
Member, Academic Women’s Network, 2008 to 2012
Search Committee Member, Hawaiian Studies faculty member, 2009
Board member of the Jonathan Napela Center for Hawaiian and Pacific Island Studies, 2009 to 2012
Member, Biology Program Review Committee, 2008
Search Committee Member, International Cultural Studies faculty member, 2008
Search Committee Member, Library Serials Librarian, 2008
Member of the BYU Hawaii Natural History Museum Committee, 2007 to 2012
Member of the WASC Steering Committee, 2007 to 2008
Board member for the David O. McKay Center for Understanding, 2006 to 2012
Search committee for administrative assistant for library, 2006
Search committee for administrative assistant for archives, 2006
Search committee for History professor, 2006
Search committee member for Library Tech. Serv. Serials Technician, 2005
Search committee member for ITS positions, 2005
Search committee member for University Events Coordinator, 2005
Search committee member for University Archivist, 2004
Search committee chair for Library Cataloger, 2004
University Housing task force, 2005
Member CCH/BYUH Jubilee Oral History Project, 2004 to 2005
Chair for CCH/BYUH Golden Jubilee Quilt Exhibit, 2004 to 2005
Board of Fellows member for the Pacific Institute, 2002 to 2006
Chair, Library Task Force for University Strategic Planning Committee, 2002
University Strategic Planning Committee member 2001-2002
Search Committee member for University Librarian, 2002
Search Committee member for Serials clerk, 2001
Hostess, Education Week, 1998
Search Committee member for University Relations/Alumni Office Secretary, 1996
University Strategic Planning Committee member, 1996-97
Search Committee member for Post Office Manager, 1994
Search Committee member for LAS Division Secretary, 1994
Search Committee member for LAS Division Night Supervisor, 1994


 R. Devan Jensen and Rosalind Meno Ram, “Women of Micronesia Navigate Cultural Crosscurrents,” in Voices of Latter-day Saint Women in the Pacific and Asia, ed. Po Nien (Felipe) Chou, ‘Alisi K. Langi, and Petra M. W. S. Chou (Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Jonathan Nāpela Center for Hawaiian and Pacific Studies; Deseret Book, October 2024), 163–80. FORTHCOMING

R. Devan Jensen and Rosalind Meno Ram et al., Battlefields to Temple Grounds: Latter-day Saints in Guam and Micronesia—RSC, BYUH, Deseret Book, c2023.
Rosalind Meno Ram and R. Devan Jensen. “Cultural Differences and Converts in Yap.” Chapter in R. Devan Jensen and Rosalind Meno Ram et al., Battlefields to Temple Grounds: Latter-day Saints in Guam and Micronesia—RSC, BYUH, Deseret Book, c2023.
Film Review by Rosalind Meno Ram, Breadfruit and Open Spaces, featuring members of the United Pacific Islanders Corporation and Dr. Lola Quan Bautista, 2012.

 Ram, Rosalind, DeMartini, Becky Lynn, and Zoia Zeresa Adam-Falevai. “Growing a Culture of Marketing: the Smith Library Experience.” In Marketing Your Library: Tips and Tools that Work edited by Carol Smallwood, Vera Gubnitskaia, and Kerol Harrod. Published by McFarland & Company, 2012.

 In Her Own Voice: Pacific Islander Women Speak (collaborative oral history project) Narratives and Images of Pacific Island Women. Published by The Edwin Mellen Press in 2005. Awarded The Adèle Mellen Prize for its distinguished contribution to scholarship.

 “Netting the stories of Latter-Day Saint Pioneers of Micronesia” a chapter in The Pioneers in the Pacific: exploring 150 years of Latter-Day Saint History in the Pacific, Editor Grant Underwood, Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young UP, 2005.

 “Olelo: women of faith speak” a chapter in The Pioneers in the Pacific: exploring 150 years of Latter-Day Saint History in the Pacific, editor Grant Underwood, Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young UP, 2005.

 Ram, Rosalind. Implementing a win-win model in library Technical Services: a case study. PIALA 2005 Conference Proceedings. Edited by Arlene Cohen. Published by Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives, 2006.

 Na Hali’a Aloha: Cherished Memories: The Presidents’ Perspectives Parts 1 & 2, Producers Rose Ram, John Elkington, Gary B. Smith, Laie, Hawaii: Brigham Young University – Hawaii, 2005. (in DVD format)
Na Hali’a Aloha: Cherished Memories: Ho’omaka’ana = In the Beginning, Producers Rose Ram, John Elkington, Gary B. Smith, Laie, Hawaii: Brigham Young University – Hawaii, 2005. (in DVD format)


WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer, 2012 to present
Institutional Research Association, 2012 to 2024
PAC-AIR, 2012 to 2020
CAIR, 2017 to 2024
RM-AIR, 2018 to 2024
Member, Hawaii Library Association, 1994 to 2013
Member, Pacific Islands Archives and Libraries Association (PIALA), 1994 to 2015
Member, American Library Association, 1996 to 2015
Phi Kappa Phi, 2008 to present
Member, Beta Phi Mu International Library and Information Science Honor Society, 1993
Member, Board of Fellows for the Jonathan Napela Center for Hawaiian and Pacific Island Studies, 2009 to 2012
Member of the BYU–Hawaii Natural History Museum Committee, 2007 to 2013
Member of the University Accreditation Committee, 2009 to 2024
Member of the BYUH WASC Steering Committee, 2007 to 2008
Member, Board for the David O. McKay Center for Understanding, 2006 to 2013
Member, Board of Fellows for the Pacific Institute of BYUH, 2002 to 2006
Board member of the Mormon Pacific Historical Society, 2003 to 2004
Member, Mormon Pacific Historical Society, 2004 to 2022
Member, Laie PTCO, 1995 to 2007
Member, Laie Community Association, 1998 to 2013


Seminary Teacher, 2012 to 2014, 2020 to 2024
Debate Judge, Kahuku High School Debate Team, 2004 to 2013
Co-Coach for AYSO Kahuku district 10-11 year old girls soccer team, 2006
Team Mom for Junior Varsity Girls Soccer Team Kahuku High School, 2006
Team Mom for PAL Basketball Team, 2005
Merit Badge Counselor, Boy Scouts of America Aloha Council Ko’olau Dist. 2003 to 2008
Member, Board for AYSO Region #358 Kahuku, Laie, Hauula, Kaaawa, 2005-2007
Pack 347 Cub Scout Den Leader for Wolves and Bears, 2004 to 2005
Communication person for Laie Security Watch, 2004 to present
Assisted in Trevor Ram’s Eagle Scout Project “Food Drive for Kahuku Food Pantry”, 2004
Assisted in the Laie Elementary School PTCO Reading Nights, 2003
Assisted in Kahuku Grad fundraisers, 2003 to 2013
Troop 347 Scout committee member, 2003 to 2010
Assisted in Laie Elementary PTCO with special events and fundraisers, 2003 to 2007
Pack 347 Committee member, 2003 to 2010
Volunteer, Ko’olauloa Children’s Choir Walk-a-thon, 2002
Assisted Hauula Elementary School in “mold removal” project, 2002
Soccer Mom for AYSO Girls Soccer team, 2002
Community Police committee member, 2002 to 2010
Volunteer for Laie Elementary School Library, 1994 to 2007
Reader for Kari Garrigan’s First Grade class, Laie Elementary, 2001-02, 1996-97
Committee member for Laie Elementary School’s Spring Carnival, May 2000
Book evaluator for Hawaii Book Publishers Association, 1999
Reader for Jaclyn Chang’s Second Grade class, Laie Elementary, 1999-2000
Contributor to Hawaii Food Bank, 1993 to 2005
Member of a panel in evaluation of Kahuku Public Library, 1996
Assisted with Kahuku Hospital Board Registration/Election, 1996
Room Mother for Kim Kamiya, Laie Elementary School, 1995-96


WSCUC Accreditation Team member training, 2016 to 2022
Workday Student, 2023 to present
UH-Manoa Assessment Leadership Institute, 2022
WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer Training 2015 to 2022
Association of Institutional Researchers, 2014
IPEDs training-2015
WASC Writing and Oral Communication Workshop, 2014
WASC Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Workshop,2012, 2014
RDA Training, 2012
CCLA, 2011 to 2013
WASC ARC Conference, 2007 to 2022
Library of Congress Subject Authorities Training, 2006
OCLC Connexion training, 2006
OCLC Digital Projects training, 2006
OZ training, 2005
SCCTP Integrating Resources Cataloging, 2005
OCLC Cataloging Transition workshop, 2005
OCLC CatME Cataloging workshop, 2004
Music Cataloging Workshop, 2003
Map Cataloging Workshop, 2003
Cartographic Materials Workshop, 2002
OCLC Training for CATME, 2002
Hawaii Library Association Annual Conference, 2002
Pacific Education Conference (PREL), Guam, 2001
Hawaii Library Association Annual Conference, 2001
OCLC Web ILL Workshop, 2001
Hawaii Association of Independent Colleges & Universities (HAICU) Annual meeting, 2001
CENSUS 2000 meeting for Chamorro and other Micronesian Islanders, 2001
Hawaii Library Association Annual Conference, 2000
Pacific Studies 2000: Honoring the past, creating the future Conference, 2000
National Pacific Islanders in America Conference, 2000
Computer Based Training Challenge, 2000
HAICU Annual Meeting, 1999
PIALA Conference, 1999
Out of Oceania: Diaspora, community, and identity Conference, 1999
Invitation to Dialogue II, WASC, 1999
Troubleshooting, fixing & upgrading PC’s for non-techies, 1999
SIRSI Training, 1999
Seminar on EBSCO Subscription Services, 1999
Moving Cultures Remaking Asia-Pacific Studies, 1998
Special Collections Special Connections: Hawaiian Quilt Patterns, 1998
CES Library Consortium Meeting, 1998
Special Libraries Association Hawaiian-Pacific Chapter Event, Jan. 17, 1997
Hawaii Library Association Business Meeting, March 16, 1997
Pioneers in the Pacific Conference, Oct. 7-11, 1997
Internet and WWW One day Conference, 1996
Hawaii Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (HAICU), April 1996
Alaska/Pacific Northwest Library Association Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska, August 1996
“The finer points of PRISM Cataloging” OCLC Pacific Workshop, March 24, 1995
“HINTS7 : Living in the global electronic village” cosponsored by Hawaii Information Network Corporation and Hawaii Library Association, March 29-30, 1995
“Searching the Online Union Catalog” OCLC Pacific Workshop, March 31, 1995
“Special K; or who is afraid of original cataloging?” OCLC Pacific Workshop, March 22, 1994
Hawaii Library Association Conference, March 25 & 26, 1994
Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA) ‘94 Conference, 1994.
Introduction to the internet workshop offered by the School of Library and Information Studies at UH-Manoa, November 12, 1994

CV Last Revised June 7,2024  

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